The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1012: Adele who fooled the boss to steal someone

The meeting between Lilith and Yami was very simple. They came up to have a fight and warned her not to make a fool of herself, and then beat Adele again. Is the reason important? What Lilith wants is the complete suppression of the half-dragon. As a half-dragon martial sage, Lilith is so domineering.

With the second blessing from the Dragon God as the leader of the half-dragons, Yamei was successfully promoted to the Paladin level, but in the end she couldn't beat Lilith. Even if she joined forces with Adele, she couldn't beat Lilith who only used vindictiveness. She was very depressed.

Seeing Lilith entering the seventh level of the road to the dragon in front of her, Yamei’s face was full of envy, but her father and mother did not agree to let herself enter the nylon governance. The reason is very simple. The half-dragon born on Longdao doesn’t need it. Enter the road against the dragon.

"I will retaliate for this hatred! Cultivation, I have to practice hard, and then grab her and spank her!" As if you just hit me, Yamei waved her fist viciously, but she looked very cute with her teeth gnashing her teeth. Full of majesty because of becoming the leader of the half-dragon.

Adele rolled his eyes and said lukewarmly, "Excuse me, in the leader, I can't see the slightest hope of surpassing the holy wizard Lilith. To be disrespectful, the current Silver Dragon Princess Whether it can overwhelm the Lilith Saint Witcher is not yet known, boss you..."

   "I will practice hard, and I promise not to be lazy in the future. I will practice one day, two or one hour, ten days and only take five days off." Yamei made up her mind with difficulty and made a very strict training plan for herself.

Father and mother don’t know where to go, grandpa and grandma are sleeping, grandma is busy rectifying the black dragon clan, grandpa is not in sight all day long, no one urges herself to make up her mind to “work hard” to practice, Yamei admires herself Perseverance.

Adele was completely speechless. At the sixth level of the road to the dragon, she clearly knew the cultivation status of the wizards of Saint Ville and Saint Lilith. The two of them were practicing most of the time every day, and there was almost no time to rest. The holy wizard practiced for a few days without rest.

   You half-dragon leader who fished for three days and spent two days on the net. Don’t say, you are so-so when you are a big fish. Why do you catch up with others? The qualifications of the two of them may not be worse than yours, or even better, Adele has completely given up on her boss.

She has a good blood, a good background, a good aptitude, and a very good education, but sometimes her brain is not very good. She wanders around eating and gold coins and magic stones all day long. The motivation for her to work hard is actually from Weier Sheng. The wizard gets more salaries.

   You want to work for others, but you still want to surpass the boss’s wife? Dreaming, unless...

   "It is impossible for a leader to take revenge on his own strength." Adele's words made Yamei very upset.

"Children are called parents. I don't call my father, mother, grandfather, grandma, grandpa, or grandma. I want to take revenge on my own strength!" Yamei has the confidence to call people, but the reason for calling people is really embarrassing. .

   Do you want to run to the parents and say: I was spanked by a girl, please help me get revenge.

   If I really did this, the most likely possibility would be to be hung up by my parents and spanked, and then grabbed for special training. If my strength is not up to the standard, I will not be allowed to come out. I will be really sad.

   I have just been promoted to a Paladin. If I am caught for special training, how long will it take to be released? Yami herself was not at all sure that she could come out soon.

"This is a bit difficult. If the information I got is not wrong, the current Saint Lilith wizard is already third-order Consummation, no matter whether it is grudge or witchcraft." Adele's lie came casually, although she didn't know it. This is a fact. Anyway, it is to attack Yami and make her obey her own words. She is still very good at this kind of small trick. As for Yami to ask the source?

   Insert a sentence, [ Change the source artifact ] Really good, it is worth installing one, after all, you can cache and read books and read them offline!

Haha, everyone has their own secrets. Yami knows too little about herself, it is impossible to just know all of her own details. If it is not possible, she can still be pushed to the wizard of Weier. Just say that at the sixth level of the road to the dragon, Weier The Saint Wizard admits it personally. Can she go to the Road of Defending the Dragon and ask the Saint Wizard of Vail herself?

The wizard of Saint Ville has never been able to get out of the sixth level of the road to the dragon. The clever Adele immediately thought of a possibility. The death of the white dragon Absolun must have shocked the bronze dragon and the sea king dragon, and even made them feel thick. A thick threat, and then hid in the old lair and refused to come out.

The dragon in the old nest is very powerful. Whether the bronze dragon Kromi cooperates with the thunder and lightning floating island, or the Neptune dragon cooperates with its whirlpool lair, it is not an ordinary third-order master who can contend. They have made up their minds and can't come out. The holy wizard came home, and he was sure to protect himself.

The wizard of Saint Ville is also a wise man. The method he used to fight the white dragon Absolun was to defensively consume its power, and then beheaded it in one fell swoop with the help of geographical advantages. Seeing that they were fighting, they did not seem to be crushed, but were equally matched. .

   What would happen if the battle took place on the island where the white dragon is located?

Adele believes that the white dragon Abu Soren must be the winner. Unless the Wizard of Vale and the Holy Wizard of Lilith join forces, and a lot of backers are prepared in the early stage, it is possible to defeat the white dragon Abu Solun. As for the killing of the white dragon, Absoul Lun, hope is very slim.

"Is it necessary to defeat the opponent for revenge?" Adele came back to his senses from the memory. For the Wizard of Saint Vale and Saint Wizard of Lilith, Adele still admires him very much. One can kill the white dragon Absolun, even if he uses it. With a little trick, the ability to kill the white dragon Abu Soren in the end is enough to show the strength of the Wizard of Vale, and the Wizard of Lilith has obtained the title of Half-Dragon Martial Saint from the hands of many half-dragons, and reached the top of the whole half. At the pinnacle of Dragonman's strength, is there anything doubtful about such strength?

   Seeing Adele's confident look, Yamei sincerely asked for advice, and then Adele gave a suggestion: "Taking the enemy's most precious treasure is the dragon's characteristic means of revenge."

   Yamei suddenly realized, and at the same time, she was very excited. Lilith is so powerful, her most precious treasure must be more precious, right? I robbed this treasure myself, um, it is better not to rob it, it is more appropriate to steal it, lest Lilith finds out and troubles me again.

   "What is Lilith's most precious treasure?" Yamei herself is not sure, she doesn't have much contact with Lilith, and she doesn't usually see any treasures of her.

"Sunshine collar? I'm not a member of the Elf clan, this one cannot be stolen. The holy unicorn, although the holy beast is good, it is just Lilith's gatekeeper. What else is precious? Treasures?" Yami tried so hard but couldn't figure it Adele smiled slightly: "The Saint Lilith was born in a small family in the continent of the gods. Is it accidental that she can grow up to this day?" From the unfamiliar daughter of the little family in the continent of the gods to the lord of the elves and the half-dragon martial sage, what does she rely on? Who has the greatest credit for such a huge growth? "

"Vill Star Mountain!" Adele did not ask Yamei to answer, but gave her own answer directly: "All the achievements of the Wizard of Lilith are brought by the Wizard of Vail. This is her greatest support. , The most precious treasure. So..."

"So I want to take the boss over?" Yamei couldn't help her eyes light up when she heard the words, robbing the boss. This job is definitely a big job. She doesn't know if there are any good things about Lilith, but she doesn't know if there are good things about Lilith. But I know a lot, delicious, bloodline gems, heritage crystallization, thinking about it makes people drool.

   Yamei was indeed drooling, with a smirk on her face, Adele couldn't help but pat her forehead, her own boss was really hopeless, and her so-called robbing seemed a little bit different from the robbing in her head.

   I urge you to rob someone, and that person is the one who robbed you, and you must be thinking about how to rob this person, this person’s treasure.

   Alas, the boss is still young, so I can forgive her. I will work harder in the future, and guide me slowly, but it’s okay to be stupid, at least I can fool her.

   Let’s start training for the boss’s looting plan. This person seems to be hard to rob at all. There are many competitors and his strength is not weak.

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