The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1914: A small gift that can solve 1 trouble

The    fleet passed the Sunda Strait smoothly, and soon all turned eastward towards Jakarta.

The island of Java is looming near the sea horizon on the port side. The combat command room reported a new radar discovery, and an Indonesian navy patrol plane approached itself from an altitude of 3,500 meters.

"Notify the fleet to ignore it, it's time to go back later."

The location of the Fleet Club is on the high seas, and one can sail freely. Indonesian aircraft can naturally watch the excitement.

This kind of treatment has been enjoyed in the Indian Ocean. The French frigate was even observing several nautical miles away at the time, but the destroyer sent by our side to drive was ecstatic!

It was Major General Alexander Petrovich, the Fleet Commander who had just sneaked up to the bridge, who also put on the former Red Navy uniform.

Although the Gambia navy uniform designed by the company is suitable for tropical wear, the style and fabric are also pleasing to the eye, but it is still the red navy summer uniform.

Just flew over a propeller plane to watch the excitement. The Indonesian patrol plane didn't have all-weather modern observation equipment at all. It just looked like it.

"Comrade General, there is no new news from the headquarters?" the captain Sergei Ivanovic asked on the side.

"It should be soon, I guess it might be before dawn tomorrow.

I can’t sleep peacefully tonight. I’ll take a break soon and I’ll be busy after receiving the order. "

Sergey smiled, and then said: "In the words of the boss, this is a sledgehammer."

"The tiger fights the rabbit with all its strength, don't be careless!"

Sergey squeezed, "Yes, Comrade Commander!"

Since a few days ago, Indonesia has become very lively, and Yaqi in the west shouted and yelled to live by himself, and fought with the Indonesian government forces.

East Timor, the far east, is even more powerful. Recently, the fighting power has exploded, and the Indonesian government forces have been defeated steadily.

Chaos appeared in many areas of Kalimantan in the north, and there were signs of danger in many areas. Even some of the group's investment projects there were attacked by unidentified militants.

Fortunately, not many people have died so far...

As the captain of the flagship, Sergey knew that this voyage was not as simple as an armed parade. He was really here to fight!

As the commander of the fleet, Alexander knows more and understands all the secrets: any unidentified militants are nonsense!

For war, there needs to be a proper reason.

By tomorrow, the identity of those unidentified militants will be made public, and they are really part of the Indonesian regular army!

It was just bought out, not by the group, but by the locals.

Pretend to be a hit, then there is a suitable reason here!

The boss wanted the first batch of cruise missiles to directly destroy other people’s presidential palace, military command, and military command. The first batch of medium- and short-range air-to-surface anti-ship missiles was to completely destroy all of the Indonesian navy’s high-class warships. .

As for its three air bases where F-16, F-5 and A-4 attack aircraft are deployed, they will be given special care.

The elegant "pirate flag" will let the Indonesian Air Force know what **** is!

At 9:30 am East Coast time, Zhang Nan, who was in the old nest of Botswana, received a satellite transfer call from Washington.

At this time, Zhang Nan would not be foolish to hold a satellite phone to "hey hey hey", but he didn't want to be located.

Above his head is a solid granite rock layer a few hundred meters thick, even if a million-ton nuclear bomb hits him directly.

Things will happen in less than ten hours, so they have to be cautious temporarily, so that some people don't know the situation and make a bad move. When they understand the situation, there is no room for recovery, and they regret that they have not bought the medicine!

As soon as I answered the phone, it was Bill that guy.

"Ellen, are you crazy?" The mouth was a little rushing, completely devoid of the usual politicians' nonsense.

"I said my friend, how do you talk?" The tone here is not good.

Between courtesy and reciprocity, Zhang Nan is a master who eats soft but not hard.

"The intelligence agency told me that the situation in Indonesia is most likely that you are pushing behind the scenes, and according to the prediction, your strange fleet is definitely not passing there by chance!

You are going to fight against the friends of the United States, why?...

If this happens, not only our enemies in the country will take the opportunity to roar, but even our friends may split. It will be difficult for me to do..."

Mr. President said a lot. Some hawks in the high-level Americans have seen Zhang Nan as an outsider upset, including many members of the military. Everyone knows this well.

Bill said a lot and seemed to be warning Zhang Nan, but in fact...

There is something in the words, this is for Zhang Nan to advise him on how to face this unpredictable situation in the future.

This is a hurdle. The hurdle that Sunshine Star Group will face is also the hurdle faced by the current president as an ally.

In the past, Sunshine Star will continue to grow smoothly and smoothly for a long time, and no one will dare to mess with it for a period of time;

Mr. President, seeking re-election will be relatively simple.

If you can't make it through, it's a chicken feather, and it will be troublesome for a long time!

"Are you in the office?" Zhang Nan asked when he was finished.


"Wait for two minutes, I'll call you later."

After speaking, regardless of whether the other party agrees or not, just hang up the phone.

This was in a war room inside the underground fortifications. Zhang Nan answered the phone, his brother-in-law Xiang Weirong, and also about Xingquan, Thomas, and Andre were actually listening with connected headphones.

Hung up the phone and looked at his brother-in-law.

Xiang Weirong said: "He is giving you a question, and he is also blaming. I hope you can give him an explanation that can be explained.

I think it's time to give him the prepared gift. "

Looking at the others, they nodded.

Picking up the phone and dialing a number on Long Island Manor, it was Nicole who answered the phone.

"Bill has called and will give him a gift soon."

"I won't go to Manhattan these two days, I will direct the securities and futures operations at home, and the operations and think tank teams are also here."

I didn’t say anything else, old couples and old wives, they all understand what they mean: I don’t have to worry about this, you say you want to send it, then send it, don’t hesitate!

Through anger, the same housekeeper hung up the phone and said to Guan Xingquan: "Brother Guan, notify Karimi to deliver."

Boss Guan nodded, dialed a number on another telephone, and said a few words.

When he hung up, Zhang Nan called the Oval Office of the White House here: “Bill, in about five minutes, my personal bodyguard Karimi and Mark will send a gift to the White House. You need to receive it in person. It’s a big deal. suitcase.

You know both of you. Tell the security of the White House not to stop them. The less people you can see in the things, the more troublesome you will be. It will make you, the president, be troubled!

It's best to ask your security supervisor to inspect the goods, they will leave after you have received the things in your own hands...


Don't worry, it won't blow up the White House. You have to explain to the top Americans, and that box will give you a satisfactory solution.

That's it, my friend, they should be coming soon. "

After speaking, hung up the phone.

Mr. President in the White House felt that something was wrong, and his security chief was nearby, and he immediately asked him to take people to the guard post at the door to pick them up.

The fewer people you see, the better. This is definitely not a joke, because Allen never jokes on important issues!

Ten minutes later, the giant Mark, carrying a black suitcase-like suitcase, walked into the security room with Karimi.

The White House presidential security director left only the core of the six presidential guards to ensure safety and motioned for Karimi to open the box.

Seeing these guys very nervous, Karimi smiled and said, "Relax guys, it's not that you don't know each other. Mark and I didn't bring weapons. It won't kill you.


Or please relax. The fewer things in this box, the better. Are you sure you want to watch it all?"

The security chief thought for a while, and asked four of them to go outside, leaving only three on his side.

" This is the basic requirement, and the closed-circuit television has been turned off.

The president has given me an order to bring whatever is in the box to him. "

"Mark, open the box." Karimi said.

After opening the two locks, ten seconds later, three people in the house could see their hearts in their throats!

Outside, the security chief spoke with the president through a confidential internal line, explaining the situation in detail, and after receiving a clear order again, he returned to the security check room again.

After 10 minutes, the president saw what the box was in his office.

"Mr. President, this is a small gift from our boss.

It is very small, weighs 30 kilograms with a box, and has an equivalent of 500 tons. It should be able to help you solve your current problems.

Inside the file bag are instructions for use. Okay, the gift has been delivered. Goodbye! "

After speaking, Karimi and Mark are leaving.

The security chief stretched out his hand to block, the president waved his hand, motioning for them to leave freely.

After watching Karimi and Mark walk out of the soundproof door, the president seemed to say something to himself: "My friend, this gift you gave me...

It can really solve all the troubles! "

All the enemies in the United States before, as long as they are qualified to know this box, who would dare to say to deal with Alan and his Sunshine Star Group in the future!

Nuclear peace and peace are equal.

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