The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1034: Wicks' conspiracy

The crystal dragon was angry, and the goblin clan shivered. The newly appointed crystal dragon waiter and a dozen chefs were directly sprayed to death by his breath. The reason was simple: the master crystal dragon's command was not fulfilled.

   They died unjustly, and they even said that they were involved and angered. The decision Wicks made was that they were only executors, a good master of the goblin clan, and the future heir to the master, but they died unexplainably.

The crystal dragon did not leave the Crystal Palace, but an angry dragon roar. Wicks immediately led all the senior leaders of the goblin clan to swarm in. There was a wave of praise, and then the loss suffered by the goblin clan and the current situation were "one fifty and ten". The crystal dragon reported clearly, and finally came such a sentence.

"The enemy is the Neptune Dragon. The strength is very powerful. The Luanlong Yi cannot cause any harm to it. It flies into the sea everywhere. It is unpredictable. We have lost all the bases and mines outside of Gary Island. And the magic stone mine on Gary Island. ..." At this point, Wicks did not continue.

The magic stone mine on Gary Island is not non-existent, nor is it poor. On the contrary, it is a big island that can be selected by the crystal dragon as a lair. The magic stone reserves here are very rich, but the crystal dragon has issued a ban to prohibit the goblin family from digging in Gary Island. Magic stone mine.

"Are you not afraid of the Neptune Dragon?" The crystal dragon's eyes flashed with multicolored lights, and the sharp claws gently slid on the magic crystal ground to make a sharp and piercing sound. All the goblins except Vickers couldn't help but hug. With his head rolling, Vickers hurriedly knelt on the ground, shaking his head in both hands.

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   Whether you are really scared, unbearable, or disguised, you have to look like it. If you don’t be a clown at this time, you will be dead.

The crystal dragon's thoughts quickly ended. He lowered his head and looked at the high-level goblin clan who was rolling in satisfaction, and whispered: "The ban is lifted. The goblin clan and the gray dwarf clan are allowed to dig the magic stone mine on the island independently. Crystals must not be touched at will. In addition, dispatch the goblin fleet and goblin airships to re-control other magic stone mines. Once the outer magic stone mines can be mined, the magic stone mines in Gary Island will not be moved. Crystal Mountain’s magic stones every month The supply cannot be small, this is a prohibited matter."

"Great Master, your brilliance shines on the whole world, and your kindness is worthy of the praise of our servants forever. Your..." With Vickers at the head, all the goblin clan prostrated and sang their praises, and the crystal dragon is only a little bit satisfied. Head, a wing fanned them all out.

Tumbling and leaving the Dragon King Hall, Wicks stood up and didn't even dare to slap the dust on his body, although the floor of the Crystal Palace Dragon King Hall was cleaner than the beds of their goblin clan?   But the dust on the ground is not non-existent?   For Vickers In terms of sloppy cleanliness has always been his label.


  The ultimate goal of the ban on contact with the Magic Stone Mine of Gary Island has been achieved, and the secondary purpose of killing people with the knife to eradicate the heirs of the controller has been achieved?  The purpose of not blaming the public, and bringing a group of goblin clan high-level self-protection has also been achieved.

Although it seems very risky?  All the high-levels of the goblin clan gather together, but Wicks knows clearly?  As long as the crystal dragon does not want to mess with the Gary Island, they will not be killed if they lose the control of the goblin clan. They are the orderly control of the goblin clan. If you lose them, a race of goblins without a leader will definitely be in chaos.

At the same time, other senior goblin clan leaders have seen the strength and moodiness of the crystal dragon, even if you are obedient?   He won’t look good at you?   He even beats, scolds, or even kills, the madness that envied himself and even jealous before, Want to get the goblin clan members who are close to the crystal dragon?   I wonder if they will have such an idea?

The goblin master must be approved by the crystal dragon to take office. In other words, the goblin master must serve as a waiter for the dragon for a period of time before taking office?   This is the default common rule, so this position is worthy of their fight. .

This waiter was slapped to death by the master, but still couldn't stop the ambitions of many goblin clan seniors. Wicks was the longest goblin clan member who served as a waiter, and the previous controller had too long an inspection period for him. , Or Wicks’ special background and physical fitness different from the ordinary goblin clan made his investigation period longer.

Even so, Wicks is still subject to some rules and exclusion from the clansmen. Just as the controller, the heir candidate appeared, and he can’t wait to strengthen his status as a waiter. Obviously, the controller will generally serve as one or two. Years of waitress position.

But the rules are the rules, and Wicks is helpless. He is unpopular, but at this point, Wicks is happy to see other people become waiters, because there will be one bad news after another, the angry crystal dragon club. Crush to death one after another ambitious goblin.

Wicks understands the crystal dragon, and he is like a tiger, and his owner is a more elusive and moody dragon than a tiger. It is very dangerous if you don’t have enough courage and luck to get close to the dragon, not to mention it. Do you have yourself, the one who provoked the dragon's anger, fanned the flames, and the controller inherited the people. Are you ready for death?

The new waiter came out very quickly, and it didn’t even take an hour to decide the candidate. He took the crystal dragon king’s order to the gray dwarf gathering place to read it. He just changed it slightly according to Wicks’ meaning and changed it to a goblin. Mining magic stones under the arrangement of a family, instead of mining them separately.

Wicks knew that the gray dwarves looked down on the goblin clan, but were afraid of the goblin clan. They would not be obediently obedient, but a head higher than nominal would have an advantage in many things behind, and he knew very well that the gray dwarves did not dare. Go to the Crystal Dragon and ask about the authenticity of the order.

Just as the goblins did not dare to change the orders of the Crystal Dragon King at will, they did not believe that the goblins dared to do so. Only the Crystal Dragon King could command gray dwarves, kobolds, night elves, and goblins, and they would not belong to each other. Really one day there is a race that can command and manipulate other races, and the fate of this race will be very miserable.

Wicks was still frantically probing on the edge of life and death. This was a conspiracy and a conspiracy. He was betting that the Crystal Dragon King wouldn’t know, even if he knew it, he wouldn’t care too much. After all, Wicks’ words were very subtle, and the goblin power. It is an indisputable fact.

Entering the final secret laboratory of the goblin, there are hundreds of busy goblin researchers, all old people, and the huge crystal bottles are actually Neptune dragons, and the huge Neptune dragons that occasionally turn up bubbles, blood-red liquid Soaking their bodies, just looking at their size, each head has Tier 3 strength, and the number has reached an astonishing ten.

"Squeak~" An inconspicuous stone door opened, and Wicks walked into another secret room. After three consecutive certifications, he entered the real final secret laboratory. There was only a blood-colored lake with a huge head lying inside. The sea king dragon, the hideous wound still hasn't healed completely even after hundreds of years, countless magic stones are piled up like a mountain, providing it with powerful magical support, and a hideous scar on its back actually has a seat.

   Wicks stepped on a frisbee lightly on the six-foot-diameter seat, sealed with a crystal lid, and a console appeared in front of him. Wicks stretched out his hands and gently stroked the console, his face was full of enthusiasm.

"Quickly, you will see the sun again soon. The Neptune Dragon who killed the crystal dragon can only be you, and only you can kill the crystal dragon. The messing kid outside is not far away. The Neptune Dragon King, Your anger, your resentment, will soon be repaid, let us dominate the world together!"

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