The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1014: Difficult Neptune Dragon (1)

"What do you want? What can you give me? Except for the flesh and blood on your body." Little Will said, making the blue-haired beauty a black line, and I have nothing but the body?

"Hehe, only you can give me what I want, but I am definitely not paying for my own body. The body of the little guy and sister is very expensive." The blue-haired beauty with a faint smile on her face, still rushing Ville licked his lips, but his eyes narrowed slightly, and the inadvertent trace of murderous aura made everyone outside of Ville feel cold.

   "Adele can get two pieces for free, it doesn't seem to be too precious, right?" Little Ville frantically challenged Neptune Dragon's bottom line.

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"You may not know what I can give you, but if I don't give it to you, what you will lose is very clear." A faint arc appeared at the corner of the blue-haired beauty's mouth: "This is a world where strength is supreme, Long Under the crown of God, we are in control of everything, and we are all prey that He raises, but as prey with a little bit of strength, there is still some value, especially for you."

The blue-haired beauty slowly stood up, and the powerful aura broke out in an instant. The Crystal Palace trembled slightly, and an undercurrent of craziness rushed around her instantly, "Little guy, Adele is just a chess piece, and those two pieces of flesh and blood are mine. The price you have to pay is that you have already come here, and your helpers will never come back. At this time, sister and my flesh and blood are very valuable. Whether you can regain your freedom, sister, I have the final say."

The turbulent undercurrent forced Ville and Andrea away. The blue-haired beauty and the blue bulldog under her feet were gradually raised by the current lingering, "I want to make a deal, come to my sister’s lair in three days. If you don’t want to, Then be prepared to stay here for the rest of your life with your sister."

   "Want to go, did you ask me for my opinion?" Little Ville punched him, the turbulent current was smashed by him, his fist suddenly burst into a blue dragon and went straight to the blue-haired beauty.

As soon as the blue-haired beauty pointed out, a small stream flew out like a lightning and slammed into Xiaoweier’s fist. The two forces exploded in an instant, but they did not separate up and down. The snake stretched its teeth and danced its claws around the blue-haired beauty, and quickly rushed into the undercurrent under her feet, turning the driving force into a tearing force and wanted to leave the blue-haired beauty behind.

"Little brother's sea witchcraft is good, but my sister is the sea king dragon, the absolute king of the sea!" As soon as the blue-haired beauty fell, her feet stomped slightly, and the ocean currents supporting her suddenly shook, and the two ocean currents controlled by Ville Split into it instantly.

   The ocean current holding the blue-haired beauty turned into a whirlpool and swept everything, and rushed out of the Crystal Palace in a blink of an eye. When Ville quickly chased it out, the huge whirlpool was still there, but the blue-haired beauty and her pet were gone.


No, they really left. In the ocean, they might really have nothing to do with her. If they really want to fight, unless they get out of the ocean, they might still be beaten by her. The pure ocean witchcraft is better than herself. But Neptune Dragon.

"The Neptune Dragon, who can occupy the sea and compete with the bronze dragon and the white dragon, is the ultimate big boss. I should have thought of this a long time ago." Little Ville couldn't help but shook his head slightly. Misleading with Adele, he naively thought that the Neptune Dragon occupying the sea was the weakest of the three evil dragons.

Just think about it carefully, the white dragon Abu Solun and the bronze dragon Kromi occupy the sky, while the Neptune dragon itself dominates the sea. It seems that the Neptune dragon has a larger sphere of influence and a stronger strength, but she But abruptly created the illusion of his weakest strength through a crystal palace.

   And this illusion was created by her, a long time ago.

She probably couldn’t beat Neptune Dragon in the Crystal Palace. The reason why she didn’t fight with herself directly, but to trade the side three days later, just want to prove that she can come and go freely in front of her, if she doesn’t fight with her To cooperate, we must be ready to live with her in this world forever.

   "Mr. Well, is Neptune Dragon really so powerful?" Andrea has been watching them confront, suddenly feeling that her three views have been slightly broken, shouldn't Neptune Dragon be the weakest dragon? Adele said the same, she couldn't even break the Crystal Palace.

   But the blue-haired beauty told her that the Crystal Palace was built by her, and she left behind them deliberately. She even arranged Adele's so-called sneak attack before.

"It's more powerful than either the white dragon or the bronze dragon. Well, maybe it can't beat the two giant dragons together." Ville is not very sure. If the white dragon Abu Solun and the bronze dragon are in the sea on the battlefield. Can Chromie be able to beat the Neptune Dragon together? Judging from the situation that Little Ville perceives just now, they can't take the Neptune Dragon together on the sea.

The method that Neptune Dragon used to leave was not stealth or escape, but a kind of ability similar to transformation and instant movement, which disappeared almost instantly without a trace. This method requires preliminary preparation, but Very unpredictable, Ville thinks that working with Lilith can suppress her in all directions, even in the ocean, but is unable to catch her.

If Neptune Dragon is really determined to avoid seeing them, the two of them really have no choice but to turn the sea into a continent. It's just that this kind of operation will not be completed for dozens, hundreds of years or even longer. You must know the bronze The three evil dragons, the dragon, the white dragon, and the sea king dragon, have worked together for nearly a thousand years to create the current grand scene. How long will it take for a person to completely reverse it, or even completely subvert the world?

   "Rumble~" Suddenly a loud noise came from a distance, the sea trembled violently, and surging waves hit the sky and the earth.

"Zhen!" Little Weir let out a soft drink, raised his hands slightly, and then pressed down hard. With him as the center, within a radius of one kilometer, the time was calm and the waves were calm and the waves were surging from the sides of his body. Pounced outside.

"That direction seems to be..." Andrea felt something was wrong, her water attribute affinity was also very strong, and she could clearly perceive that this wave of waves was not caused by a witchcraft trick, so what caused it. This wave of tsunami?

   The corners of Xiaowei's mouth twitched slightly, and the expression on his face was a little stinky. Just thinking about how to handle the Neptune Dragon, others gave him a bit of power.

"The refuge island in the safe zone was sunk." Little Ville left a dark hand on the island. Although he could not detect it for the first time, he immediately noticed the cause of the incident after the wave of tsunami passed~www.wuxiaspot .com~Aptune Dragon sank the first safe island she built, and she told herself through this method that the ocean is still king at this time, and she wants to change the sea into the land. It's good to see if she cooperates or not.

  If she carries it to the end, she can stay invincible by hiding on the seabed and destroying the island again and again, but what about herself?

   People have stayed in this world for thousands of years, and it’s okay to continue to stay, but do you have so much time to spend with her?

   fight, oneself has no obvious advantage in the opponent's home court, can not catch up to fight unbeaten or kill.

  Consuming, I don't have enough time and energy to spend with her, and if I continue to consume it, I am not sure that I can completely transform this world, and Neptune Dragon will not watch him seize the initiative.

   Then there is only one way left in the end, talk!

   But without beating her to talk directly, Ville always feels a little uncomfortable. Haiwanglong seems to have taken everything into consideration. Unless he is really willing to consume her and fight her, he can only negotiate with her.

Based on the floating islands of thunder and lightning, and the floating islands of storms, to create a new continent and expand it a little bit, this idea may not be infeasible. For ordinary islands, this is not what Little Will wants to see.

   You must know that these two floating islands have been booked by my sister and fiancee, and even the stormy floating islands have become Xiao Weiya's palace in Snowwood World. It is not so difficult to get them back.

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