The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1043: Do the opposite

What can be done in 30 seconds?

Little Ville tells you that within 30 seconds, he can walk one hundred meters underground, and then detonate the super high magic crystal hidden in the Crystal Mountain Crystal Palace, collapse the entire Crystal Mountain in half, the entire Crystal Palace is in a mess, and the secret room is completely destroyed. Scrapped.

Crystal Dragon Mayo came back faster than Xiao Wei expected, but as soon as he appeared, he was hit hard. The Crystal Palace Dragon King Palace collapsed and smashed on his head, if it weren't for his strength. Really strong, coupled with proficiency in earth witchcraft, this one is enough for him.

   Immediately after a powerful magical explosion impact force erupted from below, the powerful force soared into the sky and countless crystal fragments gushing out, making him, the Tier 4 dragon, only able to quickly dodge the passive defense in an embarrassing manner.

The explosion of distance caused a violent earthquake. The houses around Crystal Mountain collapsed and the mountain shook. Numerous magic crystal fragments were torn apart and swept across all directions. The unsuspecting army of goblins suffered heavy losses and wailed everywhere. Under the huge impact, sharp crystal fragments. It is more lethal than ordinary first-order and second-order witchcraft, and even ordinary steel armor can't resist it.

"My palace!" The crystal dragon Mayo wailed, and suddenly pressed his claws down, and the powerful magic burst out instantly stabilizing the Crystal Mountain, but the Crystal Palace and the Dragon King Palace had become a ruin, not in a short time. It might be fixed.

   Palace is the second place. Crystal Mountain is the core of Gary Island and the core of the nest he has laid out for hundreds of years. It was unexpectedly destroyed by someone taking advantage of it.

Crystal Dragon Mayo’s regret is bleeding now, and he dared not take the chance to kill Landis at the enemy’s home court. As a result, he destroyed his home court layout by half. You must know the layout of the entire Gary Island. After hundreds of years, I was stabbed in the core area, which is really heartbreaking.

   The most unacceptable thing for him is that the body of Blue Dragon Meili is gone!

   That **** earth wizard!

   The crystal dragon Mayo fell in the ruins of the Crystal Palace, slapped his claws on the ground, quickly communicated with the crystal veins all over the island of Gary, and immediately noticed a strange abnormal magic point 100 meters underground.

   A grinning smile appeared on the face of the crystal dragon, "Little bug, caught you! Hahahaha, you **** actually wants to play in the dark under the lights, hide under my lair, and die for me!"

"Boom!" Amid the loud noise, a huge crystal rose slowly from the ground, and finally appeared in front of the crystal dragon Mayo, but the humanoid creature in the imagination did not exist, but what Mayo saw was one. The three-foot-tall alchemy item was shining with red and blue light, and the light alternated more and more frequently, and the dangerous aura permeated.

"Not good!" Mayo was a little late when he noticed something wrong?   "Boom!" with a loud bang?   The crystal splits and the powerful impact force is not small even under the care of the Tier 4 dragon. Unfortunately, many scars appeared on his sturdy scales.

  "Water and fire mixed sorcery, delayed burst technique?  How is this possible?!" Mayo can't believe what he sees?  Is it true that someone can control the two extreme conflicting forces at the same time, and perfectly merge them into one?

  No?  These two forces did not merge?  Instead, there was a strong conflict. It was this conflict that caused a huge explosive force?  In the end, I hurt myself.

Each of the two powers has the third-order high-level, and even the third-order completeness, but it is not easy for any of them to bring harm to themselves, but the combination of the two brings earth-shaking changes?  Even if it is yourself Also had to avoid its edge.

be cheated!

   But it only took such a short time for me to realize that Meili’s seal disappeared to come back here?  The enemy went deep into the ground to make such a big movement, wouldn’t it be possible to run far? Where did he hide in the first place?

Is    still underground?

Mayo is a little less confident. He has experienced the enemy's unconscious departure on Flying Fish Island before?   and sneaked into his own lair. Now he has an infinitely high evaluation of the enemy. Although he knows that this is wrong?   But he has to deal with it carefully? The two claws pressed on the ground and traced the enemy's whereabouts.

   Little Will, who rushed into the sky with a crystal in the sky?   Carefully converged his breath and magic, using a simple translucent hang gliding wing to quickly escape into the distance.

   There is a saying in the art of war: the good defenders hide under the nine places, and the good offenders move above the nine heavens, so they can protect themselves and win.

But Ville did the opposite. After attacking from the ground and drawing the enemy’s attention to the ground, he quietly escaped from the sky, and he buried more than one thunder in the ground, waiting for the enemy to activate one by one. , Will definitely bring him unexpected surprises.

The impact of the Crystal Mountain explosion caused a great turmoil throughout the island of Gary. The elite troops of the goblin clan were hit hard for the first time, and the sudden appearance of the Crystal Dragon Mayo caused them to chaos into a mess. The gangsters, the troubled water fishermen, and the surrendering and compromising factions were in a riot, and the remaining kobolds and gray dwarves also took the opportunity to escape, and some tried to break through the blockade of the goblin tribe to inform the crystal dragon.

Two delayed third-order witchcraft became dumb artillery in the ground, and three wrecked demonic puppets were broken into pieces by the crystal dragon. One of them was caught by Mayo before being crushed and studied, and finally realized that he had been tricked. , But a trigger-type organ trap still made him a little embarrassed once, causing the collapse of a section of crystal veins.

  How did that person do it in such a short time?

  Mayo is puzzled. He himself is not a quick-reacting person, nor does he believe that there are people in the world who are so responsive that he can even turn tens of thousands of thoughts in a second.

In fact, it’s not difficult for Little Will to do all of this. The witchcraft that delayed the outbreak were prepared long ago, and the traps were arranged by magic puppets. Although the instructions were issued by themselves, the types of traps were also arranged by themselves. That's it.

The temporary foothold of Ville and the others is in the depths of the sea hundreds of miles away on the side of Gary Island facing the Flying Fish Island. Ville seems to be an osprey caught in the water lightly, and then turned into a swimming fish to dive quickly, in a blink of an eye. To a depth of several hundred meters.

   through an undersea canyon, through a narrow underwater passage, through a coral jungle, and finally to a cave.

Announcement, [ \\mi\\mi\\read\\read\\A\\P\\P \\w\\w\\w\\.\\m\\i\\m\\i \\r\\e\\a\\d\\.\\c\\o\\m ] Really good, it is worth to install one, after all, there are many books, all books, and fast update!

There is a simple Dragon Whisper Magic Array. It is very simple to Ville, but it is not the ordinary second-order and third-order marine monsters that can be forced into it. The spacious underground space is tens of thousands of square meters, which is good for the human form. Neptune Dragon is already spacious enough, if it turns into a giant dragon, it will be slightly crowded.

   There is only one sea king dragon in the shape of a dragon underground: Landis!

After three days of recuperation, Landis basically returned to its heyday. A fist-sized dark blue heart-shaped gem was set on her forehead and shone with a deep blue light, making the dark underground space extremely bright. And it's a fantastic blue light.

   It seems that I feel the return of Little Ville. Landis slowly opened his eyes, and a light of gratitude flashed away. "You have made such a vigorous action to detect the enemy's situation. You deserve it."

Little Ville shrugged involuntarily and said, "Take a special thing, which alarmed the crystal dragon, making him notice that something was wrong and he just tore the space In addition, he also found something wrong. Big secret."

   "Oh, what you can call a secret is definitely not a trivial matter, let's talk about it."

"That crystal dragon deserves to be the overlord of this world. Although its own strength is not that strong, it has built a powerful weapon for itself." Ville buried a key, and Lantis quickly turned his mind to give his own. Guess: "That Crystal Mountain?"

   Little Will gave a thumbs up: "Although it is not in the middle, it is not far away. The Crystal Mountain is only part of it, so it can be said to be the core.

"He connected more than 50% of the entire island of Gary with magic crystals, forming a place similar to the crystal domain. With his fourth-order demigod strength, he can already exert a good power in the early stages of demigods, with the help of these magic crystals. In mineral veins, he can use the ability similar to the demigod domain."

   Little Ville’s words made Landis startled, but he quickly reacted: "Did you blow up his Crystal Mountain?"

"It's destroyed some. His crystal magic circle is weakened by at least 30%. It's hard to say how much the pseudo-crystal domain can play." Little Ville shrugged and said, "In addition to the magic stone reserve of Crystal Mountain, I also patronized the goblin. The warehouse of the clan has swept away their magic stone reserves. Gary Island has become a mess. It is impossible for Crystal Mountain to recover within a few years. Will you give them this time?"

   Lantis turned into a human form, clenched his fist and showed a confident smile on his face: "A few years, with the heart of the sea blue, I only need one month to be enough, during this period..."

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