The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1024: The dominance of goblin civilization

What is the style of the dragons?

Leo wanted to take down the two outsiders for the first time, and he didn't even think about how he was saved. Would two people who can pull themselves out of such a dangerous situation be weak?

Leo, with a blue nose, swollen face and sore body but no internal injuries, was tossed to death. He was beaten without leaving scars, but the pain was doubled. What the **** was this?

Leo clearly knows that the reason why the other party is not willing to leave too many scars on himself must be purposeful, and this purpose is nothing more than getting in touch with other people through himself, and these outsiders want to live better in this world. It is bound to establish a relationship with the natives, and this woman belongs to the sea king dragon clan, then the crystal dragon and the goblin must be enemies, and she is a potential ally.

"Surrender, surrender, don't fight, I'll tell you everything!" Leo really couldn't bear it in the end, and his injuries were not completely clean at all, and they used special ropes to slap and roll. No, I can only surrender verbally.

Landis rubbed his wrists. This little guy was not strong, but his thick skin was quite resistant to beatings, and he deserved to be the naughty little guy who grew up beaten up by our Sea King Dragon clan.

Little Will handed Landis a glass of juice: "Take a break. It’s actually quite tiring to keep doing this. Let’s see what help he can bring us. If he doesn’t help, we’ll kill the meat. If it’s helpful, let’s talk about other things. Right."

Leo couldn't help trembling when he heard the meat being slaughtered and his face was full of sadness, "Are you slaughtering and eating meat? Didn't you expect that besides the crystal dragon, even his kin would want to eat the meat of the Neptune Dragon? Sure enough The most delicious thing in the world is the flesh and blood of Neptune Dragon."

Lantis's hand was slightly hard, the quilt was torn apart, and the anger on her face couldn't be wiped out. She naturally knew that Ville was just habitually exerting pressure, but the words of this own clan were definitely not a joke.

Landis subconsciously rejected the matter of being eaten by her clan, but she clearly knew that the white dragon Absolun and the bronze dragon Kromi, who had been beheaded before, would end up being dismembered and directly down. Where did you go?

Clearance doesn't need so much flesh and blood. That little girl named Andrea was able to advance to Tier 3, among which the bronze dragon flesh and blood is absolutely indispensable. She just subconsciously didn't think about it.

If a person of the same bloodline uses the purebred dragon's flesh and blood to improve bloodline and strength, even though he rejects it, there is nothing to say, but there is clearly something in Leo's words, and the focus is actually delicious.

"Hehe, it seems that our Neptune Dragon clan is not so happy in this world." Landis gritted his teeth.

Little Ville immediately replied to her: "The world before, as if you lived very easily."

Landis gave him a fierce look, but did not refute. Even though Landis was the strongest in thousands of years ago, he still kept a low profile. He wanted to survive and fought with fear. In the end, even though he managed to escape from the small and small She had a space and got rid of the death catastrophe, but she was not easy and happy before.

Only in comparison, she is not easy but absolutely not life-threatening. She can even dominate the sea, and at the same time can work hard to improve her strength. Half-step Tier 4 is not just for fun.

Little Ville shrugged and said, "Neptune Dragon should not be our opponent in customs clearance. On the contrary, those goblins look pretty good."

What are the customs clearance conditions?

After Ville and Landis entered this world, they got some enlightenment, but it was a little vague: the world turned upside down and broke the pattern of the entire world. The specific extent to which they had to do it would not know until they met the customs clearance conditions. Get prompted.

Before, Lilith had told herself that she had cleared the seventh level, killing the strongest and destroying the strongest force.

Weier had also passed through the wind with Landis before, but now I see that the Neptune Dragon is not the strongest force nor the strongest in the world. Instead, Lantis and Weier are a little relieved. If the Neptune Dragon clan is really the most powerful Strong race, what will be the result?

Little Ville and Landis knew in their hearts that in order to be able to clear the customs and leave here alive, they had to be wronged and died, but seeing them so weak and aggrieved, the two of them wanted to help the Sea King and Dragon clan, provided that it did not affect them. They pass customs.

Things in the world are so amazing. The same group of people, just because of their different status and status, receive completely different treatments, and their positions change accordingly.

After receiving the treatment from Ville, Leo didn't see the hostility from them, so he told about what he knew in general. Ville and Landis couldn't help but stare at each other.

Is the enemy too strong?

No, Ville and Landis are just sighing, this level does not seem as difficult as they thought, and before they came in, the strongest actually fell two-thirds by himself, dealing with a demigod. Giant dragons and dealing with three-headed demi-god dragons are not at all a level of challenge, okay?

And if it is not bad, the demigod crystal dragon should not be too powerful.


It can be seen from the level of the world, the environment, the laws, and so on.

This is a world dominated by the sea. The ocean area occupies ninety-nine percent. The most suitable one here is not the crystal dragon or the blue dragon, but the sea king dragon. If the sea king dragon was the winner, then the sea king dragon patriarch Today's strength is definitely higher than that of the Crystal Dragon, so what they need to face is definitely the prosperous Neptune Dragon clan to pass the level.

Leo was still full of vigilance about Ville and Landis, and he resolutely refused to reveal the location of his people, but he did not conceal the enemy's intelligence he knew, and even revealed many secret information one by one.

"The goblin clan is bullying and fearful of hardship but ambitious. They will definitely not stay under the crystal The goblins themselves are very weak, but their brains are very useful, and all kinds of magic tools are powerful. , Even if there is no **** crystal dragon, if we gather the remaining power of the sea king dragon, it is impossible to beat those **** goblins." Leo shared his news while enjoying the food he had never eaten.

"Gary Island is the core of this world. There are three or five small islands in the four directions, southeast, northwest, and no more than 20. These islands are small in size but they are heavily guarded by those **** goblins. They are also their laboratories. ."

"The development of goblins is beyond your imagination. They use magic chariots and magic crystal cannons to occupy the islands, they use goblin airships to occupy the sky, they use magic warships to cross the sea, and they extend their magic claws to the bottom of the sea."

"Compared to the islands and the sky, they still have our Neptune Dragon blocking them in the depths of the sea. Even if they raise a large number of creature puppets, even if they have goblin submarines made of steel, they can never easily occupy the depths of the sea."

"This is the last habitat of our Neptune Dragon."

"Goblins have more than a dozen bases on the bottom of the shallow sea. The focus is on the **** creature puppets. The monsters in the sea are arbitrarily kneaded by them. No marine creature can escape the fate of being used as an experiment by them, including our sea king dragon clan. ."

"Although I don't want to admit it, I have to admit that it is only a matter of time before the goblin is attacked in the depths of the sea. We are getting weaker and weaker, but the goblin is getting stronger and stronger. The overlord of this world must be the goblin in the future, that **** crystal Dragons will also be overthrown and overthrown by goblins and become their experiment."

"We will wait for that **** crystal dragon in the laboratory!"

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