"Antique dealer's treasure hunt ( to find the latest chapter!

There will be no pie in the sky. If there is, it must be a bait carefully put in for you by others.

Even if this "you" is not specially tailored for you, but if you become this "you", you still have to rush to get there by yourself. It is definitely not that pleasant!

Controlling a super group for many years, Nicole has long formed the habit of unchanging Taishan collapse, but that is when facing outsiders.

In front of her own man, Nicole seemed a little angry at this meeting. In Huaxia's language, she was licking geese all day long, but was pecked by them.

It can also be called: the ship capsized in the gutter!

Seeing the stewardess like this, Zhang Nan smiled and persuaded: "If you can't be angry, everyone will make mistakes, and the gods can't do it and don't make mistakes."

With that, he picked up the file and nodded the name of the owner of the mine-laying company above.

"When you met me, this named Walsh had good luck, otherwise it will be rotten in the rainforest of Kalimantan after a while, or you will be asked to throw it into the sea to feed the fish."

"No, I will let Eliza skin him, and his two partners Feldhof and Guzman!"

With that said, Nicole glanced at Eliza Korykova on one side.

"I am happy to help, ma'am."

The Syrah beauty made people shudder with a shuddering smile. Ever since she skinned the beasts who made death movies in Germany, she has been known for her skill in skinning people.

Zhang Nan shook his head and said, "Don't be so angry, and hope that the three guys will help us make some pocket money. If we die, we won't have to play.

If you want to pick up the skin, then you have to wait for Kalimantan to be taken, so that this scam can make us enough pocket money by the way..."

Looking at the housekeeper’s still angry face, he said, “Don’t treat the mosquito’s legs as meat. A $100 or 200 million is about the same as the one for nothing. Don’t let it go.

Tell you a fun story to calm down..."

In Canada a few years ago, the owner of a mining company named Walsh was in deep financial crisis. The guy was a stockbroker, but he was an unfamiliar one. He wanted to make a fortune and switched to mining.

As a result, every other line was like a mountain, and within a few years he made himself very indebted.

In fact, as early as the end of the 1980s, Walsh, who was proficient in financial market rules, came back to his senses: If you want to make big money quickly, you still need to rely on operating capital. Capital can collect money much faster than doing business!

In 1989, this Walsh successfully listed his mine mine mining company through some operations. He was good at it, but the mining business was bleak, and the company's stock was dragged into junk stocks.

The mining company does not have a decent mine, and mining everywhere does not create any profits. It is only strange that the stocks do not become rubbish!

Investors are not stupid.

In 1992, the fourth year of Bray's listing, Walsh, who was heavily indebted, was like an ant on a hot pot, in a hurry.

"...At that time, like Walsh, and Guzman, a geologist from the Philippines.

This guy is well-known in the industry in Southeast Asia, has explored many mineral deposits, and he especially likes women.

There are four legal wives, and there are a lot of lovers.

As a result, I didn’t have enough money to spend, and had to embezzle the company’s public funds. In the end, I was expelled from the company, and my reputation in the industry was also bad.

This report only talks about the current situation of the Bray Company. It didn't reveal the black history of the company's chief prospector, and it was eager for quick success. "

Hearing this, Nicole called an assistant of her own: "Tell the mining group to check and find out why this is ignored."

There is no need to explain what the explanation is, the group rules are there.

From verbal warning, next correction, or transfer of position, heavy responsibility...

The world has evaporated!

Mo's personal work mistakes, whether accidentally or intentionally, can cause huge losses to the company.

Capital does not support idlers.

Here Zhang Nan continued: "This Guzman family has four wives and a group of children to raise, and there are a bunch of lovers outside and more children to raise, and they are unemployed. What should I do?"

Nicole didn't get angry anymore, and gave him a big roll of eyes: Men are just a virtue, the difference is that their men are invincible in making money!

I didn’t ask how Zhang Nan knew this. It’s amazing to know that his own man has this ability. I have been used to it for so many years.

In fact, Zhang Nan had forgotten these trivial things a long time ago. Just now, after carefully reading the materials in his hand, comparing the contents, names and relationships among the characters, he remembered a little bit.

Well, the century gold mine big scam, I have read the detailed introduction, it is out of nothing, the gold trio is very famous.

Automatically ignoring the housekeeper’s big eyes, Zhang Nan flipped through the materials in his hand and said: “Here, it is said that Walsh used his old friend Feldhofer in 1993 to find the latter’s old friend in Southeast Asia. Guzman.

A very good combination, Guzman is responsible for finding the location of the minerals, Feldhofer is responsible for the subsequent exploration, and Walsh is raising funds everywhere to provide financial support, plus capital operations.

In particular, this Guzman has a little brain, the Filipino's brain is obviously better than the Canadian, and he makes good use of some legends of Kalimantan.

It is said that Dutch missionaries in the 16th century discovered golden sands in the core area of ​​the island, which is the core area of ​​the tropical jungle. Even if they believe that there are gold mines underground, not many people would risk finding a needle in a haystack.

Green hell, and Kalimantan is too big.

Others don't want to try, they are willing, and it's a big deal to mix a little sand into the broken rock sample.

There is no need to actually mine the mine ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The good news alone will cause the stock to skyrocket and then cash out. "

"I can wear it," Nicole said.

Zhang Nan smiled and said: "If you wear a gang, you can wear a gang. Prepare a scapegoat in advance, and you will bear the responsibility of cheating in the mine. In the end, you will have no evidence.

For example, throwing a corpse with a suicide note from the sky into the jungle, taking all the responsibilities, whether it is real or fake death, is just a cutscene.

As for Western society, if there is no conclusive evidence, and someone is liable, it will be considered as a scam to stop them and finally get out of the way, and the law can't do anything to that Walsh and his friend. "

Return the document to Nicole, "It's just a small matter, and it won't affect our Southeast Asia strategy.

I will be in Botswana when the plan starts, do you want to be together?"

"I have to stay in New York. If you do that, the financial market will fluctuate violently in a short period of time. I don't worry about it in other places."

This matter saw Guan Xingquan and Andre walking into the restaurant, Nicole stopped talking, she saw that there was something wrong with the two of them.

Boss Guan went to play battlefield archeology early in the morning. This would appear in the restaurant. It would not be another major discovery, just like making a phone call.

There must be other important things.

Sure enough, Andre said: "Boss, there was a chemical weapon attack on the Tokyo subway more than an hour ago. Those of us who were there thought it might be Sarin.

You said earlier that the sarin terrorist attack by the little devil will continue, and the prediction is completely correct. "

Zhang Nan rubbed the corner of his right eye and said, "The more violent the noise, the better. It can be regarded as a distraction for us in advance.

It's just a pity. In fact, those lunatics pour poison into the sprinklers, and the effect of washing the floor in the downtown area during the rush hour will be better.

I remember that there was a traffic light at an intersection in Tokyo that would pass three or four thousand people, and the water spilled all the way..."

It's really creative.

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