The Trembling World

Chapter 775: Battle situation

Although there are many questions in Liu Qian's mind, it is obviously not the time to question these things in detail, but it is still the subject to quickly find a way to rescue Zhang Mengdi.

Under Liu Qian's order, Ke Ming first controlled Li Xueao and walked to the depths of the Holy Sword Camp, allowing him to use his flesh to directly mine those mines, and to open a way to save people.

What Liu Qian didn't expect is that there seems to be only the high-explosive mine on the ground. Li Xueao went all the way for dozens of meters without any incident. Moving forward for dozens of meters was almost the place where Zhang Mengdi was detained. Now, Li Xueao is still safe and sound.

Liu Qian quickly chased him up, ready to go to Zhang Mengdi's location to save people as soon as possible, but when he was more than ten meters away from Li Xueao, the explosion happened again, Liu Qian was blown up again to more than ten Altitude of meters. When he fell down, although he still used his own skills to not hurt his body, his head was shocked again, and after trying for a long time, he couldn't get up from the ground.

After Liu Qian was blown up, a metal fortress quickly rose below the ground in front of Li Xueao, and a heavy machine gun barrel was found inside. After the huge barrel was rotated, it instantly ejected more than a hundred high-injuries. Energy bullets, Li Xueao could not hide, and even people and armor were blasted into fragments!

The heavy machine gun fortress retracted into the ground immediately after shooting Li Xueao.

Mo Fan and others could not help but stunned, did not expect that there is such a powerful defense inside the camp of Holy Sword! This defense cannot be broken at all!

"It wasn't high-explosive mines that bombed you just now. It was a high-explosive bomb! And it was remotely exploded. The blaster should be hiding in the machine gun fortress. After discovering that you are the most powerful member of our formation, use electronic eyes to observe your movement , Specifically for you to blast. "Mint analyzed the situation just now.

The opponent's tactics were very clear. I already saw that Liu Qian was the most powerful member of the attack team, so he targeted his defense and did not even allow him to approach the heavy machine gun fortress again.

"What shall we do next?" Liu Qian stood up staggeringly and asked Mint. The siblings Wang who just came over quickly reached out and supported Liu Qian. Otherwise he wants to stand firm now is a big problem.

Mo Fan and others have also cleared away several remaining enemies near the side door. Drive over here together.

"Arrange the squad personnel to destroy all nearby electronic eyes, so that the blaster in the fortress cannot observe your situation, and can not target you to a single blast." Mint thought and answered Liu Qian, as long as Liu Qian Can burst in. Other players can be sacrificed for the task.

"You arranged to follow the past to look for the electronic eye and destroy it." Liu Qian asked little more, and ordered Mo Fan and others directly.

Mo Fan conveyed Liu's order. Let Liang Yunchao, Liu Haibo, Tian Shasha and others search for electronic eyes nearby and destroy them immediately after seeing them.

"You need to hurry up! I'm not asking you to look for the electronic eye one by one. I'm letting you use the howitzer they left to open the way. Blow up all nearby buildings and forcibly kill a **** path!" Mint Xianggan and others A few words of reminder.

"How's the situation over the main gate?" Liu Qian seemed to hear something from Mint's tone.

"The loss was heavy. With all the deaths, the team still had five alive, two with minor injuries and three with serious injuries. It would not make sense to attack again. Those with serious injuries could only give up. The three players with minor injuries were playing while they were playing. Retreat. The defensive forces here at the front door have not been pursued. Maybe we are afraid we have traps outside. "

"When we stopped attacking the main gate, the main force of the Holy Sword, the 12th level player would move to the magic cabinet at any time to reinforce the magic cabinet defenders. So ... you must hurry up." Mint answered Liu Qian, listening In tone, she seemed hopeless about the mission.

"Is that level 12 player still at the front door defense line?" Liu Qian asked Mint.

"I don't know. We didn't attack the front door at all. The strength of the two sides is very different. The other side has long been prepared. In addition, their firepower is very fierce. Our attack did not cause any damage to them." Mint sighed, if it was not Liu Qian forcibly captured the side door, and its tactics of hitting the west and splitting the soldiers completely failed.

"The grenade is too slow to open the building, and it is not necessarily effective." Mo Fan opened his mouth and raised it to the willow and mint.

"What do you think?" Liu Qian asked Mo Fan. He almost forgot that there was such a smart star from his side. When he wasn't sure, he should consult Mo Fan's opinion.

"Brother Liu, what is your real level? You have to tell me the truth, so I can arrange reasonable tactics." Mo Fan asked Liu Gan.

"Level 9." Liu Qian answered Mo Fan.

"You can change your level?" Mo Fan pointed at his watch and asked Liu Qian.

"Just the display." Liu Gan nodded.

"What plans do you have to hurry up! We don't have time now!" Mint reminded Mo Fan.

"Don't rush, let him say." Liu Qian stopped Mint. The original sneak attack tactics have failed. At this time, someone must propose a new and more effective tactical arrangement. Blindly continuing the attack will only cause greater casualties. .

"Mint sister ~ ~ The other party should not know our level, right?" Mo Fan asked Mint.

"I don't know." Peppermint replied to Mo Fan. It really couldn't guess what Mo Fan wanted to do. If it was not for Liu Qian, it would probably force Mo Fan, who was dragging his time, to go to the mine.

"We split into two lanes, attacking the main gate all the way and attacking the side gate all the way. The main reason is to let Liu Ge avoid the 12 level player of the Holy Sword, use his force to take the side gate, quickly rescue the hostage and then leave, but it is very Obviously, this tactic has failed. "Mo Fan continued.

"What on earth do you want to express? The key point!" Mint had the urge to let Mo Fan go to Thunder.

"Brother Liu, have you ever thought that the strength you show in the side door makes the opponent's 12th-level powerhouse more likely to mistake you for a 10th-level powerhouse or more?" Mo Fan continued unhurriedly. Talk on.

"Well, continue." Liu Gan nodded.

"You don't want to meet the 12th-level powerhouse. The 12th-level powerhouse can't figure out your details, in fact ..." Mo Fan stopped, wondering whether he was thinking or selling. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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