The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1044: Offensive and defensive change

Landis did not choose Gou for a month to let Ville, Leo and others (well, waiting for the dragon) attract the attention of Crystal Dragon Mayo, but directly dispatched all members to launch a tsunami in an attempt to bring Gary Island. Submerged.

Ville launched a storm attack, violent storms, rain, lightning, and thunder, Lantis led five Tier 3 dragons to set off stormy waves. The 100-meter-high storm fiercely shredded the dams built by the goblin clan along the coast, and rushed toward Gary. The island was devastating. Trees were uprooted where the wave passed, houses were torn apart, and goblins, kobolds, and gray dwarves suffered heavy casualties.

  Crystal Dragon Mayo immediately launched the crystal array he had prepared for hundreds of years, but the coverage of this dragon whisper magic array was only two hundred miles in diameter with the crystal mountain as the core, and everything else was reduced to a vast ocean.

  Mayo didn't dare to spread his wings and fly high. The coverage of the crystal array was only less than one kilometer in the air. If he flew too high, he would become a target of lightning attacks. The crystal was also conductive, so the thing would do him no small harm.

   I saw several silhouettes standing at the wind of the waves. Among them, Lantis and a teenager standing at the forefront were the most eye-catching, and their strength was also the strongest.

   The crystal dragon turned into a human form and fell down, but stood opposite Landis across the crystal barrier. Landis was stronger!

   This is Mayo's first instinct.

   "Landis, this is Gary Island, my domain!" Mayo bit the word "domain" very hard, and the demonstration is self-evident.

"Outside your domain is my territory." Lantis snorted, and with a slight force under his feet, a seawater turned into a ferocious water dragon rushed forward, and the crystal barrier shook slightly, and he didn't pay much attention to it. The magical water dragon fell apart and re-entered at Landis' feet.

"Landis, I am a demigod. In my turf, you can't defeat me. Give up!" Gary Island is indeed the lair of Crystal Dragon Mayo, but this lair has just been bombed by others. The state is not good, and he opened the space door eagerly and rushed back, and was attacked and bombed by the opponent. After that, he calmed down the Crystal Mountain and consumed a lot of his own strength. However, at this time, Lantis launched a tsunami attack, causing He had to open the broken and imperfect crystal array for all-round defense.

There are many problems with the broken crystal array. After all, the core area has just been bombed by others, and many things have not been repaired. Not to mention the sharp drop in power, the consumption has also increased. What's more, the **** thief even took his own The magic stone and magic crystal reserve were stolen.

"Your territory?" Landis sneered coldly: "It won't be any more soon. This world is the world of the sea. The sudden appearance of such an island always feels a bit uncoordinated. In my personal opinion, it is better to erase it. ."

   "What do you want to do?" Mayo suddenly had a bad feeling.

   "Do what you did on Flying Fish Island before!" Lantis's words made Mayo's face suddenly change. What did he do on Flying Fish Island? The whole island was smashed. If it weren’t for a huge Dragon Whisper Magic Array, it would have been completely fallen. Although I have worked hard for hundreds of years?   But in the magic array?   He really doesn’t dare to fight with Lan. Compared to Tees.

  "Landis?  Everyone is **** dragon?  Is it necessary to do this step?" Crystal Dragon Mayo was really scared this time.

   Seeing the soft look of Mayo's clothes?  Landis couldn't help but laugh, the devil's figure trembled?  Leo and other Neptune dragons looked straight, and finally she came over with a cold eye?  Immediately lowered his head and played with his fingers.

"The same **** dragon clan, how did Hill die? How did the sea king dragon clan fall from nearly a hundred to the situation of three or two big cats and kittens today? Mayo?  Don’t tell me something about the **** dragon clan, this small and small The world?  Can't accommodate so many dragons, nor can it accommodate two different dragon races?  Crystal dragon and Neptune dragon can only save one in the end." A bright smile appeared on Landis' face: "And the ocean of this world The huge land is scarce. Isn’t it clear who the ultimate winner will be?"

"I will continue to hit this lonely island with the power of the boundless sea, a little bit to kill this stubborn stone?  Mayo, I will let you lose your last place!" Landis just fell?   with the five behind. The first Tier 3 Neptune Dragons launched a huge tsunami attack together, and the crystal barrier was crumbling, and Mayo could only add to the output to stabilize the situation.

"Landis, although your strength is strong but you are not into a demigod after all, and the other Neptune Dragons..." Mayo glanced at the other figures, although the latter words were not spoken, the meaning of contempt was clear. The expression came out.

An arc of sarcasm appeared at the corner of Landis' mouth: "Although you don't know why you didn't kill them all, but at this moment, they have become the last straw to crush the camel. My strength is not as good as you, you The magic circle is inferior to me. When we balance each other, they become the last weight on the balance that affects the balance. You have no bargaining chip to check and balance them."

A stiff look flashed across Mayo’s face. In fact, there were some before, but they were killed by himself. They were the steel battleships, goblin airships, and biological puppets of the goblin clan. Now all the combat power capable of naval battles seems to have been consumed by himself. Empty.

He never thought that the battle between himself and Neptune Dragon could go to this point, and he never thought that anyone else in this world could push himself into such a dangerous situation, and nothing he did was able to succeed. As expected, everything that I had previously anticipated had too many emergencies, and the situation seemed to have begun to develop towards an increasingly unfavorable side of myself.

   I need time, more time to repair the deficiencies of the old nest before perfection, but also time to consider how to break the game, Mayo does not think that he is a stupid, but it takes a little longer to consider the problem and find a solution.

"Mayo, you are a slow person. The longer the delay, the better for you. Therefore, I will launch a thunderstorm to wipe you out. The reason Hill will lose is to give you too much time. I will not Repeat his mistakes and let's fight!" Lantis pointed to Mayo with his jade-white hand.

   The latter scratched his head and said, "What you said seems to make sense, so why should I be so anxious to fight you?"

"You have no choice!" Lantis said coldly: "The longer the time drags on, the more disfigured this broken island will be. The area of ​​the land will decrease, and the magic of the land will continue to decline, and your chances of winning will be more and more. Little. Whether you are tortured to death, or killed in a blissful battle, you can choose for yourself!"

   "Huh!" Mayo let out a cold snort, "I choose to strengthen the nest, hold on to the territory that cannot be broken, and then find a way to kill you, and finally launch a fatal blow!"

"The general trend lies with me, you can't have this opportunity! And, I won't give you the opportunity to reinforce the lair!" Lantis gazes slightly, and the long sword in Ville's hand is out of its sheath, and the whole person jumps up fiercely. Rush to the crystal barrier fiercely.

   was able to withstand the joint attack of Ransti and the other five Neptune Dragons. The indestructible barrier was cut open like cream under the little Weier's sword, and little Weier's figure was instantly on the ground inside the crystal barrier.

"Earth Cracking Sword!" Ville’s attack did not face the crystal, but directly attacked the ground. The third-order perfect magic swordsmanship combined his earthly fighting spirit and earthly magic power, and the ground was more than ten feet deep. A hundred-meter-long crack suddenly appeared.

"It's you!" Crystal Dragon Mayo definitely didn't admit his mistake this time. This is the earth wizard who rescued Lantis on Flying Fish Island and nearly abolished his nest Crystal Mountain on Gary Island, but he does not seem to be an ordinary earth. The sorcerer, also a master of saint-level fighting spirit, has reached the third-order consummation realm, threatening the master of saint-level who is not under Landis.

   "It's not me." Little Ville replied instinctively, but this wishful remark made Crystal Dragon Mayo even more sure that it was this young man who broke his own serious event, and he also had a trace of dragon breath.

   "Black Dragon?" But the black dragon shouldn't be an earth attribute.

"Boom~" Mayo was stunned. Ville cut out the second piece. He cut out a hundred-meter-long fragment from the edge of the crystal barrier. Landis immediately launched an attack, and the crystal barrier was hit by the blue. The front and back flanks of Tice and Ville partially retreated an area.

  Crystal Dragon Mayo's complexion changed drastically in an instant, and there was such a method, this kid couldn't keep it!

The crystal barrier uses crystal magic, which is essentially the power of the earth. It has great restraint on the Neptune Dragon. This is also one of the fundamental reasons why the crystal dragon Mayo can indulge Landis, but now the other side has appeared. An existence who is proficient in the power of the earth and even shattered his own crystal domain a little bit by bit, this is unbearable.

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