The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 997: Windfall: Thor's Code

"The troubles of the young wizard (

"Little guy, you are very good!" The attractor of the sixth level is a semi-god-class bronze dragon. When Ville, Lilith and others have discussed the content of the stele and come to their side, they stand up to Ville. Take the dragon claws.

Vil and Lilith already knew that these recruits could watch the performance of all the passers-throughs throughout the process. Ville was ashamed of the appreciation of the bronze dragon, repeatedly saying that he had not done enough and he needed to continue to work hard.

"Hey, I really like your kid's attitude towards **** beasts. The look of the puppet army of constructing wizards sweeping the beasts is so handsome!" The bronze dragon demigod directly pulled Xiaoweier and talked about the world, but it would be just a few words. Go to the war.

The character of the bronze dragon quickly came to mind, but he was kind but obsessed with war. He was curious and didn't like killing. He liked water and was good at swimming. He was proficient in cloud and fog techniques. He was able to call wind and rain and call storms, and his body strength was amazing.

The breath attribute of the bronze dragon is not wind or water, but lightning. This makes Ville very interested. You must know that he also has the blood of the Thunder Giant himself, and has a natural affinity for Thunder Heaven, but the lightning attribute is very biased. Door, few people have advanced meditation ideas and witchcraft inheritance of this attribute.

"What? Do you want advanced meditation and witchcraft inheritance related to wind, rain, thunder and lightning?" The bronze dragon shook his head repeatedly and said, "No, no, the inheritance of the dragon clan is in order, and it is not allowed to be taught casually if it does not belong to the same clan. It's not stingy, but dragons have their own attributes, and unsuitable attribute cultivation methods will only bring destruction. You are a black dragon, and you are too far behind me."

"My situation is quite special. I am a half-dragon, and my own attributes are not only shadows." Little Ville's secret has been exposed more than once on the road to the dragon. Flame, earth, ocean, and space attributes are all involved. Let The bronze dragon was even more curious to him, and it itched in his heart, wishing to become a pet and follow him by his side, figuring out all his secrets.

"Really no problem? You also have a strong affinity for the lightning attribute? How about I try to strike you with lightning? Hey, kidding, the taker can't take the initiative to attack the barrier, hey, your hand is actually It can really send out lightning, although it's so weak."

"What? Your talent is actually magical shaping, and after an evolution, it has become magical manipulation. No wonder you can manipulate the lightning around my body. I am also because you really emitted it from the body."

"But having this talent and being able to manipulate lightning shows that you do have the possibility of practicing thunder and lightning techniques, but I still can't give you the inheritance of the bronze dragon. The rules cannot be broken, especially the principled rules. "

"Don't leave in a hurry. I just said that I can't give you the bronze dragon exercises. I don't mean that there is no suitable exercise for you to practice. Don't worry, it is definitely the top exercise. Hehe, take a look. what is this?"

"Dangdangdang, the training method of the Thunder Giants clan standing at the peak, um, the first part. This is the enlightenment training method of the Thunder Giants children, and there is a lot of basic knowledge in it, enough for you to use it to the third level, how about it? Very good."

"I'm loyal enough? Sell it to you? Talking about money hurts feelings. I gave it to you, but I really like your constructive witchcraft and puppets. Hundreds of thousands of levels of steel puppets are lined up. Turn it on, go directly to the group of **** demons and crush it vigorously. This is the dragon's means of war."

Is it worth trading a copy of the inheritance of a wizard capable of reaching the second-level structure plus a Tier 110 steel puppet in exchange for a book of Enlightenment of the Thunder Giant?

Weir did not think too much about it and agreed directly. The dragons are the absolute powerhouses of the same generation as the giants. Ten thousand years have passed since the age of giants. The good things left behind have long been missing. Weir wants to collect them. You can only look for those big races that have been passed down for thousands of years, and among them, the dragon tribe, the dwarf tribe, and the extinct goblin tribe are the key targets for investigation.

However, the dwarves inherited more of alchemy casting, not to mention the goblin tribes. Ville copied three goblin laboratories and lairs. Except for the magical civilization, he did not find anything he cultivated. In the end, he could only hope Dragon clan, and this hasn't arrived at Dragon Island, there will be unexpected gains.

Seeing that Little Weier generously brought things to the front, and pointed out some of the problems. After all, the things in Little Weier's hands are only the original version, and it is the original version provided by the construction of the wizard's tower. Little Weier's own practice is improved. The version, or the original version that was restored, was a version of the master of the wizard, which was not difficult for Little Vir who possessed the apostle space.

And most of his steel puppets were taken out of the goblin laboratory and improved on the version that was very ugly and no one wanted, and even some of the appearances did not have time to be remodeled. Ville has never relied on this stuff so much. In addition, he also has a lot of things to be busy with himself. The construction of the wizarding profession has never been his main business.

It’s just that Ville seriously overlooked one point. The aesthetics of different races are different. The bronze dragon demigod likes the messy and weird steel puppets. Those steel puppets that conform to the human aesthetics are not so. Relying on it, according to it, the weird ones are more eye-catching.

When it saw that these puppets were still filled with magic stones, the bronze dragon waved its big hand and threw them directly into the sixth level, not because it was just a guilty conscience.

Although the construction wizard inheritance is only a simplified version, it is also the core inheritance of the six-ring construction wizard tower. It is not a problem to control a hundred steel puppets, and it is very comprehensive. Both the puppet structure and the weapon structure are available. These steel puppets are all the same. The powerful puppets of the ranks, which are still filled with magic stones, are big enough for a large-scale battle.

But what did I give?

Others don’t know, don’t you know? The bronze dragon demigod clearly knows that the thing is a genuine Enlightenment Book of Thunder Giants. It’s not an exaggeration to say that it’s a **** level, although there are only parts below Tier 3, and no half is involved. God's explanation is also very precious.

But this thing has a big flaw. It only applies to Thunder Giants. That is to say, this is a basic training method for the blood of Thunder Giants. Without the blood of Thunder Giants, you can't even get started. You can only learn from a little bit of it. The fur-like training methods and less than one-tenth of the offensive and defensive methods have caused the value of this thing to plummet, and it is not at the **** level at all.

Is what you give and what you get is equivalent?

The bronze dragon demigod thinks that he has made a profit, anyway, the thing has a backup of it himself, and it is no big deal if the original version is given to him. People are so generous, even if he is cheating, he should be generous and give him a little sweetness.

It’s just that the difference between the values ​​of the two sides is too big, which makes the bronze dragon feel very After successfully getting what they want in the transaction, they are directly forced to throw them into the sixth level. This little bit of privilege is still Yes, but anxiously forgot to allocate different assessment spaces according to their strengths, and threw them all into the space where they were most concerned and the most difficult.

Starting with the classics of the Thunder Giants, Ville has a tinge of blood connection, and his mental power penetrates, and his eyes suddenly shine. In the soul space, a tall figure covered in thunder and lightning stands proudly holding a spear, and the spear's call flashes with thunder. Information flooded in madly, and finally gathered into a few big characters: Thor's Code.

It's actually the first half of the complete Thunder Giant God-level technique. It has everything from fighting energy, meditation, witchcraft, and secret methods, and even the method of creating the Thunder God's Spear. What makes Little Ville most delighted is one of the secret methods of Thunderbolt Refining Body. , This is simply the nemesis of the bronze dragon and the blue dragon's thunder and lightning dragon's breath.

You attacked me with thunder and lightning dragon breath, but I used it as a nutrient to improve my physical fitness, so don't go too far.

But this thing requires a lot of contact, where can I find so many thunder and lightning? See where the wind and rain are about to thunder, take the initiative to move forward?

Forget it, if the thunder and lightning in the sky are too strong, you may not be able to bear it at the beginning. After going out, should you consider the Thunder Naga tribe to walk around? They can also summon and use lightning, and they are not too strong. Otherwise, It has created the dominance of the entire sea clan, and where it is used to be equal to the storm mermaid and the siren banshee.

It’s not the time to talk about this. The bronze dragon demigod threw himself and others into this new world with one mind. One accidentally left them in the sea, and the thunder and wind roared. If it weren’t for Lilith’s reaction quickly enough, Release a battleship, and they have long since become a dead man.

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