The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 999: The world that will transform the climate

"The troubles of the young wizard (

The refuge island is getting bigger day by day, and the foundation is slowly rising. There is a huge stone pillar 100 meters high around the island that towers into the clouds, replacing the refuge island to withstand the thunder and lightning from the sky. If it weren’t for these pillars to have been blessed by magic circles, I'm afraid it has long since become a fan.

The refuge island more than ten meters above the sea is enveloped by a defensive cover. Its basic requirements are isolation, protection from rain, electricity and wind, but it does not prohibit entry or exit, or does not have any physical defense capabilities, but the advantage is that physical attacks cannot Wreak havoc on it.

The refuge island with a diameter of more than three kilometers is not too small, and the space under the island is larger. In addition to the above ground, they have also built safe refuge caves underground, and the caves are even more carved. Beautiful, even more comfortable than the ground part.

On the ground during the day and underground at night, they even learned how to hunt marine monsters.

In the sea, it may be really inferior to you, but as long as these beasts are led to the reef area and control the valve drainage, whoever has the final say after stranding is up to everyone's rudeness. What about the second-order marine beasts, even if they leave the water. It may be the opponents of these dragon blood knights. In just ten days, they have completely settled down. This kind of pioneering and enterprising day has been rewarding, and everyone has a very comfortable life. Instead of being worn down, their fighting spirit has become stronger and stronger.

They are not people who can stand loneliness in the fifth level for more than 20 years. There are the wizards of Saint Vale and the Saint Lilith. Clearance is certain. It is only a matter of time, and this time should not be very long. Long, but well prepared, since the two holy wizards have arranged tasks for them, they will complete them earnestly.

Since the first day when the body was severely chopped by Lightning Lightning Refining, Little Weier put away his carelessness after the third-order Consummation, took away his own ecstasy, and became more cautious. The four pillars are really protecting. Refuge the island, don’t let the lightning strike the island?

Yes, not all. The thunder and lightning attracted by the four stone pillars lead to the underground. Under each stone pillar is a training room. Ville arranges an adjustable strength magic circle in it, and gradually cultivates the Thunder Lord's body, slowly and firmly. The developer's own bloodline of the Thunder Giant.

On the third day, the thunder bloodline was initially opened.

On the fifth day, thunder enters the body, and the beginning of thunder tyrant body practice.

On the seventh day, I started with the idea of ​​Thunder God, and mastered 30 basic thunder and lightning tricks in one day.

On the tenth day, the Thunder Tyrant's body was small, the Thunder God Ming thought was small, and Ville mastered the first Thunder sorcery and officially became a Tier 1 Thunder sorcerer.

On the fifteenth day, a wave of monsters struck, and Lily Ribbon led all Tier 2 sky knights to drive the ocean-going boats. One hour after the war, hundreds of Tier 2 monsters were wiped out, and two Tier 2 monsters were captured by Lilith. Prepare to give them these sky knights as mounts.

"Forget the battle partner contract. After we leave, we still have to continue to live on land. These two marine monsters are just consumables for the sixth stage. If you like it, take it. Next time you fight Just a little more effort." Lilith's words are very clear. The ten sky knights looked at each other and finally decided to guess the punch. Anyway, they were not in a hurry. With the strength of the two holy wizards, it is not a problem for each to equip a Tier 2 monster.

Those who win are only two days in advance, if there is something better in the future, maybe they will regret it.

But before they have a chance to regret, the people they are waiting for have come to their door.

A second-order sky knight wizard of bronze dragon blood, slightly petite, Andrea is one of the few masters in the Crystal Palace. Her water warfare ability, latent ability, and mobility are the strongest, and she is even more capable of collecting intelligence. In one hand, the appearance of the refuge island was also the first she discovered.

"Tsk, this clean and tidy place, our Crystal Palace is no better, but it's too poor!" Andrea loves the architecture of the refuge island, but disdains the decorations. As she said, too poor Up!

Watching Ville and Lilith come together, and Andrea, who has been waiting for almost an hour, is not impatient at all. She has not been on land for many years. Although the Crystal Palace also has palaces and defensive barriers guarding them, The whole immersion in water makes it uncomfortable to be wet all day.

Bronze dragons like water, but their nests are very tidy and dry and comfortable. The Crystal Palace occupied by their group of trespassers originally belonged to a group of sharks, but after their transformation, it has become better, but after all, it can’t be compared with real land. .

"Is everything here the work of the two of you? Your Dragon Whisper Magic Array is very powerful, do you want to join our Crystal Palace?" Andrea didn't mean to be polite at all. In her opinion, it is not a matter of course for the trespassers to join the Crystal Palace. Is it?

Only by joining the Crystal Palace can you survive in this place. It is impossible to resist the countless army of marine monsters and the powerful BOSS here.

Lilith waved her hand and set up a table of delicacies, "Eat and talk. These are the specialties of the first few worlds. Presumably you don't have much in your hands to survive. If you eat too much fish, it will eventually be boring."

Andrea has exquisite facial features, a slender and petite figure, a bushy cyan short hair, and a pigeon egg-sized Canghai Moon Pearl hanging around her neck. Don’t look at this small bead, but its quality is very high. , For three thousand years, it belongs to the kind of mutation strengthening.

"It’s not that much, it’s not at all. Oh, not much and a little bit. Not long ago, I rescued an idiot who lacked arms and legs in the sea, and got some good things from him. I was snatched away by the elder sister's head." Andrea mentioned that the elder sister's head seemed very uncomfortable, and she sat down with a butt, and scooped up a piece of beast meat fiercely, and her eyes lit up immediately after a bite.

"I want to eat it all, not for the eldest sister at all!"

This full of resentment is so strong, but the means of revenge are so naive.

However, Ville and Lilith misunderstood Andrea's approach. Exclusively grabbing food in the Crystal Palace is definitely the biggest revenge against others, because the special circumstances of the Crystal Palace are not suitable for cooking at all, and they can only eat sashimi in many cases.

"You gold is good silver, please ask me seven things, the materials are good for rent. (You are really good people, I have food, the materials are very full. Andrea, who is full of eager beast meat, can't speak clearly, these She may not have eaten the spice before entering the road to the dragon, and it is even more delicious in these years. At this moment, she almost swallowed her tongue. She couldn't stop her hands and her mouth was not idle all the time.

Lilith was helping her with tea and water, a table of five-person food was finally swept away by her, and finally lying on a chair with her stomach upright and putting the last piece of meat into her mouth, she lifted Lily. The tea sent by the silk sips happily, and his face is full of intoxication.

"You are all good people, let's talk, what do you want from me?" Andrea didn't think that Ronghui would be so good to herself for no reason.

"Information, information for customs clearance." Lilith is very direct, "We have things to deal with outside, and the time we can leave is limited, so we must clear the customs as soon as possible. We hope to get the conditions for customs clearance from you."

Andrea waved her hand indifferently and said: "Even if you don't ask, I will tell you. This is the rule of the road to the dragon. From the fourth level to the end of the sixth level, the clearance conditions will be different. It appeared on the stone tablet in the reception square again, but was told by the entry-breaker who entered in advance. The first thing for the latecomer is to find the predecessor. The predecessor must unconditionally tell the future generations of the real customs clearance conditions. This is the rule. However. .."

"You said you want to clear the level quickly. I hope you just said it. This level is not easy to pass. There are few opportunities for speculation." Andrea pointed to the sky and said: "You think these storms and thunder and lightning are naturally formed. ?"

"Isn't it?" Lilith asked back.

Andrea's words shocked everyone, "Of course not, the wind, rain and thunder and lightning here are three **** dragons that took thousands of years to transform into this, in order to exert their stronger strength."

"Bronze Dragon The owner of the floating island of Thunder and Lightning, aloft, will go to the sea every once in a while to swim in the sea, hunting monsters, regardless of us half-dragons and Yalong, attitude It's the best, but it still belongs to the enemy."

"The white dragon Absolun, the owner of the floating island of the storm, belongs to the mutant white dragon. Its frost ability is average, but it unexpectedly has a strong rainfall ability. The continuous rain here is its masterpiece, and its fighting power in the rain. It can be increased by at least 30%. Absolun occasionally hunts monsters to satisfy our hunger. It is not interested in us, but is interested in submerging the whole world and turning this place into a place of wind and rain. He does not know what he thought. It is said that a thousand years ago, There are still many islands here, but they were all submerged later. This is all his handwriting."

"The last is the Neptune Dragon, a very niche dragon. The bloodline is not in the ranks, but it is also a pure dragon. It belongs to the king of the sea. It has a very cruel and cruel appetite. In addition to being able to drive marine monsters, there are also very With strong physical fitness, ordinary third-order attacks may not be able to break its leather armor."

"The condition for the clearance of this level is to get the flesh and blood of the three-headed **** dragon, not only blood, but also flesh! Do you think you can do it?" Andrea waved his hand and said, "You still give up Well, it’s more appropriate to honestly think about how to live a better life. Don’t take out the good things in your hands all night, otherwise you will definitely be confiscated by your eldest sister."

"By the way, can you stop the thing that emits sound waves? It's too noisy for us of the dragon bloodline. If it irritates the Sea Dragon King, it will be really bad. There is only a distance from the Sea Dragon King's lair. It looks like five or six hundred miles, but its ears are very good. We don't dare to play music seven or eight hundred miles away."

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