The Trembling World

Chapter 774: Control

Although the front gate squad is more numerous, its combat effectiveness is much worse than that of the side gate squad. Under the pressure of Mint, they launched several rounds of impacts on the main gate, but they had little effect and did not pose any threat to the main gate defense line.

"Brother Liu, kill yourself to save people! I'll give you a break here!" Mo Fan said to Liu Qian, jumped into the machine gun fortress, took Liu Qian's heavy machine gun to the other hiding enemy Anger shot in the past.

It feels so good to even smash the bunker with the target! This is the only way to stimulate the game! Mo Fan was very glad to follow Liu Qian and rushed over. If she escaped just now, she would not be so enjoyable.

Liu Qian jumped down from the machine gun sentry post, and dived deep into the Holy Sword camp according to the direction of the magic cabinet in the induction. But within a few steps, Liu Qian's feet suddenly exploded violently, flying him directly to a height of more than ten meters and then falling down.

The power of the explosion was very strong. Several nearby steel-framed structures were collapsed. Mo Fan in the fortress had a strong sense of earthquake and was knocked to the ground. Ke Ming, who was fighting several remnant guards, etc. People were also overturned to the ground by the explosion.

Liu Qian used the skills he had trained in parkour when he landed. After alloying his hands and feet to cushion the ground, he rolled and did not hurt himself, but his head was still a little dizzy. After rolling down, he was dizzy for a long time. Can get up.

"It's high-explosive mines! They seem to have prepared for our attack!" Mint's desperate voice came over, and it brought over the drone that was flying at high altitude to transmit the fighting situation of Liugan Squad in real time. Back in the aircraft.

"Do you have a way to scan for mines?" Liu Qian asked Mint.

"If time is enough, I can venture to arrange a drone to land, invade the system of the Divine Sword and remotely connect to the main brain of the aircraft. Without any interference, the invasion should be successfully identified and released within half an hour All mines, but we certainly don't have that much time. "Mint answered hastily.

"It's been too long for half an hour, and there is nothing feasible ... Can the aircraft provide me with air fire support?" Liu Qian thought for a while and asked Mint again.

"No, it's just a small transport. We don't have fighters or bombers."

"It turns out that UFO is a small transport aircraft! No wonder it has never attacked humans on the earth." Mo Fan immediately made up for himself after hearing the conversation between Mint and Liu Qian.

There are mines on the road ... After Liu Qian staggered around, he decided to climb and jump from the top of some nearby buildings. This should avoid those mines, right?

time does not wait. The garrison near the front door may come here to support at any time. After Liu Qian decided to go down, he immediately climbed up to a nearby building, and he was extremely agile. Easily climbed to the top platform of the building with the help of the building's exterior wall.

But when Liu Qian was about to jump on the top platform of the building and jump to the next building, the building suddenly exploded. Liu Qiang was blown out again, this time he was blown up to a height of more than ten meters, and when he fell to the ground, he rolled over in time to remove most of the impact. But still fell dizzy and a salty smell appeared in his mouth.

"Me ~ grass! What kind of ghost place is this? There are mines everywhere?" Liu Gan yelled. Feeling that Mint's situation is a serious mistake, which is a sneak attack? This is a fortress battle!

"Holy Sword might have anticipated our attack, so we have already done a good job in defense." Mint was very depressed.

"How can I go to save people in this situation?" Liu Qian asked Mint again. Although this explosion has limited damage to the energy armor, the shock damage to humans in the armor is not small. After being bombarded so many times, his unalloyed head could not bear it.

And all the explosions occurred from under his feet, directly blasting him into the sky. He does not have the ability to prevent injuries from falling at high altitudes. He can only use alloy hands and feet to buffer, and then roll off to remove the huge momentum. After being blown and dropped again and again, his body will sooner or later be seriously injured.

"The last time Didi contacted me, they said that using the stolen rune technology, they would soon complete the cracking of the" Mobile Cabinet Technology ". Once they knew how to move the Cabinet, and transferred Didi away, , If we want to save her again, it will definitely be harder than it is now, or it will not be possible at all. "Mint said to Liu Qian with a bit of frustration.

"You should tell me this earlier. In that case, I can make some preparations in advance so that I won't be so passive as now." Liu Qian frowned. If time is not so urgent, he can first think of a way to do the task of upgrading the Dreamland County. After level 10, he will lift off almost all seals, and no one can stop him.

"What can you do? Transport aircraft and weapons and equipment were delivered to the spacecraft today. Without transport aircraft, you cannot leave Xinshou Village, and you cannot do anything without Xinshou Village." Mint answered Liu Qian.

Liu Qian was silent, and Mint made sense. At this moment, he wondered how to continue this rescue mission.

"Do you want to give up?" Mint asked Liu Qian ~ ~ It turned the conversation with Liu Qian into a private channel.

"No, I need to come up with a reasonable and effective tactic now." Liu Qian shook his head.

"That's good! Arrange your team's followers to clear the mines! Force one by one to take turns! All the mines leading to the cabinet will be triggered at any cost! If the followers die, let the members of your team rush one by one! Hesitating! "Mint offered Liu Qian a tactic.

"If they don't want to?" Liu Qian asked Mint.

"If they don't obey the command, I will take control of their bodies and force them to do so!" Mint answered Liu Qian immediately.

"Take control of their bodies? You can do this? Why don't you take over the body of these defenders directly, so we don't have to work so hard?" After Liu Qian heard what Mint just said, Could not help but be shocked. If it could take over their body at will, wouldn't he also be in extreme danger?

"I can only control those in my novice village. I can't control even you or me. How can I control these enemies?" Mint answered Liu Qian. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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