The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1033: Advantages of Goblin Civilization

How big is the instrument that can be held in your hand?

Little Will will tell you that it’s actually not too big. The diameter is not more than three meters and the weight is less than five tons. That’s it. Well, it’s really not too big for a giant dragon. It’s just that you look like you are now. It’s just a humanoid state. Are you really a humanoid tyrannosaurus?

"I suspect that your blood is not a black dragon, but a tyrannosaurus." Landis watched as Little Ville squeezed this behemoth in her hand, her eyes twitched slightly. Now she finds how wise she was to take the initiative to reconcile in the first place. , The depth of this kid seems to have not been able to be fully ascertained by himself.

In fact, Lantis wronged Little Vail. His previous strength was not so great. He only gained his current strength when the Thunder God's body became large. After all, the bloodline of the sixth-order thunder giant developed to the third-order consummation, and his strength was stronger than that of the same-level dragon. Isn’t it normal to be three, five, seven or eight times bigger?

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The giants have always been known for their infinite power. Well, there is also a specialization of element control. It's just that there are relatively more elements controlled by Little Ville. They belong to the entire family of element control, and they are dark and earthy. , Ocean, thunder, storm, and flame are relatively deep.

"Oh, it's just a little bit more diligent than you guys. Although sleeping lazily can also improve your strength, isn't it normal for a little exercise to increase faster? The dragon's talent is so domineering, no need to explain." Little Weier added. One sentence: "I have a black dragon sage teacher. He has been diligent for a hundred years and almost never sleeps. Now he is the pinnacle of Tier 4, and it is possible to reach Tier 5 at any time. His age may be slightly younger than you. Little bit."

Professor Wezel’s age was obtained from Troy. Although it’s not a secret, most dragons don’t care too much, but after all, this thing is also a symbol of seniority among giant dragons. Old dragons are generally strength. The symbol of the dragon, the strength of the dragon is often linked to age.

"This kind of cultivator, please don't introduce it to me." Lantis is insensitive to such a person. Sleeping is the dragon's first love. If you are deprived of it, you will definitely not be able to stand it. This is more to her than death. Uncomfortable.

"You seem to like this thing very much, even more like this goblin airship." Landis can naturally see the expression of this kid, he doesn't need to hide it in front of him, anyway, even if he wants to grab it, he can't grab him. .

   But, you wouldn’t be naive to think that this thing would also work for me, would you? Landis squinted at him, meaning very clear.

"This thing is basically ineffective for masters above the third level of Consummation. The two of us can get rid of the impact casually, but it is of extraordinary significance to the third level and below, and it is definitely a big killer for formal wizards below the third level." Landis was stunned. Isn't this a weapon? How did it become a big killer for cultivation?

"If you figure out the principle of this thing, you can understand?   Its principle is actually very simple, that is magic resonance?   Magic disturbance, if the mental power is not strong enough, the magic control is not deep enough, it is easy to be disturbed. Is this possible? Isn't it to hone mental resistance?  The best equipment for magic control?" Ville pocketed this thing with a smile on his face.

"The goblin clan's research path is off?  I don't know how they did it?  Maybe by accident?   But they only saw the influence of this thing on the Neptune Dragon?   They didn't consider more details. ?   No further research. This thing is completely aimed at the sea **** magic power of the Neptune Dragon?   Directly carry out the rough and brutal interference influence. If this magic power is fine-tuned?   What about other attributes?"

"Darkness, light, earth, ocean, thunder, flame, wind, frost, etc., adjust the intensity according to different levels?   Even adjust the fluctuations to match a certain rhythm. This is definitely the best guide for practicing wizards. To put it plainly?   This thing If you add fine control and flexible adjustment changes, it can become a witchcraft release device?  The worst is also the auxiliary sensory device for wizard training."

  Landis was stunned by Ville’s words, but after thinking about it carefully, he found that it seemed to make sense?   But the premise is to be able to control witchcraft particularly skillfully, and then convert it into corresponding frequency fluctuations to reproduce it with this thing.

"Wait, this principle seems to be similar to the magic crystal cannon to a certain extent?" Landis suddenly thought of one thing. Does the magic crystal cannon use the magic stone to operate the magic in a specific way to form a powerful point. Is it sexual shockwaves?

"Pop!" Little Ville snapped his fingers, nodded approvingly, and said: "Yes, this is the power of the goblin clan magical civilization. They can use magical tricks with many different magic tricks. The way to reproduce, this is quite a terrible thing. It is necessary to know that everyone’s mental power is more or less different. Even if you practice the same witchcraft trick, the effect of the cast and the fluctuation of the magic power shown are fluctuating. This uncertainty is very difficult to measure."

"But the goblin clan can collect a lot of data. Finally, through various weird experiments, a bunch of dead things are used to achieve the effects that can only be achieved by wizards. In our world, it can be said that the goblin clan is the wizard's. Initial enlightenment. Our spell slots were largely inspired by goblin runes before they were created and perfected." Little Ville could not help but sigh, but he still has some doubts about this statement, but many wizarding academies This kind of conjecture is proposed in the textbook, and many witchcraft are indeed improved from the materials of the goblin civilization.

   Bloodline wizards, construct wizards, beast schools, etc. are inextricably linked to the goblin civilization, and the mystical school of Grandpa Little Ville seems to have an unclear relationship with the gods.

   "Well, I definitely don't care about this stuff. From your eyes, I saw a lot of interest, so for a while..." Lantis said there was a slight pause.

Little Weir nodded and said, "That's right, in the next period of time, I will study the principles and implementation methods of this thing at the end point, and strive to get a training device that suits me this morning. The rest of the goblin bases depend on you. I have taught you all the things that should be taught to you this year. Don't tell me, you can't handle it without me?"

   "Bang!" Landis's fist was missed by Ville. "Sister, is it difficult for me to kill the goblin clan?"

"It's really not difficult for you to defeat them, but you can't do it in a short time if you want to destroy them, especially since there is a demigod-level crystal dragon on Gary Island, he may have awakened, and you can face him. There is no advantage." Little Ville waved his hand and said, "Just follow the plan step by step. After leaving the magic stone, the goblin's ability to play will be reduced by half, and without the goblin thugs, the crystal dragon will meet in the sea. We don’t have much advantage."

"Time is in our favor. Don't rush for success, otherwise the five fools will be about the same in the next round." Ville pointed to the five humanoid Neptune Dragons that had been hung up and sealed, and Leo rolled his eyes there. Let you be our savior, but treat us like this, this enmity must be reported in the future.

   But one thing can basically be confirmed. He has no malice towards his clan, otherwise this will definitely be a great opportunity to wipe out the Sea King Dragon clan, and even they have done it, but they have not ruined their lives.

   They are definitely not the crystal dragon's accomplices, not even the goblin clan, otherwise it is impossible to rescue themselves and be able to cooperate a little bit.

Afterwards, Ville retreats, choosing a sunken miniature island goblin base, where there is enough magic stone mines for him to use, and Lantis devoted himself to training five idiots of the same race, taking them to destroy the goblin base time and time again. In action.

   "Go into the village quietly and don't shoot guns, so that you won't be confronted by others. Being strong does not mean that you can't use clever means to reduce the resistance to doing things."

   "Destruction is not the goal. It is the best choice to weaken the enemy while strengthening oneself. All these things are packaged and taken away, and nothing is left to the enemy."

   "Destroyed? You prodigal son, don't you know that these things are liked by that kid? Wouldn't it be better to exchange the resources we need from him?"

   "This is not to please him, it's just a gift between partners, well, this is a fair deal. Although our dragon clan is a little stronger, we can't help but be reasonable."

"Hehe, do you want to be unreasonable with him? The domineering dragon? I'm sorry, this kid is also a dragon, and he is a black dragon with a black heart. Are you sure you want to play yin with him? You must know that his hands can disrupt your magical powers. There are five or six of his equipment, um, it's just that he hasn't dismantled or restored it."

Three months passed quickly. Although the goblin clan took the initiative to attack again and again, they were still led by Landis to clear all the bases outside of Gary Island. The goblin clan was truly exhausted. Their demons The stone reserves began to run into serious deficits.

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