The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1018: Sign the contract, Destiny Dzi

The blue-haired beauty Neptune Dragon who has the key to space cannot be restrained. In a lone boat on the sea, Ville quietly looked at the blue-haired beauty on the opposite side. Her requirements were straightforward and simple. It was difficult to have anyone besides herself. can do.

   took her out of this world.

   is different from other passers-by and ordinary aborigines. She is a standard visitor from hell. If you want to take her out of this space, besides the special imprint of the anti-dragon order, you also need to pass the special test of the road of anti-dragon.

  What is the special imprint of the Dragon Order?

It’s a single imprint of the Dragon Token, but in theory, there is only one such imprint for each passer. It is impossible to lend it to others. However, at the beginning of the pass, Weier was taken advantage of by the fiery red dragon, and his The counterattack caused a bug, which caused him to meet this condition himself.

   Little Weier is not a fool. Too many coincidences is a bit too artificial. The blue-haired beauty on the opposite side must have other secrets, and it is that secret that makes him so dead.

She started the layout when she built the Crystal Palace hundreds of years ago. Adele was also her pawn. She purposely let go of Lilith, but she was not tempted to face the key of space, and she did not even give it to the white dragon Absolen, Bronze dragon Kromi used.

Little Ville killed the white dragon Absolun and the bronze dragon Kromi, and inherited all their wealth. Among them were the diaries of two people. The lines between the lines were filled with the desire for the key of space. They longed for the key of space, and then Completely destroy this space and get out of the cage.

However, there is another secret in the diary of the bronze dragon. One does not need to destroy the space. Instead, it is a means of taking the space as its own, and then driving the space out of the shackles. However, this method will consume a lot of money, but once it succeeds , The bronze dragon may be promoted to the demigod.

The blue-haired beauty looked at the thin stripe on the back of her hand with a bright smile on her face. At this time, the beauty of Neptune Dragon is more like an ordinary human beauty, rather than one of the three evil dragons in the space. .

"The contract has been signed and we are no longer enemies. Can you answer a few questions for me now?" Little Weier is really full of doubts. The pearl in his hand does not have the slightest magical power, and it is not beautiful, but it is the most in this space. Precious things: the key to space.

"Ask." The blue-haired beauty seemed to be in a good mood. First, she signed a contract with Xiaowei. They can't hurt each other before leaving the road of Nilong. Xiaowei is obliged to take her away, and Sea King Longlantis also has it. The obligation to protect the safety of Xiao Wei, and then received the reverse dragon pattern from Xiao Wei.

After Xiao Weier gave her the dragon pattern, he was informed by the guide of the sixth stage of the road to the dragon. The clearance conditions were changed, the sea king dragon was turned into his own personnel, and the three evil dragon flesh and blood clearance conditions became two major ones. The dragon flesh and blood plus ten second-order monster crystals.

However, this is only a condition for others to pass the customs. The passer Vil Starshan violated the rules and punished the pass. The conditions for the sixth pass are to purify the **** of the space, refine the key of the space, and cancel the right to temporarily leave the road to the dragon. , Instead continue through the barriers until the end.

   Although he originally planned to break through the nine levels of the road to the dragon, he was deprived of the opportunity to rest, which still made Little Wei very unhappy.

I haven’t seen Lilith, Guai Liluo, Nicole, Leya, and other family members for three years. The Sunshine Land, Mitis Wizarding Academy, the Sixth Ring Constructed Wizard Tower, and the Continent of the Gods have not appeared for a while. , I didn't know what it was, but now I miss them a little bit.

   Little Ville cleans up his mood, and then he will go through the last three levels of the road to the dragon with this blue-haired beauty Landis. Some things must be understood clearly.

   "You, have you been calculating me from the beginning?" Little Weier said very slowly but very seriously.

The blue-haired beauty Lantis had no intention of concealing it, and nodded and said: "I have been calculating everything since a thousand years ago. At that time, I hadn't obtained the key of space. In order to ensure absolute advantage, I controlled the entire sea. And work hard to completely submerge the land."

"Eight hundred years ago, after the last land island was sunk, the key of space appeared in front of me. I spent fifty years researching the key of space and found some methods that can be used without refining. Then I Assisted a barrier-breaker to build the Crystal Palace and began to cultivate this power in secret."

"Fifty years ago, I asked Xiao Lan to pretend to be me and gave the smart Adele two pieces of my own flesh and blood. You should have guessed the purpose, and that is to let your fiancée leave. Bailong Abso The deaths of Lun and the bronze dragon Cromi have long known that the white dragon died of flames, and the bronze dragon died of the sea..." At this point, Landis’s voice weakened slightly and finally he spit out a little bit. Shocked words of Will.

   "The Neptune Dragon died of a sharp blade!"

   "Huh~~" Xiaowei was dumbfounded. The blue-haired beauty on the opposite side contained a lot of meaning.

"Everything is destiny, and to break the destiny requires a special talent, and you are this special person who has mastered the destiny." Landis waved his hand and said, "The destiny of our three evil dragons was originally like this. , And the white dragon Abu Solun and the bronze dragon Kromi also fulfilled this prophecy that existed thousands of years ago. Only I found the right way to get rid of the fate of death."

   "Prophecy, destiny, I seem to have heard something very interesting, can I talk about it carefully?" Ville felt that he had grasped the point of the matter.

The blue-haired beauty Landis took a deep look at him with a slightly subtle expression on her face, but did not refuse his request. However, the first sentence at the beginning made Little Will feel that things were a little bit bigger. What she said was: " I come from hell."

The Lord of Hell has never stopped invading the world. Its strength occupies an absolute advantage but it has never been able to gain the upper hand in each other's fight. Among them, the gods of this world play a vital role, and among the many gods the most let go. The lord of **** furiously hates the dragon god, not the fairy goddess, the earth goddess, the sea goddess, the night goddess, or even the sun goddess who has died, but the goddess of fate.

   When, where, how long has the gate of **** been opened, how much troops have been deployed, and what level is the strongest, the goddess of fate can always deliver the news to the alliance of gods the first time.

  Where did the **** demons develop believers of what scale, and when are they ready to make trouble? This time the **** demons are going to attack the place of the gods and demons, the **** demons...

   As long as the activities of the **** demon in this world go beyond a little limit, they will be reported immediately. The goddess of fate does not need evidence or doubt, just believe and follow her words.

   The goddess of destiny has contributed to the world's ability to resist the invasion of **** and demons again and again.

   Goddess of Destiny has one of the biggest tricks, that is, reversal of destiny, which can forcibly reverse the destiny and reverse the destiny of the world several times, repelling the **** demon at the critical moment.

   But using the power of destiny requires a price, the goddess of fate is not strong in combat power, and even because of the use of the power of destiny again and again, his body is slowly getting worse.

Finally thousands of years ago, the Goddess of Destiny calculated his own death. Before death, he condensed his own power into a lot of Destiny Dzi and gave them to the goddess of night, the goddess of the sea, the goddess of the sea, the goddess of spirits, etc., and made them. The last large-scale calculation.

In the subsequent invasion of the Hell Lord, the Hell Lord's clone brought a treasure called the Compass of Doom and launched a fatal blow to the Goddess of Destiny. The goddess of Destiny who had been prepared mortally fought back and destroyed the Hell Lord's clone, and by the way it was also on its own. He was wounded, and he fought for peace in the world for a long time.

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   The death of the Hell Lord clone caused huge losses to the **** demons. Without a leader, the demons were swept away by the gods of this world. Because the number of these **** demons was so huge, they had to use a different space to imprison them. The white dragon Abu Soren, the bronze dragon Kromi, and the sea king dragon Landis are one of them.

   After the goddess of destiny fell, her body turned into destiny dzi beads and fell into various spaces. The three big dragons got a fragment, and they saw their destiny from the fragments.

However, the white dragon Abu Solun and the bronze dragon Kromi didn’t know that, in addition to the one-time fragment, the Sea King Dragon Landis also got a complete Destiny Dzi. She calculated again and again, and finally found her destiny. Methods.

"The Destiny Dzi Bead is, after all, the treasure of Destiny left by the Goddess of Lost the goddess of Destiny's supernatural power, this thing is also a consumable that cannot supplement the power, and the remaining power is running out.” Landis He threw a golden ball the size of a thumb to Ville.

"The last time you used the Destiny Dzi Bead was after you came in. It only shows your strength at the time. Because your strength is very strong, the follow-up will be broken." Lantis's meaning is very clear, and everything after that is my own hand. What contributed to it was not the power of the Destiny Dzi.

   "Ding~, I found the Destiny Dzi, the relic of the Goddess of Destiny. The destiny divine power in the Destiny Dzi is almost. Does the apostle brother need to use merit to exchange the destiny divine power to supplement the Destiny Dzi?" The voice of the apostle Xiaowei came to mind.

"Xiaowei, how much merit is needed for this power supplement?" Xiaowei knows that Xiaowei will not cheat herself, but sometimes she can't change the lavish habit, as long as it is for her own good, Xiaowei will not be able to control her hands and feet, Xiaowei Although knowing that she was right to do this, his merits are always making ends meet and he is always under pressure.

"The Destiny Dzi Bead is a very mysterious treasure. The power of the Destiny Dzi Bead is unpredictable. The power that this Destiny Dzi Bead can carry requires about three thousand merits. The Destiny Dzi Bead consumes too much. If the power is not refilled in time, it will be within three years. dissipate."

   Little Weier couldn't help but a black line, "How much merit is needed to just ensure that the Destiny Dzi will not dissipate?"

   Xiaowei did not say that supplementing the destiny supernatural power is a one-off, first save this treasure and talk about other things, and then Xiaowei gave the price of 30 merits, this hundred times the gap made Xiaowei a black line.

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