The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1910: It's really time to explode

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Using a sprinkler to spread the poison is obviously the most suitable trick for the crooked-necked lunatics of the little devil to launch a terrorist attack, especially in an ultra-populated area like Tokyo.

As for the intersection mentioned by Zhang Nan is on the Shibuya street in Tokyo, it is said that the daily flow of people at a single intersection is as high as 2.5 million!

Not to mention the special congestion period, during the daily rush hour alone, there are 4500 to 5500 people flowing through the intersection at a single traffic light!

Three or four thousand, but also said to be small.

When I visited an underground base in Botswana last time, I talked about the terror of the sarin attack by the little devil, and I also knew that the lunatic Asahara was responsible for it.

Calculated by time difference, the local traffic evening rush has not officially started when the attack occurred today, and the Tokyo subway's congestion that has to be pushed by people usually appears during the morning rush hour.

The level of congestion, Tokyo’s evening peak is less than the morning peak.

Because in the Tokyo metropolitan area with a population of more than 30 million, companies and companies have different off hours, and some social animals have to work overtime habitually, and they are constantly busy.

Many social animals will gather for a meal, drink a small wine, K song and so on after get off work, and the peak is naturally diverted.

As for why "this time" did not choose more people and canned sardines in the morning rush hour, God knows the reason, or it may be that the Aum Shinrikyo group worried that there were too many people in the morning rush hour, and they were squeezed inside and couldn't get out. Come, be stupidly poisoned to death.

"Are there any casualties among our people in Tokyo?" Zhang Nan asked Andre.

Once Sarin is released, it doesn't matter who you are.

"I haven't received a report for the time being, but the probability is not high. The group's subsidiaries in Tokyo usually leave work after six o'clock this season. It is estimated that they were still working when the attack occurred."

After listening to Mr. Colonel, Nicole said to him: "You are referring to the institutions we dispatched. Those companies and enterprises acquired may have very few people in the subway system.

However, ordinary employees who will squeeze the subway have no impact on the business.

Andre, how many points did the attack total?"

Nicole is the housekeeper of the world's largest private capital group. In her eyes, the core members of the group are family members, and the backbone has a great role. As for the countless ordinary employees on the outside, they are just consumables.

Capitalists, they all think this way.

No one is indispensable as a part-timer. Anyone who is missing will be replaced. Anyway, there will never be a shortage of part-time workers in this world, especially in a super metropolis like Tokyo, where it is not easy to find a job.

Regarding the question of the proprietress, Andre said: "There are currently five trains known to have been attacked on different lines, and the number may increase."

"What method did that Aum Shinrikyo use to disperse the poison?" Zhang Nan asked.

"It's not clear for the time being, but it is not an explosive spread. It is possible that the container evaporates naturally, otherwise the casualties will be greater.

Boss, the Tokyo Metro will not kill a few people this time, at most it will be injured by a few thousand. There are quite a few people in the subway at this point in Tokyo.

With reference to the previous attack, the purity of all sarins of Aum Shinrikyo should be very low, with primitive technical methods. "

Andre said with certainty in the second half that he knew Sarin very well. If it was a military grade, the casualties in the last attack would be much worse!

Suddenly thinking of something, Zhang Nan said to Guan Xingquan: "Brother Guan, did Jingzi go back to the United States?"

Boss Guan is a bit speechless...

Before he had time to answer, Zhang Nan gave Zhang Nan a big-eyed Nicole and said, "I went back to Los Angeles last week. You man, you are not qualified!"

You have to ask others where your own woman is, if you say it fits or not!

There is no way, there are more women, and many of them are flying all over the world. We can't completely blame Zhang Nan for asking others on this issue.

Guan Xingquan pulled a chair and sat down. Instead of saying Sawaguchi Yasuko, he said, "You should ask Charlie if she has any questions. She has been in Tokyo these two days."

"Why is she going to Tokyo?"

Zhang Nan didn't ask Charlize Theron if it was dangerous, because if so, Guan Xingquan and Andre would have said it a while ago, and that girl hadn't taken the subway for many years.

"I said I went to Dongbao, but I don't know the specifics.

I have already contacted. She and her bodyguards were shopping in Ginza at the time of the incident, a few tens of meters from the exit of the subway station where one of the attacked subways stopped.

She had already returned to the hotel under the group. The little devil police and medical staff were inexperienced. At first, she didn't know what happened to the thousands of people who ran out of the subway station.

Or was a bodyguard next to Charlie passing by, reminding them that this might be a chemical attack..."

Of course, Guan Xingquan doesn't know exactly what Charlie is doing in Tokyo. She is already a big girl, and she is not exactly a lady in a vase. It's okay. Apart from acting, she also has a little fashion side business.

Charlize Theron will also make money for the family.


The Tokyo Sarin attack seems to be just an episode in this world, but many countries have noticed the danger, especially Washington.

A few days later, as the details of the terrorist attack continued to be disclosed, those who followed the matter discovered that the sarin produced in the "local chemical plant" was of poor purity, and it was still spread by natural leaks that evaporate slowly.

But even so, 18 people were killed and more than 5,000 people were poisoned.

Many people think of a question: If it is high-purity military sarin or even VX nerve agent, what kind of casualties will it cause if blasting is used in densely populated areas in large cities?

A small subway poison attack, coupled with extensions and calculations, is chilling!

Who has Sarin and who has VX?

Others don't know if there is Washington DC, but they understand that Zhang Nan is 100%, and the number will not be small.

After Zhang Nan returned to the United States in mid-April, President Zipper went to Long Island as a private visitor and chatted about the Tokyo subway incident.

Zhang Nan grinned: "If a lunatic blows up two gas barrel-sized VX cylinders in Manhattan, half of New York will be a dead city.

I said Bill, Washington and that bunch of intelligence agencies should guard against such lunatics.

Don’t forget the gang of Texas lunatics that we helped to kill at this time the year before last. If they had Sarin in their hands, they would probably be even more mad than the little devil gang...

What's that date?

By the way, on April 19, it will be exactly two years to tomorrow. "

In this regard, President Zipper expressed his complete agreement.

That night the president and his wife lived with the president’s security team in the super estate of Allen’s home on Long Island, and the plan was to stay for two to relax on vacation. The security of this place is stricter than that of the White House!

Stay here, safe.

It was agreed that they were fishing early the next morning, and the two people met at nine in the morning.

If you don't go out to sea, fish for snappers on the seaside trestle.

A few people just started to fish, and not far behind, the security director of the Presidential Guard who was chatting with Lin Ming, the manor guard on duty that day, heard a message in the headset.

At the same time, Lin Ming heard something special in his headphones.

The two walked towards their bosses, whispering...

Good guy, Zhang Nan and President Zipper looked at each other.

"It seems..."

As soon as Bill spoke, Zhang Nan answered: "You can't catch your fish today, Oklahoma?

My friend, I think it's a coincidence today. I thought of something. It just happened to be the second anniversary of the Waco incident. My judgment has always been more wise. "

Bill got up from his fishing chair and said, "We just mentioned it yesterday, and I also feel this way, but it seems that I have to go fishing again next time..."

The president hurried away.

Just now, the Federal Building in Oklahoma was blown up!

The bomb is so powerful that the content of the news obtained through different channels on both sides is actually the same: the loss was heavy, and the building fell in half.

Bill once again saw the horror of Sunshine Star Group. For such domestic news, the time his boss received the information was the same as that of his president!


Bill estimated that he was wrong. Andre knew about it 10 minutes ago and notified Lin Ming to let him figure it out.

Earlier than Washington, it's not good.

But let's blow it up, Zhang Nan thinks it's good!

Zhang Nan also took the fishing rod.

"When I go to Botswana the day after tomorrow, the fleet will soon reach the Java Sea, and then I will feel at ease."

It's really time to explode!

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