Everything is ready, only the east wind is owed, but somehow, Zhang Nan suddenly thought of the phrase "East wind, rain."

   It's a bit interesting, now I am a person who can decide when the east wind will come.

As for when is the best time, Zhang Nan doesn’t need to explain to anyone, but after Joseph introduced the company’s preparations, he said to Andre and Pavel: "Recently, the intelligence department has been paying more attention to Afghanistan. I think there will be a result of the warlord melee over there soon.

   The Taliban have gone from less than a thousand people to the current 30,000 troops in just one year. The fighting power in that area can be considered amazing.

   I estimate that at most three or five months, they will march towards Kabul, and the chaotic gang of warlords in Afghanistan can't stop it.

   Such an extreme guy comes on stage, that place must be very lively. "

   "Boss, Afghanistan is not a good place." Pavel said.

   The Red Devil, I know Afghanistan too well. Apart from poverty, wars, and killings, there is nothing else to do. My company should be as far away as possible!

   "Don't worry, I don't want to go to that ghost place in my whole life." Zhang Nan said, "Even in Afghanistan, our goal of doing things is relatively small."

  Afghanistan, changing a regime at the corner of the corner will definitely not have as much influence as dismembering Indonesia. Acting with one's own side is a cover that is better than nothing. Everyone understands this.

   In fact, Zhang Nan was waiting for another thing in his heart: Someone seems to put a big bomb in the United States in the first half of this year. I can't remember the specific time, but it should be in the spring.

   It has something to do with my own company. The year before last, I helped the Tobacco, Alcohol, Firearms, and Explosives Administration (ATF) in private to get rid of a bunch of crooked necks. This allowed ATF to successfully overcome the difficulties, and the united forces won friendship.

   But this incident has sequelae, this year there may be lunatics starting a fire fight for that incident!

  The artillery battle is not on his own head, and the siege and assault on the farm are all done by the ATF in public information.

   Of course, the final outcome of the farm crooked neck incident is different from the original version. It is also a question of whether the big firecracker in this country will be fired this year.

   does not ring?

   doesn't matter, at most, the pressure on my side is more in public opinion.

   "The time for hope to ring is just right. American society only cares about what is happening at home, and external affairs will not care about others' life or death." Zhang Nan thought.

   The Taliban walked onto the stage of history silently. There were only 800 people when it was established early last year. Not to mention the international community, the gang of Afghan warlords did not take it seriously.

   Apart from Zhang Nan, no one knows how much influence and trouble that organization will bring to the world in the next few decades!

  Since the Soviet army withdrew from Afghanistan, that piece of land has not stopped a few years ago, and it has been fighting.

   In the past year, the Taliban used the banner of "eradicating warlords and rebuilding the country" to fight for territory, and they also put forward proposals for opposing corruption and restoring commerce.

   It is said that he is also disciplined and brave in combat. At present, he has won the support of many Afghan civilians and his strength has expanded dramatically.

  A year of work, 8 to 30,000, tanks have three digits, and dozens of air force fighters!


   After the meeting, the bodyguards brought a dozen sets of special clothes.

   full-body chemical protective clothing, each person also distributed a quick syringe just in case.

With the help of others, they were neatly dressed and checked correctly. Everyone boarded several battery cars in the underground base as a means of transportation. They walked along the quite spacious underground passage and passed through several extremely heavy sealed explosion-proof gates. Zhang Nan and others entered A long underground warehouse.

   The underground works excavated by the engineers were strong enough, and in this underground warehouse, on a special bracket, a container similar to a large oil barrel lay horizontally.

The    barrel is khaki, and the word on it is in Russian. The liquid in each barrel weighs 50 kilograms, and there are 200 in this warehouse alone!

   These are just containers, not weapons, but as long as one is transported into Manhattan, a hand grenade is tied to the barrel to explode/detonate...

   The entire Manhattan should become hell!

   This is one of Zhang Nan's cards. The Soviet version of the VX nerve agent is slightly different from the American version of VX, but the toxicity is the same, and it is even worse.

People who enter here are equipped with poison detectors. The warehouse itself and the pipelines of China Unicom also have complete detection alarms, automatic emergency decontamination, forced safety ventilation, and high-temperature disinfection systems. However, wearing protective clothing is a precautionary rule. .

   The protective suit is a bit stuffy, and the sound from the microphone is also a bit strange.

   Zhang Nan's rubber gloved hand touched one of the barrels a few times, and asked the people on the side: "How long can these barrels be stored safely?"

   "The absolute safety time is still forty years, and each barrel is slightly different, but the difference is not big.

   There will be no leakage in the next 20 years, but it must be recanned or incinerated.

   It is also possible to dig a deep well of several hundred meters to pour cement and bury it. It is handled well, and it will not leak for thousands of years. "

   The person next to him replied, this sounds awkward, but these barrels are fairly strong.

   took out the dispensed syringe from his pocket. I just said how to use it: remove the protective cap and stick it directly on the thigh, regardless of the isolation of the protective clothing.

   pierced to wear.

"Some time ago, someone told me a movie script. I plan to shoot it in the second half of the year. It is related to this nerve agent~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There is a very interesting section in the script. It is said that once VX is inhaled, the antidote will go to the heart. Punch, the needle will be very long."

   "Brave to Death Island", the needle looked a bit awkward "at the beginning".

   This is Joseph who can talk, and said to his boss: "That's a movie, I guess it must be scary enough, boss.

  VX has an antidote. Once poisoned, symptoms will appear in a few seconds, such as drooling, pupil contraction, chest tightness, blurred vision, nausea, and convulsions.

   If you don’t inject the antidote immediately, you will lose consciousness in the next ten seconds, and then you will die.

   But according to the blood circulation speed of the human body, there is no need to pierce the heart with a needle, otherwise the average person will be so dry and not poisoned to death. It is estimated that he will be pierced to death first.

   Just stick it on the thigh. Once you find it’s wrong, you can finish it in a few seconds. Take it out, remove the protective cover, and stick it on your leg. It’s very simple.

After   , even if he loses consciousness, he will wake up soon. If there is no antidote within ten to fifteen seconds after the symptoms of poisoning develops, it is definitely dead! "

   After listening to the introduction, Zhang Nan took the small quick syringe in his hand to the front of the mask glass, and took a closer look, "Is this atropine?"

   Joseph said: "It is a compound antidote, that is, atropine plus chloride to dissolve phosphorus. One shot will kill you.

   Of course, it's just normal battlefield poisoning and detoxification. If the measurement is too large, for example, it happens to be on the side of an explosive poison shell, the skin is exposed to a large area, and the respiratory tract is flooded, then the antidote is useless. "

   That's called the hapless fighter, no one can save it.



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