The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1035: Wicks' script

Manipulating everything behind the scenes, what is it like watching everyone including the true overlord Crystal Dragon advance in accordance with his baton?

Wicks walked out of the crystal bottle, his body shook slightly to disperse the thick blood on his body, and raised the dark golden Destiny Dzi that was half covered by blood-red light, with a hideous smile on his face: " Is this how it feels to seize fate? What **** crystal dragon, the overlord of this world must be me!"

Vickers turned around to put the Destiny Dzi Bead back into the crystal bottle, but he staggered and almost fell. In the end, he could only hold the crystal bottle to stabilize his steps, and his brows couldn't help but wrinkle slightly, "Fate Dzi is good for everything. It just consumes too much of the body, and if you are not careful, your life will be lost. Although it is supported by the magic crystal bottle and the blood of monsters, the side effects are still so big. No wonder the body of the controller is so weak."

Vickers is a little grateful for his blood. He is one of the few goblins who can enter the ranks, and he is also a second-order sky warrior. This is not achieved by goblins in the past, even those who transform themselves into monsters. There are only a handful of them that can reach the second order, and their lifespan is very short, and they soon die due to blood repulsion.

For things like biological puppets, the goblin family has not only studied the beasts, but also the goblins themselves. It’s just that the original bloodline strength of the goblins is not high, and the puppets created are not worth mentioning if they are forced to be replaced. Or fusion of blood, and eventually most of them collapsed, and the results were nothing but nothing.

Through the Destiny Dzi Bead, Wicks calculated a lot of things and saw some things that he hadn't thought of before. At first, the place where the blue dragon inhabited but was destroyed due to the war and degenerated into a miniature island, unexpectedly appeared a small island, which was still After the secret base of the group of Neptune Dragons, there is a psychedelic magic circle on the periphery. If they didn't lead the way, I am afraid no one would be able to find it.

   At least they would not be able to find out through battleships and goblin airships if they didn't attack forcefully. The Dragon Whisper Magic Array was really powerful, but unfortunately the goblin clan had no talent in this area, and they believed in magical skills even more.

The first step of the plan is to build more goblin airships and goblin battleships. This time, we will go all out and go all out, even if we empty our homes, and even use the reputation of the Crystal Dragon King to bring gray dwarves and kobolds. , The night elves pulled in and acted as coolies. Only in this way can we win the trust of the crystal dragon and show the intentions of the goblin clan.

In the second step of the plan, in accordance with the instructions of the Lord Crystal Dragon King, all the battleships, the goblin airship, and the sea hound squad were dispatched into four teams, and attacked in four directions at the same time, with 30 to 50 battleships in each direction?   a goblin Airship, thirty second-order beast puppets?   100 first-order beast puppets?   This is already their greatest strength.

The enemy is the Neptune Dragon?  Also, it’s the very cunning Neptune Dragon?  Although it was very madly known for a while, but there is still a brain?  It is impossible to confront the goblin army directly, they will only choose to attack? No way.

The third step of the plan is to recover the small island that he predicted?   Then release the kobolds, gray dwarves and goblin workers to re-mining the magic stone mine, thus attracting the sea king dragon?   At this time, other goblin airships and goblin battleships will receive news. Go to support, and then can’t form an encirclement because of the distance?  Finally...

  The fourth step of the plan...

  Wicks gave orders, the goblin clan mobilized millions of laborers, the power is quite huge?  They attacked strongly, and none of the kobolds, gray dwarves, and night elves dared to resist?  Can only accept their dispatch forcefully.

Three months passed in a flash. The goblin clan almost ran out of stocks of steel ore and other reserve resources, and even some unnecessary steel appliances were smashed and recast to build steel battleships, and the goblin airships also reached There are as many as four ships, and the most important thing is that they have built more than fifty Luanlong Yi, ten of which remain in their hands, and all the others are equipped in battleships and airships.

  Wicks led a team of the most elite of the goblins to petition the crystal dragon, requesting to go out to destroy the sea king dragon, and the crystal dragon, as always, required the goblin master not to leave the island of Gary, and abruptly left the land forces of the goblin family.

The words of the Crystal Dragon are orders. Wicks expressed humbly that he followed the wise guidance of His Highness Crystal Dragon, and claimed that he was negligent. The role of the Marine Corps on the sea is minimal. If they really leave, in case the enemy offends The island of Gary is bad, thanks to the shrewd arrangements of the wise and wise His Highness Crystal Dragon.

After Wicks did not blush to praise, he changed the arrangement of troops again, and attacked at the same time in four directions, southeast, northwest, and 30 to 50 warships in each direction, one goblin airship, and thirty Tier 2 monster puppets. One hundred first-order beast puppets, as well as one thousand kobolds, two thousand goblin miners, and two thousand goblin warriors, among which are mainly naval battles.

As for the 20,000 land troops being left behind, it made the kobolds, gray dwarves and night elves very upset. This time the goblin clan made a big move to let them see the strength of the goblin clan, whether it was the people who were dispatched or the ones who stayed behind. The three tribes can be shaken together. In order to demonstrate their strength, Wicks also dispatched a thousand goblin chariots to transport supplies, and the entire island of Gary was busy.

Gary Island is the home base of goblins and crystal dragons. Although Lantis led the Sea King Dragon to clear out all the goblin bases outside of Gary Island, he did not commit any crimes against Gary Island. It can even be said that they are determined not to be within a hundred miles outside of Gary Island. Willing to enter.

Although it did not enter, it did not mean that there was no other means of monitoring. Every few hundred meters, a large number of dingdong fishes that could communicate with each other were also released. The news reached Lanzhou a quarter of an hour after the local warships opened. Tis's hands.

On Flying Fish Island (the island where Little Will used earth magic to forcibly uplift and expand, the foundation is the previously shattered Blue Dragon Island), Lantis was anxious for the five Neptune Dragon brothers, but their condition was slightly not very good, one A listless mana was greatly diminished, and even a blue nose and a swollen face was not miserable.

Landis is familiar with their shapes, and Ville is a little crazy about studying the Dragon Ritual. Naturally, the subject of the experiment cannot be the third-order perfect Landis, so the Leo Five became the best target. , Every Sanchawu will be pulled by Little Ville to practice.

Leo was very afraid of Ville, but the other four Neptune Dragons didn't know how powerful they were at first. By the time they knew how powerful they were, Ville had already regarded beating them as a daily warm-up, and the five-headed Tier 3 Neptune Dragon joined forces. Unable to beat a humanoid black dragon, which made them very unacceptable.

  Even though he used the Dragon Ritual every time, he didn't use witchcraft or magic, didn't he, is it a pure physical fight, why five of us can't beat you one?

   They were provoked over again and again, and then came back again and again with their noses and faces swollen, but after being beaten, they would still receive some rewards from Little Ville, such as food, wine, and sparkling gems and magic stones.

   You said that you waited for someone to be bled to expose their scales? This kind of small injury is not a problem at all. It can be cured in minutes with a magical technique. The recovery ability of the third-order dragon is still very good, and they are very well-measured, and they will never get serious injuries, even minor injuries. Not really, just a little trauma.

"Just like that kid's inference, after losing the outer magic stone mine, the goblin clan can't stand it for too long and will fight desperately and then fight back. Now the enemy is in the light, we are in the dark, let's talk about your thoughts." Landis is not a tyrant who is not a dictator. You can speak freely, but it's up to me to adopt it or not.

"What's more to say, just hit it. You see that they only have such a small amount of troops, and they dare to divide their troops. The battle is not dead or alive, and the eldest sister is not afraid of that **** instrument. Just destroy the thing, and the rest is The ants are not a concern at all." Sea King Dragon Armor waved his fist, saying that he had been waiting for this day for a long time. After all, although it is safe to stay on this island, he was beaten every three and five, which hurts his self-esteem. .

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"You must fight." Leo was the first to contact Ville and Landis, and he was also a person who had received a little bit of Ville's teaching. After all, Ville had talked a lot about dealing with it in order to make Leo desperate. The methods of the goblin clan, some of these precautions are simply not too much.

"But this fight also needs to pay attention to the Although the big sister's head is powerful, there is only one dragon after all. Brother Weier is now studying the **** ghost equipment underground, and it is impossible to come out in a short time. It's just unavoidable that there will be damage, which is not cost-effective." Leo didn't want to stay here and be ravaged by Little Will. It's best to go out and hide for a while.

   "So what?" Haiwang Longyi interrupted him: "If you have something to say, just let it go. It's a fart for so many bends."

Leo reluctantly committed a big roll of his eyes and said helplessly: "Well, I mean to choose all the enemies behind them, and suddenly kill them when they are relaxed, kill most of the enemies, and then let them release the news. , And then fight for help. Get the greatest results at the lowest cost, and when you fight, you should choose to retreat and fight as much as possible. We are the real kings in the sea. The sea is imaginary, and then go around behind the enemy. The best way is to get rid of the enemies one by one by flanking them back and forth."

The four-headed Neptune Dragon looked at Leo and couldn't believe his ears. Neptune Longbing grabbed Leo and shook his life: "Say, who are you? Why do you pretend to be Leo that stupid? Leo can't be so insidious. ."

   "Have I been so stupid before?"

   "Hmm" Four-headed Sea King Long nodded together.

   "As stupid as you are now?"

   "Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!" After a round of punches and kicks, Leo realized his mistake of leaving the organization and decided to continue to be stupid, because the smart dragon would be beaten.

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