The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1017: This is the right that a victor should have

Little Ville fought against the blue-haired beauty for three hundred rounds, but no one could do anything about it. Ville’s ocean witchcraft was completely suppressed by the Neptune Dragon, and the shadow witchcraft was slightly better, but the trumpet was very large. In the end, he relied on the half-baked Thunder Witch. The technique found a little advantage.

After a round of battle, the blue-haired beauty discovered that Ville’s overall strength was not weaker than herself. She was proficient in ocean magic, shadow magic and thunder magic. This super-spec monster can kill the white dragon Absolen and the bronze dragon. Chromie didn't seem strange, but he didn't want to suppress himself.

   Where is the specific difference?

  The difference is that although he is omnipotent, he is not profound, especially the relative restraint of his own thunder witchcraft is not perfect, the thunder magic sword is slightly jerky, and the moves are less natural and smooth.

It's now!

The blue-haired beauty instantly appeared on Ville’s side, her fist fell on his wrist fiercely, and the long sword flew out. As a result, the Thunder Demon Swordsmanship could not be issued, and the other fist punched his lower abdomen fiercely. , This is the biggest result of the blue-haired beauty since the start of the war.

   "Pop!" The blue-haired beauty's fist was grasped by Little Will's palm: "I've caught you!"

"Bang!" As soon as Weier's voice fell, he was kicked by the blue-haired beauty. "Little brother, it's impolite to move your sister casually." Having said that, his fists shook slightly. Next, this little **** actually came up and discharged, almost paralyzing himself.

   Without waiting for Ville to retrieve the long sword, the blue-haired beauty rushed to Ville first, waving her fists and feet imperviously, and then...

Then she discovered that after she had no long sword, she could not beat this young man in close combat and kung fu, she could not have the absolute upper hand in strength, speed, and technique. She was slightly weaker in strength and slightly superior in speed, but she had the upper hand in skill. But at an absolute disadvantage, he was crushed and beaten by this young man.

   This style of fist and kick, orc boxing?

   The blue-haired beauty of the Sea King Dragon took the opportunity to pull away with a punch and a torrent shot past him, directly competing with him in witchcraft. In the sea, her own ocean witchcraft is the most powerful.

Ville also has a headache now. The beauty on the opposite side seems to be very restrained from weapon warfare. She can't use her magic swordsmanship and swordsmanship, and her lethality is suddenly reduced a lot, and the ocean witchcraft is also suppressed by the opponent. Only by relying on the orc boxing techniques and some small tricks learned from Lilith to get back a little advantage, now it can't be used.

  Although he has the blessing of the ocean goddess, he has a high affinity for the sea, but can it be compared with the Neptune dragon who is born in the sea?

I have cultivated the god-level meditation idea of ​​the goddess of the ocean, and the sea king dragon also has the inheritance of the dragon, and it is still suitable for my inheritance. How can a specialization of thousands of years of cultivation be comparable to a young teenager of my fellow practitioners with several attributes of.

  While Xiao Weier is here to blame himself, the blue-haired beauty Neptune Dragon is also secretly cursing, what kind of monster is this boy? Because of a certain prophecy, I have studied how to deal with an enemy holding a weapon, but I was crushed and beaten in close combat. You must know that I am a dragon. This **** should only be a half-dragon talent. Where did he come from?

   If this is not the sea, I guess it will be even worse. It is indeed an outlier who can take him out of this cage in the prophecy. If he does not show his hole cards, it is really difficult to impress him.

   The other party made it clear that he wanted to kill him, but he couldn't kill him. He was the only hope for him to leave this cage.

The witchcraft battle against Ville quickly fell under the wind, and she could only use the form to change shadows to dodge embarrassedly. Ocean witchcraft instead became a defensive method. Under such pressure, Ville felt that he had an understanding of ocean witchcraft. A little improvement.

Whether he is a genius or not, Ville feels that in front of Lilith and Guai Liluo, he is not a genius. The speed of the two of them in the battle is several times that of himself, and he often improves after summing up after the war. , But with the improvement of strength, his abilities in this area seem to have improved a bit, and he has become stronger while fighting.

With a loud noise of "Boom!", Ville fell into the magic circle he had arranged, and he couldn't help but let out an exclamation. This magic circle does not distinguish between enemies and us, except for certain nodes, other places are teleported and transformed. All other methods are prohibited.

   "Ocean barrier!" Little Ville let out a roar, a dark blue circular barrier protected him, and the overwhelming water arrows swam over like loaches twisting their waists.

"The sea barrier, the water keeps flowing!" The dark blue barrier quickly turned and drove the surrounding sea water to form a huge vortex. The oncoming water arrows were either driven to change direction or turned away by the barrier. , The blue-haired beauty Sea King Dragon’s trick is not too powerful, but it can raise the non-advanced water arrow trick to the third order, forming such a large-scale and controllable means of increasing power by a hundred times, which is enough to prove that she is in the sea witchcraft. On the accomplishments.

   Insert a sentence, [ Resource Artifact ] Really good, it is worth installing, after all, there are many books, all books, and fast updates!

I used a big move to barely resist the ordinary means of the blue-haired beauty. If this goes on, the first person who runs out of magic power must be myself. A fist-sized moon pearl in the sea appeared out of thin air in the hands of Xiaoweier, and the magic power was poured into the next one with a diameter of three feet. The waterless space appeared quietly.

The blue-haired beauty showed a look of shock on her face. This magic circle had watched him finish before. It was absolutely forbidden. Not only was the space teleportation forbidden, but even the space equipment was also forbidden. How did he take this thing? from?

   Are you proving that as long as there is this magic circle, you can rely on a steady stream of resources to consume me to death? The blue-haired beauty immediately understood what Little Weir meant, with a touch of disdain on her face and walked into the range of the magic circle.

   "Forbidden!" With a loud roar from Ville, the huge magic circle suddenly turned around, and the dense lines in the sea lit up, and the sea seemed to become heavier instantly.

   The blue-haired beauty stood 20 meters away from Xiaoweier, quietly watching him run the magic circle, and after the magic turned to full power, she smiled and asked, "Are you ready?"

Seeing the calm and composed blue-haired beauty, the long sword in Ville's hand appeared out of thin air. The original one fell to the bottom of the sea and was not picked up. He could only deal with it temporarily with a new one. Although it was a master-level work, it was still more or less powerful. Some differences: "Some things cannot be compromised, some people must be defeated, please advise!"

   The blue-haired beauty took a deep look at him, and suddenly her slender jade finger tapped on the pearl crown of her head, and her whole person disappeared in an instant.

"How is it possible?!" Ville's face finally changed. Although this magic circle is not his last resort, UU reading is also a big killer that can restrict the escape of Neptune Dragon. If this thing fails, In a short period of time, there is nothing to do with her.

   How did she escape from here?

   Even he and Lilith can only escape with the Snowwood World and Apostle Space.

  Apostle Space is a masterpiece of wisdom gods, which can be understood as a special master **** level method, Snowwood World...

   Wait, Snowwood World, Xiao Weier's heart is shocked: "The key to this world is in your hands?!"

   The blue-haired beauty who just showed her figure hundreds of meters away was stunned. "How do you know?"

   got the answer he wanted, the countless thoughts in Ville's mind turned, and finally turned into a long sigh, is there a chance of winning in this space against the person who has the key of space? She was obviously able to call the space key power to do some things, but she did not fully refine the space key.

"The death of the white dragon Abu Solun and the bronze dragon Kromi was wronged." Little Ville stopped the magic circle easily. This thing was actively stimulated, and it was consuming magic power every moment, although it was not his own. Magic power, power will drop drastically after a long time, and there is no need to continue now.

   "The time is only sooner or later, they are all going to die anyway, and I just want to survive." The blue-haired beauty showed a bitter smile on her face: "Now, can we talk about it?"

   Little Will shrugged helplessly: "Now you have the final say, this is the right that a winner should have."

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