The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1013: In the end, the BOSS Neptune Dragon appeared

Ville was very upset. The first five levels of the road to the dragon were simply passed by himself. The most time wasting is undoubtedly when mining treasure hunting. The enemy is not a threat to him at all. If he is willing to do the first five levels for ten days It can be quickly cleared in eight months.

However, this sixth level has trapped myself for three years. Although the environment here is very suitable for my cultivation, the floating island of thunder and lightning makes oneself thunderous, and thunder and lightning witchcraft is advancing by leaps and bounds. Now the thunderbolt is third-tier. Consummation, the third level of thunder fighting spirit is consummated, and the thunder and lightning witchcraft has also reached the middle of the third level, but the last sea king dragon has never appeared.

The bronze dragon dragon crystal did not help herself much, and threw most of the bronze dragon materials to Lya, through the seven-story holy tower, the snow wood world, the apostle space, Xiao Wei and Lilith, Guai Li Luo, Xiao Wei Ya , Leya and others have never been cut off.

   Lilith successfully cleared the seventh level of the road to the dragon three days ago, and returned to the wizard island again, but she can only continue to stay at the sixth level, which made him very unhappy.

   Is this the gap between Lilith and herself? Clearly, the shadow, the earth, and the sea magic of the third stage are complete, and the middle part of the third stage of thunder and lightning witchcraft should be stronger.

In the sixth level, the environment of the world has improved. The power of thunder and lightning is gradually being controlled by oneself. With the help of the floating island of thunder and lightning, the continued deterioration of the space is little by little. In the floating island of the storm, Xiaoweier accidentally found a god-level book. The storm technique was also included in his training plan.

It’s just that theoretically everyone has a limited number of spell slots. Even if Ville has the "Creation Code" which is very suitable for him, he cannot practice so many exercises unlimitedly. He needs more space. To carry new spell slots.

After the third level of Shadow, Earth, and Ocean exercises is completed, the "Creation Code" comes to an end on these three attributes. Three small spaces are released. It is just that the different spaces that carry the spell slots cannot be used for the second time. "The Lightning Code" is an introduction to the blood of the Thunder Giant, carried by the Kingdom of the Blood God.

The newly discovered "Storm of the Storm" is a technique previously converted by Bailong Abu Solun, and it is also recognized by the Skystorm Island and gradually controls the storm and rain in this space. This thing is indeed very precious, but it is really precious. You can only watch that you can't practice, unless you get a new space key.

In the past three years, the first year Vier devoted himself to cultivation until the Thunder God's body achieved something, and he killed the bronze dragon Kromi by virtue of its resistance to thunder and lightning. In the following two years, he practiced with the help of thunder and lightning on the floating island. , While tracking the Neptune Dragon.

But compared to the two suspended islands hanging in the sky, the white dragon Abu Soren, the bronze dragon Kromi, and the Neptune dragon who gave up their nests and lurked in the sea are really hard to find, so big. Finding a dragon in a place is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack, and it's also a needle that is active and good at hiding and avoiding.

   It is not easy to force the Neptune Dragon out. This space is vast, and the sea is below the sky. It is almost impossible to find Neptune Dragon from here, unless...

Little Weier looked up at the sky. During the past three years, he was not simply practicing. A safe island appeared on the sea every three months. Although it was only one or two square kilometers in size, it was guarded by the Dragon Whisper Magic Array, which was relatively safe. The first and second-order monsters can't break through at all. Over the past three years, more than a dozen safe areas have also been accumulated, giving those who pass through the barriers a greater living space.

   You said the floating island?

No one of them wants to come to Hanging Island. Hanging Island is the trophy of the Wizard of Ville and the residence of Wizard of Ville. Unless they are willing to join his servants as servants, they are not willing to live here, even the ten. The same goes for the half-dragons he brought in.

The only exception is Andrea. This little girl is a student of Lilith. It is very suitable to live on the floating island of Thunder and Lightning, and she can also get close to the bronze dragon and dragon crystal, so that her strength can be improved by leaps and bounds. At present, she has a paladin knight. Strength, this is naturally inseparable from the help of the bronze dragon's blood. After all, she has the bronze dragon's blood. With the help of the pure bronze dragon's blood, it is strange that her strength rises slowly.

   Just when Ville was full of depression, Lilith’s baby disciple Andrea sent a message that the Crystal Palace had fallen and more than a dozen members of the Crystal Palace had been arrested, including himself who couldn’t stay idle. The enemy was: Neptune Dragon.

Seeing the depressed look of Andrea in the projection of the big water screen, Ville could only shake her head and smile bitterly. This girl had no missing parts on her body and was not even injured. There were a dozen people lying on the floor of the Crystal Palace main hall, and a figure was sitting on the upper throne. The hot blue-haired woman, with long waist-length hair fluttering in the wind, and a sneer smile on her delicate face, watched Andrea's performance there without any intention of blocking it.

   Little Ville teleported directly to the refuge island, and then teleported to the Crystal Palace via the refuge island, which took less than a minute.

Seeing the arrival of her backer, Andrea hid behind Xiao Weier for the first time. It was not that she had never tried to **** her partner back, but she was defeated in seconds by others. Faced with this blue-haired woman, Neptune Dragon, Andrea has a feeling of facing Teacher Lilith and Teacher Well, they are of the same grade, and they are too far apart.

The blue-haired woman has a hot body and attractive appearance. She wears a sea-blue battle armor and a brilliant pearl crown. She does not have any weapons in her hands. There is also a five-foot-tall blue dog beside her. She is rubbing her head and making her feel comfortable. The "humming" sound is a third-order monster, and it is a third-order high-level monster.


   It’s a weird thing to have a dog under the water. Ville’s eyes flickered: "Transformers? Third-order Transformers are really rare."

"To be able to see through Xiaolan's true identity at a glance is worthy of being a hero who can slay the white dragon Abu Solon, the bronze dragon Kromi, and save the world. When we first meet, I am the Sea King Dragon, one of the three evil dragons in the world. You can call it I, um, Ms. Haiwanglong." The blue-haired woman showed a big smile at Little Will, but she was more polite and didn't have any sincerity in her words.

"In Xia Weier Star Mountain, Ms. Hai Wanglong's name is really..." Xiao Weier casually hit out with a few magical techniques, and a dozen Crystal Palace members gradually regained consciousness. They were shocked to see the women sitting above. , All hid behind Xiao Weier, it seems that they are not unfamiliar with the appearance of the Sea Dragon King, that is to say, this face may also be fake?

   "It is indeed the favored one, but unfortunately it is not the favored one of the dragon god." The blue-haired woman shook her head gently and said, "The favored one, let's talk about a deal."

   "Ms. Neptune Long, who doesn't even want to reveal her real name, do you really have the sincerity to negotiate a deal with me?" Xiao Weier said that he couldn't believe her.

The blue-haired woman rolled a cute little eye: "I'm not an idiot like Abu Soren, the white dragon, and the bronze dragon Kromi. Their names are known to everyone, but finally and? As a villain, only a low-key and mysterious can live. It will take a long time. May I tell you that the Crystal Palace was actually built by me. I have been here most of the time, and I have been inseparable in the past three years. Is this sincerity enough?"

   "Impossible!" Andrea was shocked, and the other Crystal Palace members were even more stunned. The founder of Crystal Palace was actually the Sea King Dragon, one of the three evil dragons?

   They are able to survive in this sinister They actually have to thank the Neptune Dragon, one of the three evil dragons?

"There is nothing impossible. Absolun and Kromi are in charge of the sea and the sky. There is no place for you. I, who truly control the sea, have given you a crystal palace to keep you lingering. Do you really think I am? Not as good as the two idiots Absolun and Kromi?" The blue-haired woman curled her lips with a dismissive look.

Andrea grunted and said: "Adele has studied you carefully. She has designed sneak attacks many times, and finally successfully attacked the bronze dragon once and you twice, but the white dragon Abu Solun did not succeed once. You are the weakest of the three evil dragons."

"That little white dragon girl attacked me? The flesh and blood in her hand was indeed given to her. When she attacked'me', I was still sleeping in the secret room of the Crystal Palace. What she attacked was only my pet Xiaolan, then I gave her the two pieces of flesh and blood deliberately, otherwise how could she leave here, and by the way, she helped me take away another strong man." The words of the blue-haired woman made Little Weier a little stunned.

   This Neptune Dragon girl’s words are very interesting. Did she calculate all this long ago? The two pieces of flesh and blood are not too much or too much. If they are too many, they will leave. If they are missing, they can't send Lilith out. Coincidentally or premeditated?

   Among the three evil dragons, the white dragon Abu Soren is dead, and the bronze dragon Kromi is dead. Only if she is still alive, maybe she is the biggest BOSS in the world.

   The ultimate boss Neptune Dragon!

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