The war has to start, and the killing needs an excuse. Joseph gave a very good excuse for "the outbreak of conflict": "After the fleet arrives in the Java Sea, a large-scale conflict will erupt in West Kalimantan on time. We and the government of Gambia are on the island. Some industries invested by Shanghai will also be attacked by Indonesian government forces.

  At the time of the meeting, President Jawala will strongly condemn Indonesia’s barbaric acts for the first time. At the same time, he said that the meeting will use force to protect Gambia’s overseas interests and the safety of its nationals. At the same time, our propaganda agencies will keep up...

   Gambia investment?

   Yes, it really has a company investment in Indonesia, but the company is Zhang Nan’s, and the income is also Zhang Nan’s.

   As for the expatriates, there are also a few Gambian workers sent to Indonesia.

   Regarding this, Zhang Nan smiled. An obvious nonsense reason is to treat the whole world as an idiot, but such nonsense reasons are needed in the war.

   As long as it is a reason, it doesn't matter whether it is reasonable or not. The important thing is that you can let the whole world open its eyes and close its eyes, or else just wait for bad luck!

   Hearing this, Zhang Nan said to Xiang Weirong and Andre next to him: "This time Gambia is really going to do what it says once. It was a joke to level the Soviet Union at the beginning. It's really not a big problem to get down on Indonesia this time."

   Andre didn't say anything, but Xiang Weirong said with a serious face: "That Jawala is pitiful enough, so you don't want to make fun of him a few times. In other words, people are also people who can go to the United Nations to hold conferences and give speeches.

   The Americans will not trouble you. This will cause serious isolationism. It is enough to deal with Saddam’s no-fly zone. It is just to be careful when someone jumps out to scold you during a meeting in the United Nations. "

   "Just yell at it, and it doesn't hurt or itchy." Zhang Nan disapproved, "Anyway, nothing will come out of substance. It is not a day or two for self-treatment in central and southern Kalimantan.

   It’s too late for the waste secretary to avoid me. If the United Nations dares to chirp, I will let people block their doors and invite them to watch free movies every night. "

   The rogue is annoying, and a capable rogue is not just an annoying problem.

   Speaking of this, Zhang Nan motioned to Joseph to continue.

   Joseph continued: "After bombing Indonesian airports and seaports outside, there will also be large-scale conflicts in East Timor.

   Through the middleman, we have been supporting them for several years. Today, East Timor is no longer the weak chicken that starved to death more than 100,000 people in a blockade by Indonesian monkeys.

   As for the island of Sulawesi across the Makassar Strait from Kalimantan, we secretly supported the guerrillas there for some time.

   After destroying the Indonesian navy’s landing ship power in the second phase of the fleet, they will also take action. There is also the Aceh area in the northern part of Sumatra, which will automatically cooperate at that time.

  The Indonesian army will take care of this and lose the other, if they can organize an effective central command system by then.

   Just like the boss you just said, we will also use methods similar to Iraq’s no-fly zone. For a long time after the operation, our strategic air force will visit Indonesia when necessary.

   will also send troops to Kalimantan, including the air force.

The four provinces on the island of Kalimantan that belong to Indonesia will have a referendum as soon as possible after the Indonesian government and military forces have been completely expelled. As soon as the results come out, several countries actually controlled by the company will recognize Gary as soon as possible. Mandan’s new international status.

   If nothing else, East Timor will also gain independence at the same time, followed by Sulawesi and Aceh.

   In the densely populated areas of Sumatra, we have also made full preparations.

   Until the summer of tomorrow, at most one year, Indonesia will be completely dismembered! "

  At this time, Xiang Weirong interrupted: "There are many Chinese in places like Jakarta and Bandung. If there is a direct attack on the Chinese civilians by the Indonesian army on Java Island, how many preparations are there?"

   Joseph heard this and pressed the remote control in his hand a few times, and pictures of several airports on Kalimantan appeared on the display.

  "The airport will be the target to be occupied immediately after the operation begins. Most of the 15,000 ground troops are airlifted to these airports. The local alliance has prepared facilities for us to settle.

   Once a bad situation occurs in Jakarta and other places, the fleet will directly occupy Jakarta, so the United Nations has nothing to say!

The    fleet has 5 large tank landing ships, so it is not a problem to occupy the Jakarta port area.

   At the same time, two regiments of the troops on Kalimantan Island will cooperate with the airborne landing in Bandung and other places, and the Chinese community on Java Island has already received secret support from Kalimantan, and it is not without the ability to resist.

   At the same time, several bases in Africa will immediately airlift the reserve team to Java. If this happens, Indonesia will not only be dismembered. "

   Speaking of this, Joseph looked at Zhang Nan, "Boss, if the worst happens, there will be more people dead on Java Island than Rwanda, are you ready?"

   Zhang Nan split his mouth diagonally and said: "30 years ago, the Chinese died at least five or six hundred thousand. If the Indonesian monkeys dared to die this trip, I don't care whether the monkeys are dead or alive, just take them to pay off the debt.

   Moreover, the surname Su not only has to pay off his debts, the **** has done too much, and even his own interests are swallowed.

   This country is too rascal, and everyone comes up and down to take advantage of our company. At that time I will tell the US government that I am a capitalist, and capitalists are not bloodthirsty. "

  The time is right. As long as the United States does not jump out, no country will come out to substantially intervene in this operation, and there will be no sanctions.

   Everything comes from strength, like: In recent years, when has the world seen sanctions against the United States?

  Sunshine Star Group is now doing business with integrity on the one hand, on the other hand, it is even more rascal and unreasonable than the most rascal and domineering American doing things!

   For such a special existence, the international community really has nothing to do-to deal with the "sunshine stars", that is to provoke a powerful lunatic.

   Become friends with it, everyone benefits, and politicians who always only talk about benefits know how to choose.

   There are really politicians who have a hot mind and do not follow the rules, and the company will make him sober.

  犄角旮旮旮旮calling can be ignored;

   If you don’t have the strength to jump around, and you still have resources in your hand, you can make trouble;

   The powerful can kill individuals, or take the box to talk to others, and let those countries shut up!

   As for the United States, Indonesia has been demolished. At present, it seems that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

   The U.S. only talks about interests shamelessly. A complete and greedy Indonesia, but no Indonesia that is torn apart can be dealt with.

   It is easy to talk about business only after it is opened. There are so many islands that are rich in resources, not to mention the oil resources that the United States values ​​most.

  For oil, Washington can do everything!

Sunshine Star is an American company. Among its subsidiary mining groups, there are several companies registered in the United States that provide and rob oil for the United States. American capital groups applaud and support "Sunshine Star" in this reorganization of the map of the island countries around the Java Sea It's too late.

   Still the same sentence: There is a serious concern over there. Russia will say that I am very busy and have no time to pay attention to it, let alone say hello to old friends over there in advance.

   The United States will be waiting to take advantage after the incident broke out;

   France, the United Kingdom... are too far away, as long as they don't compromise their inherent interests in Indonesia, shout at most.

   Australia in the south?

   Don't take it seriously.

   The Philippines in the north?

   It has to worry about whether the Sarawak and Sabah states on Kalimantan Island will leave it in the future. It is also frightened that there is also a rich Brunei.

   As for Malaysia and Lijiapo across the South China Sea, it’s dispensable, Xiao Xiami.

  Vietnam, this monkey is relatively honest recently, and he always thinks about investing in the sun and stars. It's **** poor and crazy!

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