The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1031: Alternative Legacy of the Goblin Master

"My dear child, the master of the goblin clan will only die in the hands of the next master. This does not require prediction or calculation. This is our destiny." The closed eyes of the villain in the bottle suddenly opened. A pair of bloodshot eyes, blood red with absolute calmness.

"My dear child, you have decided to kill me, an old man who can't even save his body and is about to die. Have you become the real master of the goblin clan? This day I have waited too long and too much, boy, come on, let father Get free." The villain in the bottle doesn't seem to care about his own life or death at all, and even wants to die sooner.

   Vickers gently shook his head and said: "Dear father, your wisdom is what I need. I just want to know whether the Destiny Dzi Bead can predict the fate of the user."

The villain in the bottle laughed bursts of laughter, and the laughter was full of crazy charm: "My dear child Vickers, your hypocrisy is like a pure goblin. I have to say that my education is really successful. It is completely correct that the family has been handed over to you. You are a goblin! Hahahaha!"

"Vicks, do you think I really didn't find it?" The small population in the bottle made a terrifying laughter, "My body is decayed, and I need to rely on the fresh blood of these monsters to survive. The blood of Tier Beasts cannot be too strong or too weak. But my dear child, what is your reason for injecting the blood of Neptune Dragon into my father's crystal bottle?"

"Father, your body needs more nutrients to continue to exist. Your wisdom is the most precious treasure of the goblin clan. I just want you to live longer, nothing more." Wicks respectfully respects The salute.

   "Papa~" Suddenly a voice rang, and a long and soft object fell on the ground not far from the crystal bottle.

   "Papa~" "Papa~" "Papa~"

A series of voices rang out, and the monster sea snakes between five feet and ten feet long appeared, and the villain in the bottle made a hoarse voice: "My dear child Vickers, now is the time to choose fate, and it is also the last of the masters of the goblin clan. The test. Kill me to become the new master, or be killed by me, and then I will choose a new heir to train."

"Please forgive me for rejecting, my respected father, it is not my habit to follow the rules, and destiny can't make me bow my head, I will break my destiny!" Vickers suddenly turned around, but the door closed "boom" at this moment. The magic lights lit up, and the entire space came into Vickers' eyes for the first time.

This secret room is the secret of the controller. Only the controllers and heirs of the goblin clan can enter and exit. It is the first time for Vickers to see the whole picture here. Behind the crystal bottle are a bunch of corpses hanging in the air, and the corpses are divided into two rows, one A row of older corpses with a larger number, and a row of younger corpses with a smaller number.

"Sa?   My dear child, the final test of the master has begun?  When the **** magic lamp is amphibious?  The gate will be closed, the goblin in the master's secret room?  Only the real king can leave alive, not the king King, when the king sees the king?  Only one person can survive. Dear Wicks?  Hang me on the wall behind, or I hang on it?  You choose one."

"By the way, I must tell you one thing, one thing that every heir is qualified to know. These sea snakes are the beasts tamed by the first generation of goblin masters?   are also the dragon beasts with the blood of the sea king dragon?   they passed by Special transformation?   has become a group of special biological puppets, their food is only the same, the internal organs of the goblin master."

"So?   It's time to choose, my dear child Wicks, whether to eat your viscera or my viscera, the decision is yours." The villain in the bottle let out bursts of unbridled laughter: "It's really exciting. That's how my father let me choose, and I didn't disappoint him. What about you, my dear child Wicks, will you let me down?"

"Bah~" A sea snake rushed out, but was held by Wicks. The anger broke out with a slight force, and the sea snake's neck was crushed by him. "I will control the fate of the goblin clan, and the power of the goblin clan is controlled by me. Come to exercise, but I will not follow fate or the so-called ancient rules, I am me, a different goblin!"

There was a strange whistle from the small and medium-sized person in the bottle, and the head of the sea snake that was pinched by Wicks suddenly turned and bit on his hand, ignoring the thin fighting spirit armor and directly injected the venom into his body.

"Quack, quack, my dear child Wicks, now? The venom of these sea snakes contains a trace of the power of the sea king dragon, which can only be resolved through the crystal bottle where my father is in. Then, now, please make a choice, poison After he died, he was eaten by a sea snake and hung his internal organs on the wall. Or, throw my decayed body out to feed the snake and lie down here by yourself.” The villain in the bottle seemed very excited.

   This trick was something he couldn't avoid back then, nor can he!

   Different goblins?

   My child, you are too naive. A goblin is a goblin. You can't get out of a vicious circle that the masters of the past can't get out of!

A quarter of an hour later, the villain in the bottle was lying on the ground, his heart-piercing pain made him wailing, and the sea snakes rushed in front of him, rushing in from their mouths, and then turning around and out from below. , Lying in the crystal bottle, Wicks could not help but stunned to see all this.

   Is this the fate of the goblin master? Do you have to go for a while in the future?

   What is the point of doing this?

Wicks is a goblin, but it's a different one. The **** breath in the crystal bottle buries into the body along with threads of different things. The poison on his arm is resolved bit by bit, and his arm is gradually able to move, but The size of this crystal bottle is completely designed according to the body of an ordinary goblin, making him, a six-foot man squatting in it, a little aggrieved.

   "Boom! Boom! Boom!" Wicks felt his heartbeat speed up, and the blood flowed into his body. While his body was sore, his body actually became stronger a little Dragon's blood? "Wicks suddenly felt a touch of familiarity, and couldn't help but exclaim.

   "Hahahaha, my dear child Wicks, have you finally discovered it? Then, it's time for you to give you the last secret of the goblin clan."

"The crystal dragon died of the Neptune Dragon, must this Neptune dragon be the lingering losers outside? Why can't it be the Neptune dragon puppet we cultivated by ourselves, or the goblin with the Neptune dragon blood! Child, there is a master in the crystal bottle There is a token of the Goblin’s last trump card and the Destiny Dzi Bead. Remember, you must use it with caution, and destiny cannot be underestimated."

"In the end, my child, don't look at your own destiny, because your destiny is already doomed. Those who enter here are destined to die here. My today is your tomorrow. My dear child Wicks , The goblin clan will be handed over to you, may you be long, may the goblin clan become the real overlord! The goblin is destroyed in the crystal, but it is not the goblin, the clan, the dead..." The goblin old man twitched violently, and gradually He could no longer make his voice. When his internal organs were returned to the snake, his voice also lost the ability to speak.

  Wicks stayed quietly in the crystal bottle, his muscles swelled violently, and a powerful force slowly increased.

"No, my destiny will never be like this. I am a different goblin. The destiny of the goblin will change because of me. Just let the crystal disappear before us?" Wicks gently moved the gold The Destiny Dzi Bead is placed on the forehead.

   "The great goddess of destiny..."

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