The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1019: Collect Destiny Dzi Beads

Brother, Vansti misses you so much, hurry up and revive Vansti.

Ville opened his eyes suddenly, and suddenly realized that he had fallen asleep unknowingly, and the sweat on his forehead made him cold all over.

The weak voice in the ear seemed to be still reverberating, even engraved into his own soul, the voice just now was definitely not an illusion.

"Goddess of Destiny, Fansty?" Ville did not simply infuse the destiny supernatural power of 30 merits, but entered the destiny supernatural power of three hundred merits, and then did not give the destiny dzi to Xiaowei's custody, but released it. Into the world of snow wood.

As soon as the Destiny Dzi Bead entered the snowwood world, it burst into bright light for the first time, and then a soft and weak illusory figure appeared in his mind, with long soft golden hair and beautiful eyes like a starry sky. The small body seems to be blown down by a gust of wind, with his hands clasped on his chest, looking at his brother timidly, Vansti misses you so much, hurry up and revive Vansti.

Then the Destiny Dzi Bead was completely broken and merged into the Snowwood World, and the Snowwood World shook three times slightly, an inexplicable rhythm spread, and the world seemed to become much clearer.

The tree of life seedlings brought a message to himself that the world of snowwood was integrated with a trace of destiny. The world's security level was slightly increased, and it was able to avoid being calculated and searched to a certain extent, and the security was higher.

The Snowwood World is Ville’s trump card, and his position in his mind is even above the Apostle Space. People who can be recognized by him are eligible to enter the Snowwood World. Currently, only Lilith, Guai Liluo, Xiao Weiya, and Ni But only a few people, their lowest level of strength is also Saint-level.

Among them, Weiya is a reincarnation god, Lilith and Guai Liluo have the protection of apostle space, only Nicole is the weakest, who also has the beast god’s favor, and the dark hands left by Xiao Wei and Lilith, basically guaranteed not She will leak the information of Snowwood World, and she has almost no special authority, which is completely different from Xiaoweiya, Lilith, and Guai Liluo.

The possibility of tracking Snowwood World from Nicole is very small. The possibility of finding the seven-story pagoda is very high. However, there are still many relatives of Xiaowei. You can’t keep them from knowing this secret or take them. Bring them all into the world of Snowwood and not come out

The Snowwood World has all the characteristics of the different space, but it has a huge development potential than the different space. Ville is not afraid of power-type enemies. Anyway, the Snowwood World is not afraid of being discovered when moving in the dimensional space, but it is not necessarily safe to move in the dimensional space. Yes, he continued to strengthen the world barrier of Snowwood World while hiding it as much as possible.

The tree of life and the tree of death increase the strength of the world, but cannot increase the mystery of the world. The strength of the snowwood world is very good, but the strength of my own master is too low and restricts the development of the world. If the snowwood world is discovered, Can I really block the invasion of a god-level master?

Therefore, it is imperative to hide the world of Snowwood and hide better, and now Xiaowei has found a way to Destiny Dzi.

The Destiny Dzi can calculate fate, and it can also shield others from their calculations. The snow wood world that incorporates the Destiny Dzi also has a certain ability to avoid calculations, but the power that a Destiny Dzi currently brings to it is far from enough.

According to the Sea King Long Landis, several friends of the goddess of fate, such as the goddess of the gods, the goddess of the earth, the goddess of the sea, and the goddess of the night, have very powerful dzi beads in the hands of the goddess of fate. The bead fragments have fallen into a different space.

But it does not rule out that some of them have fallen into the hands of other gods and masters, such as dragons.

"Xiao Wei, publish a reward in the Apostle Space. Use the bloodline gems and inheritance crystals in exchange for the Destiny Dzi Beads. Um, the price is negotiable. You can use merits to supplement the price difference, as long as you don't suffer." The elves released a reward for trading, and at the same time hung up a dozen common bloodline gems and inheritance crystals, and someone came to the door within a short time.

Little Ville didn’t come out in person, but pushed Lilith out. The first transaction could not be so smooth. The other lion opened his mouth to ask for a dozen inheritance crystals, a dozen blood gems, and even a thousand merits to make up the difference. He was directly expelled by Lilith, marked as a dishonest trading partner, and refused to accept the transaction.

This refusal to trade is not this time, but to refusal to trade in the future.

The four-star apostle was in a daze in his own apostle space, asking prices to pay back the money, and if you made a price yourself, you drove me out without saying a word. Even if you cut the price to one-tenth, we will still If you can continue to talk about it, why do you expel me directly?

When he contacted Xiaowei through the trading platform again, Xiaowei directly gave a reply of refusal to communicate on the grounds that there was a problem with character integrity, and he was included in the trading blacklist. Before the blacklist was restored, he would never trade.

The four-star apostle was stunned, his own demigod-level goblin merchant would actually be told that there was a problem with character integrity. This was just an ordinary business practice.

Xiaowei did not disconnect. Faced with the question of the four-star apostle demigoblin merchant, Xiaowei gave her own explanation. The apostles in the apostle space are all partners. Everyone has the eyes of appraisal and has a set of value to measure things. If you know that everyone understands the standard, people still speak loudly. If such a person is not in arrears with IQ, it is a character problem. May I ask which of the two types of the four-star apostle belongs?

The four-star apostle demigod businessman is speechless when facing Xiaowei’s question. How to choose your own demigod businessman? The top 20 rich and powerful merchants in the apostle space will be in arrears with IQ. person

But if there is a problem with character, it is even worse. Merchants pay attention to integrity. If their reputation is bad, will someone deal with them? Although most people who deal with them know that they have a dark heart, but they are so clear. It’s the first time that it refused to trade because of the dark heart, and even publicized it on the trading platform.

Just when the demigod-level goblin merchant hesitated, a new transaction occurred. Another four-star apostle of the Dragon Clan exchanged a piece of Destiny Dzi Bead for three sub-dragon blood gems, two crystals of dragon clan inheritance. . Then the vacancy of this treasure was not filled, and other people wanting to trade, can only choose other bloodline gems and inheritance crystallization.

The demigod-level goblin merchant immediately made a transaction request. The difference in merit is ignored. It is also three bloodline gems and two inheritance crystallizations. However, the transaction application was rejected again on the grounds that it has been blacklisted and cannot be restored until the blacklist is restored. transaction.

Ville uses the trading platform to adopt an open and transparent trading method. Confidential channels will charge additional fees, so their conversations can be seen clearly by others. The demigod-level goblin merchants watched the good things they had chosen were removed. A four-star apostle who had been pitted by himself used the Destiny Dzi Bead in exchange.

Then the demigod-level goblin merchant received a communication from the four-star apostle, three bloodline gems, two inheritance crystals, asking for a fate dzi fragment plus three hundred merits. He turned around and earned three hundred merits without doing anything. Good thing, he still likes it very much, but the demigod-level goblin merchant is upset.

Ville’s inheritance crystals and bloodline gems are very famous in the apostle circle, but people rarely sell such treasures. Good things that can cultivate the bloodline strong in a short period of time will be released later. Not to mention the release this time. The quality of bloodline gems is as high as Tier 3, otherwise they cannot be used to trade Destiny Dzi Bead fragments. This is the relic of the Goddess of Destiny, which is definitely a rare good thing for those who are proficient in astrology.

What does Vilsta Mountain want the Destiny Dzi Bead?

This is not a problem at all. His grandfather is the first astrologer of the Mitis Wizarding Academy. He has an astrologer in his family’s blood line. He wants to develop in this respect. The Destiny Dzi is definitely the best auxiliary tool. .

However, this thing consumes a lot of merit, just use dozens of merits once and they are gone, and they feel distressed when they use it. Small things are not worthy of divination, and big things are not worthy of divination. Destiny Dzi is quite tasteless for them.

In one day, Ville received four pieces of Destiny Dzi Beads. It was not that no one was willing to trade, but that Ville’s suitable third-order bloodline gems So it was almost listed on the Apostle Space trading platform. After seven or eight reward trading missions, the destiny dzi was used to exchange bloodline gems and inheritance crystals, and the types of bloodline gems and inheritance crystals were clearly written, and the meaning was obvious.

I don’t need the trash bloodline gems and inheritance crystals you have left. Take out what I need, and you can take away the fragments of the Destiny Dzi Bead.

Lilith also has the authority of Snowwood World. She responded to these transactions as soon as possible, bargaining one by one, and even said that the things they need are not complete. Some varieties have insufficient levels, and some types do not have them. It will take a long time to get together.

Four pieces of Destiny Dzi Beads merged into the world of Snowwood, and Ville found that he also had a certain anti-calculation ability, and his safety was greatly improved.

Before, they were cheated by the Trojan demigod and Professor Wezel, and now they want to cheat themselves, the energy spent will be doubled or even more than ten times higher.

Standing on the high floating island, Xiao Weier looked at the surging sea below, and the storm goddess unconsciously emerged in his mind. Various insights promoted his cultivation. This unstable space was refined by him. Key, the Snowwood World began to absorb the law and pass it on to itself.

This space is much larger than all the controls it carried before, and the laws contained in it are also more powerful and rich. Especially the unstable state of this space makes many laws more active and easier to understand.

"Is this a punishment or a reward?" After a long time, Little Weier, who had finished a wave of cultivation, was slightly in a daze.

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