The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1046: Crystal Palace Master Wicks

The crystal dragon Mayo retreated. Landis led the five Tier 3 Neptune dragons to bombard the crystal barrier for a full hour before reluctantly retreating. Mayo, who was hiding in the dark, did not find a chance to make a sneak attack. He could only return with disappointment. .

However, the next day, Lantis changed his strategy and asked Vil to cut off the crystal mines and magic stone veins outside the crystal barrier, and frequently used the earth breaking sword to create isolation areas, preparing to cut the connection between the inside and outside of the crystal barrier. , And use sea water to isolate it.

Naturally, Mayo could not sit and watch them solidify their maximum range to death. The incarnation of a giant dragon attacked outrageously, but was repelled by Landis and Xiaowei. The other five sea king dragons launched a monster in the sea to siege Gary Island without asking. It is still possible to break through the barrier, increase the burden on the crystal barrier, and consume the magic stone reserves of the crystal dragon.

Facing the joint attack of Ville and Landis, the crystal dragon had no choice but to retreat. The battlefield was not in the crystal barrier, and Mayo could not take advantage of it. Although he took time to kill a group of marine monsters and wounded a Tier 3 high-level Neptune Dragon, More results were not obtained, and Landis was three points stronger in the sea than in the air.

Mayo returned to Crystal Mountain and lay in the broken Crystal Palace. He always felt that things were a little bit tricky. No matter how he looked at his situation, he felt very bad, but it was clearly his own proposition. In terms of absolute strength, he should have the upper hand. what.

   He carefully compared the strength of the enemy and us, and found that the overall strength is actually not much different, and it can even be said that he still has a slight advantage in absolute strength.

I am a Tier 4 demigod. Although the opponent has two terrestrial and ocean attributes of Tier 3 Consummation Masters, I really want to say that I should not be left behind. It is an advantage to talk about protracted battles. At least it is difficult for them to break their defense, but they can break their defense.

Regarding the subordinates, the level of his subordinates is indeed not enough, but the number is not necessarily inferior to the opponent. The rebellion of the goblin clan died after the return of Mayo. After the **** internal turmoil, he reinvested under his command, and the number was as many as 700, 800,000. , Plus kobolds and gray dwarves, close to a million people, and what about the other party?

   Five-headed Tier 3 Sea King Dragon, the other monsters were summoned temporarily to make up the number. As long as they defeated a few of their leaders, they would destroy themselves. But besides himself, who else can defeat those Neptune Dragons?

Mayo found that the negative effects of not directly leading the various races in the past few hundred years have appeared. The previous reliance on the goblin clan has caused the gray dwarves and kobolds to be too weak, and they have almost no combat experience. And the goblin clan was previously calculated by himself? The sea air power is completely destroyed?   Now there is no threat to the Neptune Dragon.

  No, in fact, the goblin clan still retains a considerable degree of combat power, but the headless goblin can not exert this power at all. If the power of the goblin clan can be integrated, it may not be possible to suppress the sea king dragon.

After all, there are still some reserves in the goblin family of things like Ranlongyi?  Although the number is not large?  As long as it is used well?  It is definitely a big killer against other Neptune dragons besides Landis?  It's just the current goblin clan who can Carrying such a heavy burden?

  Mayo thinks over and over again for a long time?  I can't find a few capable elf members alive in my own mind?  If there is a tree hole, there is only one pseudo-goblin.

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   "Will I still use you in the end?" Mayo's mouth twitched slightly?  The best chess piece he used?  I found it so easy to use after being abandoned by myself?  What else can I do, pick it up.

  Mayo is a slow person, but it was like this when the slightest countermeasure was made. Once the decision was made, the action was still very strong, and he simply recovered his strength, directly tore the space and arrived at Flying Fish Island in a blink of an eye.

Wicks was lying quietly in the ruins. For the second-order sky warrior of the first-level official wizard level, it is not a big problem not to eat for ten and a half months, not to mention the current Wicks has no love. , He couldn't find the meaning of his life, and he couldn't even find the hope of being alive.

My destiny has been under the control of the crystal dragon, acting as an ambitious slave. When he thought he had the power to resist and stood in front of him, he was slapped to the ground. The crystal dragon used himself Seeing the footboard and telling him, boy, you think too much, you can only be my slave for the rest of your life, until death is just my pawn.

The cruel image of the crystal dragon has already penetrated Wix’s heart. This failure made him unable to raise the slightest resistance. Even his own wisdom is not as good as the abandoned dragon that he looked down upon before. What hope does he have? ? In other words, is there any hope of survival for himself who has angered the crystal dragon?

   "Bang!" With the sound of "Bang!", the earth trembled slightly, and the dust covered Wicks who was lying, causing him to breathe hard and make a really weak coughing sound.

"It looks like you are not dead yet, little guy, give you a chance to live and continue to be my slave." A familiar voice rang in Wicks' ears, making his lifeless face show something different. look.

"Do I still have the meaning of living?" Wicks interlaced his hands in front of him, and a thin breeze took away the dust. The sky is so blue. How long have I not seen the scenery of this world, my own eyes? Blinded by the gloomy and dirty underground passage, he walked along the way of the goblin with goblin skin on his body. Now this layer of false skin was gone, and he seemed to have really become a night elf, and he began to appreciate the beauty of the world.

   A powerful magical power poured into the body, Wicks was lifted up, Mayo tore the space and grabbed him and turned away.

   Wicks was lying on the ground and vomiting heartbreakingly, but he couldn't vomit anything. What kind of experience was it for him, who was already weak, to go straight through space? Wicks felt that this was the most terrifying punishment in the world, even if he wanted to die, he didn't want to do it again.

"Great Master, is this your punishment for my betrayal? If so, you succeeded. This is a journey more terrifying than death, although it is really very short. I have never seen anything more than this. It's even more frightening punishment." A moment later, Wicks lay on the ground weakly and whispered. If it weren't for Mayo's strength and good ears, he probably couldn't hear him clearly.

Mayo couldn’t help but think about it. This idea seems to be a good idea. For people with insufficient physical strength, this kind of travel is definitely a torture beyond imagination, but it’s not easy to tear the space. Things, less than a demigod is very dangerous to use, without the chain of law protection, it is easy to be shredded by the force of space.

   "Wicks, give you a chance to continue to work for me. You will become the director of the Crystal Palace in Gary Island." Mayo put this weird idea behind and spoke with majestic words.

Wicks tried to turn over and saw a messy and unmaintained Crystal Palace, with a slightly complicated expression on his face. He shook his head gently and said: "Great Master, it is my honor to be able to work for you, but I don't have it anymore. With the motivation to live, I can’t find a goal to live, please allow me to die like this."

"Since there is no goal, find one." Mayo said very directly: "You used to be a goblin, trying to make the goblin clan go further than me and become the real overlord. Now you have restored the body of night elves, why can't you be brand new Live as you are, and strive to make the night elves more glorious?"

Wicks shook his head and said, "Great master, it's not that I look down on the night elves. Their arrogance and cleverness are destined to be They are destined to surpass the goblin family. Especially the population base. Under the premise of a big difference."

   "Even if you are led by someone who knows everything about goblins?" Mayodor asked.

"Great master, I'm just an ordinary sky warrior, not a god, I can't change the night elves, they even look down on me." Vickers knew that he was very good, but he left the magic weapon. It is hard to say whether one can rank in the top ten among the night elves. The night elves are completely different from the goblin clan, and personal strength is very important.

   "Then, what if the goblin clan does not exist? Can you make the night elves more brilliant?" The crystal dragon's voice was very flat, but it fell in Wicks' ears as if there was a thunder, which made him stunned.

"While this foreign enemy is staring at him, destroying the most powerful goblin clan under him? Great master, please pardon me. This is not a good idea." Wicks' answer was very direct and very rational, but less. A heart for the goblin clan.

   "No, although the goblin clan no longer exists, I have a large and powerful army that is not afraid of death!" An unpredictable smile appeared on the face of the crystal dragon.

"Wicks, I, the only overlord of this world, Crystal Dragon Mayo, needs you to work for me! I will repay you with my trust and appoint you as the general manager of the Crystal Palace. Everyone except me in Gary Island will listen. Your dispatch."

   "I, night elf Wicks, thank the great master for his trust, and I will surely reward myself with my loyalty and life!"

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