The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1023: The tragic history of Neptune Dragon

My name is Leo, and I am a 600-year-old young dragon. Because I have not been completely baptized, my strength is only the first stage of the third stage. In this world dominated by the sea, I, who was supposed to be the king and dominate, are in the devil’s way. Hunt down hard to survive.

I was born in this world, my mother is an ordinary Neptune Dragon, and my father is the chief of the Neptune Dragon, a great demigod powerhouse.

When I was young, in the deep lair, my mother told me the greatness of the Neptune Dragon clan. We are the well-deserved overlord of this world. There were as many as 40 or 50 heads of the clan when there were most of them. But every adult dragon has three. Rank strength.

The father is the patriarch, the most powerful, the ruler, 90% of the ocean in the world, and one of the few islands is occupied by a crystal dragon and a blue dragon. There are very few intelligent races in this world. The desert lizards under the command of the blue dragon, The goblins under the crystal dragon are the most numerous demihumans, and the tide murlocs in the sea are on the verge of extinction because of their disrespect to the sea king dragon clan.

The sea king dragon family has the world’s most expansive territory, the most abundant resources, and the most powerful strength. The crystal dragon sleeps on the crystal mountain for many years, and the blue dragon dare not step into the sea. At that time, only the sea king dragon came to their territory to show off. Things, without them going deep into the sea.

Until one day, the adult father traced the disappearance of the clansmen and came to the territory of the blue dragon. The two demi-god dragons fought a matchless battle. Because of the geographical advantage, the father could not win the final victory.

The furious father launched almost all Tier 3 Sea King Dragons to attack the Blue Dragon. The Blue Dragon Island was almost sunk. When the Blue Dragon was gone, there was a sudden wave of inexplicable fluctuations in the sky. All Tier 3 Sea King Long Qi Qi fell out of standard, and his magical powers were all disordered, and the crystal dragon descended from the sky and launched a fatal sneak attack on his father.

The two demi-god dragons, the crystal dragon and the blue dragon, joined forces to fight against their father. Although his father was slightly better than them, he was outnumbered and eventually brought the blue dragon to death. The crystal dragon became the only demi-god dragon in the world, replacing it. The Neptune Dragon clan became the overlord of this world.

While the father and the blue dragon died together, they also brought a huge disaster to the sea king dragon clan. The crystal dragon summoned its servants. The goblins who came on the goblin airship used various magical devices that they had never seen before. The Neptune Dragon, which is half of its combat effectiveness, reduced the number of Neptune Dragons in half.

The Neptune Dragon who fled to the sky brought back the news of the death of the patriarch. The remaining clansmen rose up and tried to break the crystal dragon’s lair. They attacked Gary Island and broke the defense of Crystal Mountain. Failing to sink Gary Island, the Crystal Dragon returned.

The strength of the fourth-order demigod is not comparable to that of the third-order. Even the severely wounded fourth-order dragon, the Neptune dragon was hit hard again, and fled out embarrassedly. From then on, it is precisely to announce that the world has entered the era of crystal dragon rule. .

For the next five hundred years, the Crystal Dragon never left thousands of miles around Gary Island, but as long as it was close to the Neptune Dragon within a thousand miles of Gary Island, it was caught and eaten by it without exception.

These five hundred years are more accurate to say that the Crystal Dragon Age is more accurate than the Goblin Age. Crystal dragon demigods rarely leave the Crystal Palace, and it is the goblin they looked down upon that really ruled the world.

Goblin airships, goblin battleships, biological puppets, magic crystal cannons, and goblin chariots, the most difficult thing for them to deal with is the inexplicable sound that makes them unbearable and causes the whole body to be disordered.

For five hundred years, the Neptune Dragon started to harass and attack the goblins of Gary Island, and slowly turned into attacking each other. Then, with the fall of the Neptune dragons, the goblin clan became stronger and stronger, and the Neptune dragons gradually became stronger. Lost the power to resist and began to hide around.

From the beginning, the passive defense of the goblin clan can only hide under the wings of the crystal dragon. With the help of the secret weapon to deal with the sea king dragon, they can do small movements, and slowly develop their magical skills, and they can be upgraded to be comparable to the sea king dragon. Suppress the Neptune Dragon in all directions.

With the absence of the Neptune Dragon’s advantage, the goblin’s advantage has become more and more obvious. They have more and more magical instruments in their hands. They are getting stronger and stronger. The existence of goblin airships, magic crystal cannons, biological puppets and secret weapons makes them Completely drove the Neptune Dragon from the throne of the overlord and became the second overlord under the crystal dragon.

Hunting the Neptune Dragon is an order issued by the Crystal Dragon King, and the reason is very clear to the top of the goblin clan, and they even facilitated it.

It's just that they are not in a hurry to kill the Neptune Dragon clan, as long as they are controlled within a range. Hunting Neptune Dragon has become their daily hobby. It is the best and most interesting game, and it is undoubtedly to provide the Crystal Dragon with Neptune Dragon ingredients. The best means of table loyalty.

Leo has been hunted more than once. As the son of the former patriarch, he has nothing special because most of the remaining Neptune dragons are descendants of the Neptune dragon patriarch. His brother and sister are the strongest, but he is not. Willing to linger under their protection.

For Neptune Dragons, getting together is very dangerous, and the number will only increase the chance of exposure, but will not bring safety.

This time Leo was desperate. He was driven out of his temporary lair by the goblin, and his wings and dorsal fin were severely damaged. Under the siege of so many Tier 2 creature puppets, his chances of escape were very slim.

Maybe death is just liberation. It is too painful to survive in the **** of the Neptune

"Pop!" A slap on the face made him sober. The human form state is not what he usually does. This state is relatively weak, and the defense is greatly weakened. It is easy to be injured by the magical device or by the creature puppets. Bite.

"I'm not dead? I'm not tied up?" Leo moved some body and found that he was not tied up. Not to mention, most of the injuries on his body were dealt with. He tried to open his eyes, and a man and a woman in front of him came into view. .

"You are?" Leo sat up, a piece of animal skin slipped off his body, and it was very warm and comfortable. With his eyesight, he couldn't recognize what kind of animal skin it was. He could only roughly judge that the level was level one, and that's it. That's it.

"Black Dragon Bloodline, Will Star Mountain, Tier 3 Knight, Tier 3 Wizard." The teenager on the opposite side smiled slightly and made a simple self-introduction.

"Tier 3 Sea King Dragon Landis." Leo was slightly taken aback by the words of the blue-haired beauty, "Impossible, there can be no Sea King Dragon that I can't bear in this world."

"Not before, now I have. Little guy, can I tell my sister about the situation in this world? Why is the dignified Sea King Dragon being bullied by the humble and weak goblin?" Landis became angry, and the voice he had seen was actually also Can interfere with her, although the effect is much smaller, it is not really without effect at all.

"Are you outsiders?" Leo lifted up, "Since you can come in, you must know how to leave, right?"

Leaving this damned world, if you can't leave alive, then leave dead. Leo had already planned to give up, but didn't want to turn around to see outside visitors, and a strong desire to survive came out of the depths of his body.

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