The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 998: Ville’s resolution, the sky thunders

"The troubles of the young wizard (

This is a world dominated by the sea. You can’t see any piece of land. The sea is full of storms, rain, lightning, and thunder, and there are more warcrafts under the sea. It is simply a disaster for ordinary terrestrial creatures. A good place.

For those who can break into this level, the bad natural conditions are not fatal. The fatal thing is that the magic of **** here is very strong, giving birth to countless **** beasts, and it also makes it impossible for outsiders to recover their physical strength here. And grudge, magic, after all, **** magic is a very dangerous existence for them, and they don't dare to inhale it easily.

How big this world is, Little Ville, Lilith and others don’t know. The only thing that can be confirmed is that the bigger the world is, the world cannot be smaller than the fifth level, it will only be bigger, that is to say, the diameter. Three thousand miles is the bottom line, and the upper limit is unknown.

After Ville regained consciousness, he immediately replaced the battleship with an ocean-going boat. The ocean-going boat that can dive is obviously more suitable for survival in this place than the family-use battleship built by Lilith. When the ocean-going boat dives into the bottom of the sea, it gets rid of the storm and rain. After the lightning and thunder, all talents will put their hearts back.

Sorcerer Vale and Sorcerer Lilith are indeed masters of all-round development. Even in such an unfavorable environment, they can cope with it. There is no way for them to compare with the dragon blood paladins for a while, even if there are individual wizard levels. Yes, reaching the second-level wizard is also more inclined to fight.

At present, the first priority is to find people, understand the world more deeply, and find ways to pass the customs. For them, it may be difficult to pass the customs. However, following the two holy wizards, how can they be lighted? It is like passing the first Like the five levels, it's the best ride.

Thanks to the bronze dragon, if it were not for them to send themselves and others to the same test space as the two holy wizards, they might really be trapped, just like the fifth stage, suffering for decades. struggle.

They have seen the environment here, and while the ocean-going boat dived into the bottom of the sea, they also encountered warcraft, but they avoided the battle because of the powerful camouflage ability of the ocean-going boat. Behind them is a fierce and brutal predation scene of a Tier 2 Demon Shark. None of them are sure to defeat that Tier 2 Demon Shark, and they can even say whether they can escape in this harsh environment.

It may not be easy to find someone, but it is not difficult to be found by someone. Ville and Lilith quickly figured out a way to choose a place where there are relatively more seabed reefs and not very deep from the sponge.

Amid the loud noise of "Boom~", the mountains shook and the huge seabed reefs slowly rose up, and finally rushed out of the water, forming a small reef island, although there were a dozen or so reefs sporadic. The combined area was less than one square kilometer, but it was definitely the first island they encountered after coming here.

Is he really a shadow wizard?

Everyone except Ville and Lilith was shocked. Don't say they have seen this level of powerful witchcraft. They have never heard of it before.

"It's just with the help of some earth-based materials. If I were to do it with my bare hands, I would be able to exhaust all the magic power in my body this time, and the effect may not be so great." Little Ville is still relatively modest, using it in the sea. This level of terrestrial witchcraft is completely different from doing it on land. At the beginning, he could do it very well on the island of Corsi with only the second-order strength, but it is very laborious here. You must know that the current Xiaoweier is a third-order perfect. Wizard of the Earth.

As for the use of earth-attribute materials, it is completely deceiving. Little Weier has those good things that have long been taken by Xiao Miao to expand and improve the world of Snowwood. Can he wait until he wastes it in such a place?

It can be restored when the magic power is exhausted. The kind of treasure is gone after it is used. It is not easy to find it. Even if you find it, it will cost a lot to buy it. At the beginning, I still used the name of Baihuayin to help. The Bing Association got some.

Raising the reef to form an island is very magical, but it is not too difficult to create a hiding place in the strait reef. It is not a good thing to always float in the ocean-going boat. It is fine for two days a day, three days and five days. , It doesn't matter for ten days and a half month, but it has been like this but it doesn't work. The consumption of magic stones is one aspect, and the mentality of not having a fixed place is the most deadly.

With a stable base, good food and wine, and a safe and comfortable training environment, the ten second-order dragon blood masters suddenly relaxed a lot, and even took the initiative to arrange this place protected by the Dragon Whisper Magic Array and the Canghai Mingyue Pearl to expand their residence. The ground is not difficult for them, is it difficult for a second-order master to cut stones with a grudge?

This is simply overkill, and some people even played with carving, just to make this residential area less than three or five hundred meters in diameter more beautiful. Excuses are also very easy to find. It is well-known to exercise the control of vindictiveness. Paladin Vale does the same thing, and they do it even more outrageously, directly erupting vindictiveness to complete the shape of the pillar.

They really knelt down with this kind of fine control that was used for a great fight, and it felt terrifying when they saw it, and they couldn't do it at all.

The reason why Little Weier used this method is that the magical power of the earth in the body is really exhausted and it takes a while to recover, and secondly, it is to give them a sample and let them find the direction of strength improvement.

Doing nothing all day is not necessarily a good thing, and it may even make their fighting spirit wear away day by day. In the end, everyone who can get through the first four stages of the road to the dragon and enter the fifth stage is a person with good talents. If so wasted What a pity.

On the reef island, Little Ville stood there quietly, Lilith asked with a slightly complicated look: "Really decided?"

"If you want to advance to the demigod, you can only rely on the abyss, and we still have a long time to enter the abyss. Isn't it just like this? My path is a little different from yours. The existence of the snow wood world makes me There are more choices, instead of constantly laying the foundation and waiting for the outbreak." Xiaoweier looked up at the sky. The defensive cover he arranged blocked the outside induction, and the lightning did not patronize, but as long as the defensive cover is released, the terrain of this place is absolutely absolute. It is the first priority to be struck by lightning.

Lilith had read the "Thor Code", and she also knew that Ville had the blood of the Thunder Giant, and even transplanted the entire bones of the Thunder Giant. His Thunder Giant's blood was even higher than that of the Black Dragon. He said that he was not a young Thunder Giant. For the sake of it, it's just that he didn't know how to develop this bloodline all the time.

His elven bloodline has the witchcraft inheritance of the elven temple, which can help start the promotion. His black dragon bloodline has countless inheritance memories. The dragon language magic circle has never let him down, bringing him a lot of help, and the giant bloodline But he has been idle all the time, and can only simply practice fighting qi and passively increase his physical fitness.

Such a huge treasure can’t be is undoubtedly unacceptable for Little Ville. My sister is already a demigod. This brother who keeps saying that he wants to protect his sister is stuck in the holy class. Unable to move, this made Will very uncomfortable.

Even if I can't break through the demigod, I can't stop the rapid progress, who said that the holy level must not be able to defeat the demigod? We must know that in the ancient giant era, many giants wanted young Tier 3 giants to kill demigod monsters to complete their adult ceremony. The demigod monsters were not worse than ordinary demigods and dwarves. Now, the combat effectiveness is even stronger.

Leapfrogging to challenge others is fine, why can't I? I am an apostle of wisdom and spirit with the blood of god-level elves, god-level black dragon blood, and main god-level Thunder Giant blood!

Lilith has carefully read the "Thor Code", and many ideas in it can be used for reference. The Thunder Giant uses thunder and lightning to train his body to achieve the Thunder Lord's body, so why can't she use the method of his sister to study the method of using the power of light to run the body and achieve the light body?

Lilith is a three-star apostle, and there is a four-star apostle named Weil beside her. In addition, her devil teacher is the messenger of Lord God, and her resources are not bad.

"If you want to do it, do it, the one that suits you is the best. If you really can't hold it, remember to call me." Lilith turned and left. A woman would never watch her man get struck by lightning. , She chooses not to see.

"Boom~" "Crack~" "Ahhh~"

In just a few seconds, Ville, whose hair stood up high and turned into an explosive head, restarted the magic circle, and his face was black and shivering.

Sure enough, the exercise had to be done slowly, and when he came up he was taken care of by a bunch of lightning and thunder, even the third-order paladin and the third-order wizard level Xiao Wei was planted.

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