The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1032: Neptune's counterattack

"Magic resonance, magic interference." Little Ville fiddled with the instrument in his hand, with a slight smile on his face, which was very interesting.

   For a whole year, Vil and Landis attacked from time to time to clear all the shallow and deep sea bases of the goblin clan, and then aimed at the small islands far away from Gary Island.

After making a decision, the success of the goblin clan was greatly injured. The reduction in personnel was negligible, but the sphere of influence and control were reduced by 90%, and a large number of experimental materials, experimental products and experimental materials were looted. .

The most uncomfortable thing for the goblin clan is that Ville and Lantis focus on their magic stone mines. After a year of blow, their magic stone reserves began to warn, even if they reduced the number of magic stones invested in the experiment. Shi, the monthly share of the crystal dragon, night elves, and gray dwarves are also unwilling to give in.

After Wicks became the new master, he selectively shrunk his defenses, but with little effect. Ville and Landis were not what they could prevent if they wanted to. They succeeded in sneak attacks but gave Leo inside. An illusion of other Neptune Dragons.

  The goblin clan is just that, they just didn't find a way to be passively beaten before, if they take the initiative to attack, the goblin clan will not resist the beating either.

In other words, the goblin clan is strong offensive and defensive. As long as the sea king dragon takes the initiative to make the goblin clan in passive defense, then the sea king dragon can win, and then there will be a five-headed third-order sea king Longxing wind and waves flooding a miniature island. .

There are hundreds of goblin chariots on the heavily guarded miniature islands, hundreds of puppets of the demon dog puppets, and a group of **** kobolds. They will protect the goblin base group, but they did not expect that the enemy will not have it this time. He chose to sneak in, but directly launched a magic attack.

   The stormy waves that the five-headed third-order Neptune Dragon jointly set off were as high as 100 meters, and they continued to have full stamina. The premeditated Neptune Dragon went all out and directly sank the tiny island.

   The land chariot became a land-duck when it reached the sea. Although the kobolds could swim, they could not resist the tsunami whirlpool. The goblin base sank and the monster puppets became the ration of the Neptune Dragon.

Sinking the entire miniature island into the sea did not satisfy Neptune Dragon’s desire for revenge. They used sharp claws to tear open the steel gate of the goblin base and launched an undercurrent to submerge the entire base. They did not need to enter the base at all, but chose to locate the base. The miniature islands are shattered throughout.

The place chosen by the five-headed sea king dragon did not have a magic stone mine, nor was it a key defense place for the goblin clan, but it caused the goblin clan to suffer the greatest personal damage in hundreds of years. More than a thousand goblin clan members died in the sea, two The tiger shark puppet team was also torn apart by the red-eyed Neptune Dragon.

Depressed for hundreds of years, the once successful Neptune Dragon started a frantic counterattack and massacre. They have not lost their minds?   Know that the overall strength is still at a disadvantage?   So I chose the strategy of attacking the team and placing the enemy alone?   Do a little bit a day ? There will always be a day when all the enemies will be wiped out.

  The last thing they lack is time.

  All the submarine bases of the goblin tribe have fallen?  Even the mining squad has been eliminated.

Then there are the sea accomplices of the goblin clan?   Tiger shark squads are beheaded one by one?   As long as the powerful and orderly groups of other monsters appear, they will be attacked by the five sea king dragons?   Their counterattack is crazy but very effective, the goblins The strength of the clan at sea plummeted in an instant.

Is the sea king dragon the overlord of the sea?   Although it has been suppressed for hundreds of years?   still has a deep background, besides themselves?   They have many descendants of the dragons?   These dragons are strong and weak, and the charge may not be able to defeat the goblins. Killer, but it's okay to whistle.

The five-headed Neptune Dragon tried the sweetness of taking the initiative to attack, but they were more cautious?  Hundreds of years of being hunted and killed made them have to be more careful. There are not many Neptune dragons in this world?  As for taking the initiative to contact Landis, They didn't think about it, but they were dissuaded by Leo.

   It's enough to get scammed by yourself. You can't let other people get scammed. Leo thinks he is very great.

The goblin clan fought back brazenly, and the ocean dragons who inquired about the news suffered heavy losses, but they were attacked and killed by hundreds of steel battleships, two goblin airships, and ten tiger shark squads. The goblin clan was able to accurately locate them. Position, and chased them frantically.

   Goblin airships and the two flagships made inexplicable sounds, which seriously interfered with the operation of the Neptune Dragon's magical power, causing them to lose the ability of large-scale lethality. They can only use the most primitive melee combat, which is precisely the advantage of the goblin clan.

The magic crystal cannon fired a hundred artillery, ten tiger shark squads were biting frantically, and the five sea king dragons fled in a panic. They cooperated with each other and proceeded in a frantic rush. The tiger shark squad standing in front of them was crushed for the first time. The result of the battle also allowed the five-headed Neptune Dragon to successfully break through the blockade and quickly move away from Gary Island.

  Yes, these five Tier 3 Neptune Dragons hit their minds on the goblin base camp on the island of Gary. It goes without saying that the goblin army chased them, and the five-headed Neptune Dragons didn't even dare to escape separately.

The goblin clan made great efforts. The loss of this year has greatly injured their vitality. If they can't eliminate the enemy, they will continue to bleed. This time, they will catch the enemy's tail, and will not let go, and chase them hard. Behind him, the Magic Crystal Cannon did not want money-like bombardment, which caused a lot of damage to the five-headed Sea King Dragon.

   The advantage of fleeing together is that there are many people and they can take care of each other, but the disadvantage is that it is not conducive to hiding and not being able to get rid of the enemy.

The battle royale lasted for three days and three nights. The first severely wounded Neptune Dragon appeared. What is so dying was that they ran into a small island in a hurry, and the goblins on the island received it. The news immediately blocked them head-on.

The five-headed sea king dragons are not fools. They directly transformed into human figures and broke into the small island. After paying a high price, they rushed into the goblin base on the island, directly causing the enemy's warships and airships to lose their usefulness. The tiger shark team also Become a decoration.

   This time it's the turn of the goblin sea and air army to slap the claws. The goblin base is deep underground. Leaving aside, at least the air defense capability is strong. Who is this air defense defense?

   Who else can there be besides the dragon, but this time it has become a life-saver for the enemy.

   Goblin armies landed one after another to try to regain the base, but a relatively narrow entrance, a sea king dragon hiding in the corner, from time to time spraying the dragon's breath, just ask you these weak people what to do? You must know that the five-headed Sea King Dragon is a third-order powerhouse at random. When they are shameless, most people really have no way to take them.

   Are you stuck here? When the goblin army hesitated, they could only ask for help from the island of Gary. Wicks immediately dispatched more warships to transport mining trucks and land chariots, interrupted directly to bury these damned sea king dragons here, and at the same time instructed small islands. The goblins directly used the goblin bomb to blow up the entrance of the base, blocking their way of life.

Vickers’s idea is good. From the result, it was really good at the beginning. The goblin bomb collapsed all the entrances of the base, and even caused a lot of damage to the Neptune Dragon who closed the door~www.wuxiaspot. com~ It’s just that the goblin army who slackened down later chose to camp on a small island.

   Three days and three nights of continuous chasing and killing also brought a great burden to the goblin army. When most of the exhausted goblin army was selected into the deep sleep, little Microsoft and Landis appeared quietly.

   Goblin airship, good thing, kill the guards, and take the airship away.

  Steel battleship, good thing, kill the guards and take the battleship away.

   Goblin chariot, good thing, the guards don’t have it, just take it away.

What’s more, Ville and Ransti even put all their logistic materials in their pockets. They did not leave a grain of food for them. All weapons and weapons were also confiscated. As a peace lover, Ville said that it is best to confiscate the murder weapon. The way to resolve conflicts.

   Then, after receiving news of additional reinforcements from Gary Island, the two of them directly disguised themselves as goblins, drove a warship to intercept the reinforcements halfway, and boarded the ship smoothly, and took over the equipment after "friendly negotiation".

The benevolent Little Ville finally left them a small wooden boat and a few lifeboats, and did not let them swim back to Gary Island. After all, they are nearly a thousand miles away from Gary Island. It must be very tiring to swim back. The kind-hearted Ville said that he is a good person. .

When Vickers had not received frontline news for three consecutive days to exclude the goblin airship reinforcements, on the small island, except for the hungry dying goblin hiding in the pit, no enemy had seen it, and the five-headed sea king dragon had also become Ville. , Landis' trophy.

   After this battle, the vitality of the goblin clan was greatly injured, and the combat power was directly attenuated by 50%.

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