The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1913: Fleet strength

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Although the service time was not long, the disintegration of the Soviet Union caused the first three Kirov-class battlecruisers to be quickly idled, and the state of the previous years was a bit bad.

But now it has already been modified from the inside to the outside. To put it bluntly, it is completely reborn with the invincible Jinyuan tactics, and it can serve for decades!

As long as there were US dollars in the first two years, regardless of whether it was Russia or Ukraine, those equipment manufacturers could unite again.

It's a pity for the big and small people. In recent years, neither Russia nor Ukraine has enough dollars. Otherwise, under the stimulation of unlimited gold, "Varyag" may be able to get it in the Black Sea shipyard. Rebirth.

If he has money, the comrade factory director may not have to utter the sigh of the century, and he will not be dug into the wall. This will make a huge pension in the newly built shipyard in Gambia.

Completely overhauled, a small amount of unnecessary equipment was removed, and the entire ship’s air conditioning system was deliberately re-planned to increase the cooling power. This would make the bridge cool and pleasant, otherwise the crew would have to be heated for long-term activities in the tropics. It's impossible!

The powerful anti-ship, air defense, and anti-submarine capabilities are all retained, and the air-to-air missiles have been replaced with the latest improved versions. The two AK-100 main guns at the stern have been replaced with single-seat double-barreled AK-130s. This is this ship. The biggest appearance change of the Kirov-class first ship.

Most of the more than 700 crew members came from the original Red Navy, including the Navy Rear Admiral Alexander Petrovich who would be on board.

The name of the ship was changed, or just last month, the "Avenger".

Few people in the fleet knew why such a strange name had to be changed. Whose revenge is this? What's the point? Is it just a whim from the boss?

Starting from the name of the ship, everyone knows that this "Gambian Navy", which is properly ranked in the top five in the world, is just the owner's private fleet. It is not too wrong to say that it is a big toy. He is what he says.

The weird navy and even more weird fleet, the annual maintenance and operation costs far exceed the Gambia's national economic production value, its existence is only...

Happy boss!

The boss is happy, and the entire "Gambia Navy" is also happy. From private to general, you must know that the annual salary of everyone in this fleet is higher than that of American naval counterparts.

In recent years, it is not easy to have a good high-paying job, especially for this group of people originally from the Red Navy.

Not to mention that in accordance with international practice, under normal circumstances, as long as the ship's engine is turned on during the long voyage of the fleet, the subsidy for going to sea will begin to be calculated.

The calculation standards for territorial waters and territorial waters are different. On an hourly basis, the berthing time is half of the cruise time subsidy.

After a voyage around the world, the amount of extra subsidy will be more than a year's salary!

Sailors like to sail, the officers even more, work hard, but this is a real benefit.

In the fleets of some countries, in order to compete for the number of voyages in peacetime, it is said that the captains of the same type have appeared in the selection business competition. From the shipboard business competition of each ship to the meeting room after the captains have a meeting. , The whole martial arts event was directly staged on the venue.

The captain is the hero of the whole ship if he can win the spot, and the whole ship is immediately unanimous, only Mr. Captain is looking forward to it!

If under the same conditions, they couldn't even compete for a long voyage place, such a captain would at least be looked down upon by the officers and soldiers of the entire ship behind the scenes, and this team would not be easy to lead.

In fact, for long-distance missions, captains value more than their officers and sailors. Money is still a trivial matter, but this is qualifications-voyage, which means that it will be easier to get promoted, raise salary, and get promoted in the future!

For Sergei Ivanovic, who will look at the route ahead, raising his rank is a joke. Money comes second, and fulfilling the long-cherished dream of an old sailor is the first!

Really fight!

If you haven't fought a war, your military career will not be perfect!

This will be followed by the same class ships "Sunshine" and "Star" behind the "Avenger", which are the original "Frunze" and "Kaliningn", and then the glorious-class cruiser "Komsomolsk" will follow. Member" number.

The Glory-class ship did not change its name, but used the name given to it during the Red Navy era, which is good for fortune-telling in the eyes of Captain Alexander.

As for why the name of the "Kommun Youth League Member" was not changed, the colonel knew the reason, but it was because of the boss.

When the boss inspected the fleet last time, he received all the captains of the capital ships. He said, "I used to be a member of the Communist Youth League. I have been a member of the Communist Youth League since I was 14 years old. I like this name."

Further to the rear are two huge Ivan Rogov-class landing ships, which the Russian Navy cannot afford to support, and naturally they are goods that can be sold at will.

There is also the Soviet Union’s only large-scale integrated supply ship "Berezin River", which has also experienced a rebirth from the unattended side of the Sevastopol Coal Terminal on the Crimea Peninsula.

There is also a long list of landing ships, oil tankers, supply ships, transport ships, and ro-ro ships. What is postponed is a group of 1135 frigates plus three other modern-class large destroyers.

There are five Hyundai-class ships in the fleet, which were originally abandoned and dismantled. They were all bought by the boss and refitted.

It seems weird. After thinking about it, it was refitted reasonably. All P-270 supersonic anti-ship missiles were dismantled and replaced with a new launch nest with 12 KH-55 cruise missiles on one side.

The "Gambia Fleet" does not need to use P-270 supersonic anti-ship missiles, and it does not need it to make an assassin-style hit against the US aircraft carrier formation, but it is almost equivalent to a suicide attack.

Three times the number of KH-55 cruise missiles allow it to have a near-strategic level of long-range land attack capability, while retaining sufficient anti-ship deterrence capabilities for the navies of other medium-sized countries.

The KH-55 cruise missile is similar to the U.S. "Tomahawk" for land, and the anti-ship type is similar to the "Harpoon", which is sufficient for common opponents.

The mighty fleet has come all the way to attract the world's attention. In Alexander's memory, it seems that an armed cruise of this scale has never been seen in the history of the Red Navy after World War II.

What can be seen in the fleet is a large-scale surface fleet. Under water, there are 5 nuclear submarines, of which three are brand new and modified 971 modified attack nuclear submarines with titanium alloy structure ~ ~ NATO said It is the "improved Acura".

The other two are Type 945 attack nuclear submarines, which NATO calls the "Serra" class, and some are dubbed the "Goldfish" class.

Five attack nuclear submarines, five veritable "goldfish", are scary to death. Their pressure-resistant shells can quickly catch up with the same weight of gold.

Even if it is an exaggeration, only gods like the boss don't care about the money, and there is a hard-core relationship that can be "rented".

It is also because of these five submarines that a large number of factories, engineers, and skilled workers related to the nuclear submarine industry left over from the Soviet Union have been fed by these five submarines in the previous two years, but now many of those people have gone to the owner's site in Africa.

There is no need to build a new boat. Someone must maintain it.

The basic industries in southern Africa are developing at a high speed, and the shipbuilding industry needs sufficient accumulation, and long-term plans are also needed. Those Russian engineers, experts, and skilled workers will be the seeds.

Those five invisible nuclear submarines will not enter the small pond of the Java Sea. They will cruise along the line from the East Indian Ocean to the East Timor Sea, as well as the Sulawesi Sea and the southern part of the South China Sea. They will ensure the safety of the fleet’s periphery. With the arrogant Australia who is easy to get rid of the brain.

Five offensive nuclear submarines with superior offensive power, any of them have the ability to become a nightmare of the aircraft carrier formation. This security guarantee is both reliable and safe.

There are also submarines in the fleet. Two old Type 641 large submarines, two Type 877 and one Type 636 new submarine have entered the Java Sea before the fleet.

The fleet sails regardless of cost. This will leave a group of small frigates and guided missile boats at the base in Gambia.

There is enough to take care of the hometown, and there is no country to find trouble anyway.

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