The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1020: Goodbye Lolita

When I saw Lolita again, it was not Lilith but Landis that Little Wei was carrying with him. The beautiful golden dragon Lolita stared at Little Wei with beautiful big eyes. The huge golden pupils seemed to be able to reflect. An undisguised smile.

"Young brave man, congratulations on passing the deep test of the road to the dragon. Next, I will make the final assessment for you by my golden dragon Lolita Gurand Dorag." Lolita's opening remarks were very simple and monotonous but had to To proceed, this is a rule, a process, and an indispensable part of the road to the dragon.

"The young owner of the black dragon bloodline, in the deep test of Xinde, you used your intelligence and bravery, kindness and justice to rescue the trapped barriers, clear out the threatening **** demons, and save three poor worlds. , You are the great redeemer and the son of luck recognized by the world. Congratulations, child, you successfully passed the deep test of the road to the dragon. My evaluation to you is perfect"

Lolita gave Ville a high evaluation as always. Ville shrugged, with a wry smile on her face and pointed to the blue-haired beauty Lantis next to her. "Even though I was trapped in the sixth stage for six full years, I had to compromise with this evil dragon to bring her out. The evaluation you gave me is still perfect Lolita. I have to say that your heart is too kind, and what I did is not perfect."

Jinlong Lolita laughed cheerfully. "A kind and brave child, perfection is always relative. For me, sixty points are passing, seventy points are good, eighty points are excellent, and ninety points and one hundred. Many points are perfect, but the degree of perfection is different. My child, you have done very well. Under the same level, no one else can do better than you, I swear."

Yes, in Lolita's opinion, even if the third-tier masters are perfect players, they cannot do better than Weier in the sixth level. Others do not have the conditions for Weier, and it is impossible to compete with Landis. It is impossible for someone who has reached an agreement and cannot meet the conditions of Landis to let her give up the key of space. The biggest evaluation of the sixth level is to save the space that is about to be destroyed.

This little Ville did. Although the space was finally included in his pocket, it did not affect Lolita's evaluation of him.

And it is precisely because Little Ville can carry the space that is about to be shattered, but Lolita has a higher evaluation of him, so I know that ordinary Saint-level masters, even the Saint-level can successfully carry such a huge space. If you don't catch it, the carrying space is what the demigods think about to do. That's the only way for them to build the kingdom of God.

Well, this is true for demigods in general, at least that is what Little Ville has learned.

"Smart and resolute Neptune Dragon, I sincerely admire your vision and perseverance. In such an embarrassing and even mortal environment, you did not give up, and moved forward unswervingly step by step, looking for it. A glimmer of illusory hope. The **** of fate takes care of you. In the end, you succeed. May the goddess of fate always take care of you. You have got a dragon pattern from a young man. Although there is no record of the first five levels, I still need to give you an evaluation. ."

Lolita weighed it for a moment, and finally shook her head and said, "Although I really want to give you a perfect evaluation, the rules cannot be broken. I'm sorry, the beautiful Ms. Haiwanglong, your evaluation can only be good."

Landis waved his hand indifferently, "I am already very happy to have the opportunity to be reborn. It doesn't matter what I evaluate."

"You can have such a mentality, I feel happy from the bottom of my heart, child. The front is still full of thorns. As long as you have a heart that never gives up, the dawn of victory will shine on you." Lolita Sending out his own blessing, a faint golden light fell on Landis, and the smile on the latter's face increased.

The blessing of Jinlong staying with this thing, as a dragon clan, she doesn’t know how she won’t patronize herself with the little troubles like this one, and major disasters can also be relieved a lot. It seems that she has made the right move, and the dragon clan in this world has not rejected Yourself.

It's a pity for the white dragon Abu Solun and the bronze dragon Kromi, their hearts are always in hell, and the so-called loyalty and arrogance have killed them.

Landis is very realistic, and the person who knows the current affairs is a brilliant, so she survived, and may live better in the future, respectfully thanked Lolita, and got more love from Lolita.

Two golden lights fell on the inverse dragon pattern of Ville and Landis, and Lolita continued to say, "Child, in the sixth level, you made the most helpless and only correct choice. This allows you to successfully escape and find The method of customs clearance has been established, but it has also laid hidden dangers for your road."

"Here, I can only tell you that I am very sorry, my child, now that you have lost the right to choose to rest and give up. You can only walk to the end one way. Except you can't stop, you can't leave the road of Nilong. Other powers are still there." Lolita looked at Ville, her eyes full of pity and sympathy, "Actually, you are not the first person to be punished for breaking the rules, but the first one for having nowhere to go. Only such a person. I know that extra compassion will not help you at all, so, kind-hearted child, would you like to make a deal with me to buy a life-saving equipment from me"

"Good-hearted Golden Dragon, thank you for your help. It is my honor to be able to get your help." Little Ville is not a person who doesn't know good and bad. Lolita clearly wants to give herself more benefits, but only by the rules, Ville It is impossible to use the sympathy of others to make the other party suffer.

Bloodline gems, inheritance crystals, water of life, soul gems, these are good things that Ville can bring out. As for the green dragon dragon crystal, white dragon dragon crystal, and bronze dragon dragon crystal, don't think about it. The white dragon dragon crystal has been taken by Lilith. Incubating the Holy Light White Dragon, the green dragon dragon crystal was taken by Leya to make friends with the forest green dragon colony inhabiting the elven forest. The bronze dragon dragon crystal is still in the hands of Little Vil for the time being, but intends to use it to train Andrea.

These dragon crystals may not be helpful to Golden Dragon, but they may cause her unnecessary trouble.

In the sixth level, Ville and Landis are the last to leave, because Ville’s task is to purify the magic of **** in the space, and Landis is bundled with him and cannot be separated. Andrea and others are two years old. Has already left before.

After obtaining the key to space, Ville improved the space environment while practicing. At the same time, he was sending out those stranded barriers one after another. The ten second-order masters and the people of Crystal Palace brought by Ville did it in half a year. Erjing, only Andrea was left.

Andrea was not left behind because of lack of strength. She was just the strongest in the sixth level except for Weier and Landis. Weier left her to let her practice better. Besides herself, she also invited With the help of Landis, he finally helped Andrea to be promoted to the third-level wizard within a and this drove the reluctant little girl out.

Everyone, including Andrea, is not a fool. The sixth level is already so simple. In the seventh level, they don’t plan to break through. They left the road to Dragon Island and entered Dragon Island. They received all the half-dragon tribes. Strongly welcome, you can even use looting to describe it.

Adele's authority in the Crystal Palace allowed her to successfully **** more than two dozen female half-dragons, and most of the rest went to Lilith's command. Compared to Adele, they had a higher look at Ville and Lilith.

Andrea is a person with strong feelings, but between friends and teachers, she chooses to be obedient and listen to whom

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Of course, I listened to what the teacher said. Teacher Lilith has spoken. How dare Andrea not listen? There is a force that cannot be underestimated on Dragon Island. The leader is the martial sage of this session. Silent also had a bronze dragon blood holy knight holy wizard, who almost crushed the tribe where the half-dragon leader was.

Not to mention the scarcity of personnel of this force, there is no fixed large-scale base, and their own islands. They form a team. Apart from training, they perform tasks all day long. Not to mention the super freedom to enter and exit the Dragon Island, and the benefits are not that ordinary people can enjoy. of.

Grandmaster-level pharmacy and grandmaster-level equipment, if you contribute a lot, you can get bloodline gems and inheritance crystal rewards. Many half-dragons are even willing to abandon the position of tribal leader and join them as a small soldier, but they are turned away. What else are they dissatisfied with? of

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