The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1047: Night elves vs. night elves

What is the concept of a three-thousand-one warrior?

   Even if it is a great warrior who can't display vindictiveness, the number of thousands is still a huge force, and this is only the result of the crystal dragon Mayo for three days.

The goblin clan is over. Except for some researchers who were asked to stay by Wyxter, all other goblin clan members, whether men, women, old or young, have become crystal puppets of the crystal dragon. Mayo has been laid out for hundreds of years and lived on the island of Gary. , Breathing the air with crystal dust and debris from birth, was eroded by the crystal magic bit by bit, and became Mayo's semi-finished puppet unknowingly.

Such members of the goblin clan usually do not have any abnormal performance, and even because of the magic crystal dust, their physical strength is stronger than that of the goblins who have lived outside for a long time. At other times, they can live their lives like ordinary goblins, and finally turn into a pile of dead bones. Or use it as feed to feed Warcraft.

However, once Mayo takes the initiative to activate, they can immediately turn them into their own crystal puppets, but any adult goblin crystal puppets will initially have the strength of an advanced warrior level, and after the crystal dragon magic crystal is strengthened, they can have the body strength of a great warrior level. , The speed is slightly weaker, the strength is slightly stronger, and you can't use the crystal puppet warrior who has no intuition and no fear of pain.

Mayo had hundreds of thousands of crystal puppets for the first time, and then the speed of a thousand great warriors every day transformed into a powerful crystal puppet army. He carried out his work without any distraction, even if Lantis was upset outside the crystal barrier. Only when you can't see it.

The first thing Wicks, the chief director of the Crystal Palace, took office was to turn ninety-nine percent of the goblin family into crystal puppets. He didn't even retain any magnetic goblin, but only a few hundred goblin workers were responsible for creating the goblin war. car.

He set up a command center. Because the whereabouts of the night elves were unknown, he had to use kobolds and gray dwarves. He gave the task of driving the steel chariot to transport troops to the kobolds, and handed the logistics to the gray dwarves. There is no one in the goblin clan. Entering the command center, even the logistics production will be under the control of the gray dwarf.

  The gray dwarves have been squeezed by the goblin clan for hundreds of years. This time turning over makes them extremely harsh on the goblin clan, and this is precisely the power given by Wicks.

   What Wicks wants is only a steel tank, or a troop carrier.

He sent a team of scouts to investigate the situation outside the crystal barrier. A vast ocean, several large rivers and a river around the city. Although these rivers are still very small, they are increasing and becoming bigger every day. Ocean monsters are getting bigger and bigger and stronger.

   Then Wicks chose more than a dozen places in four directions, east, west, south, and north, using the goblin crystal puppets as coolies and gray dwarves as commanders to build defense lines?  The so-called city walls.

No one in the entire island of Gary knows the magical equipment of the goblin clan better than Wicks?  In just three days, he completed more than a dozen kilometers of defense lines?  There are more than a dozen small towers and camps, which are very efficient. The height is eye-catching.

A steady stream of long-range attack equipment was sent to the front line. The day finally arrived. Wicks took three thousand warrior-level goblin crystal puppets into the southernmost camp?  Ten large magic crystal cannons lined up?  Bed crossbow Hundreds of racks were also erected, five hundred kobolds?   Five hundred gray dwarves were fully armed but only responsible for manipulating magic devices.

   They were quite convinced by the sudden appearance of the night elf named Wicks. One word can instruct His Royal Highness Crystal Dragon. Can you believe that? And they directly wiped out the goblin clan?   A lot of the benefits were divided among the kobolds and gray dwarves?   According to his words, it was originally supposed to give the night elves to his race, but the family was bullied by the goblins. I don’t know where I went, anyway, it’s a waste to leave it?   It's cheaper for you.

  The last sentence is?  As long as you are obedient, there will be benefits.

"A night elf led a kobold and gray dwarf against the Neptune Dragon, the night elf and the sea monster." Standing on the wind of the wave, Ville's eyes fell on the opposite wall?   Only a kilometer away can not escape his sharp eyes. , Not only him, but also other level two and above masters around him can see clearly.

   Adriana shook her head slightly: "I haven't seen this person. We don't have him in the night elves. If it's not a fake, then it is the hidden back of the crystal dragon."

"No, you must know this person. His name is Wicks!" The information of the person opposite to the senior appraisal of Ville was clear at a glance, plus everything he had seen on Flying Fish Island before, he immediately reacted, Crystal Long Mayo had no one available, and finally had to promote the traitor again, and Wicks didn't know what mentality he actually helped him regroup and stabilize the line of defense.

"Wicks? Wicks, the master of the goblin clan, that's how it is, the goblin master in night elf skins, haha, interesting." A sneered smile appeared on Adriana's face: "Our night elves can It’s not just the appearance, the humble goblin can only be the humble goblin even if he stares at our skin."

Lantis, who was staring at Mayo next to him, couldn't help but sneered. Adriana asked in a puzzled manner: "Dear Lantis, is there anything wrong with me? Isn't the other party pretending to be us? In order to separate our relationship? Our family had all separated from the island of Gary when the goblins launched a rebellion, it is impossible..."

Landis waved his hand to interrupt Adriana’s chatter, "I believe in your sincerity, and I have no doubt about your choice. I just want to tell you one thing. Wicks is not a goblin in night elf skin. , He is a pure night elf, but he has been wearing goblin skin before."

   Lantis casually told the story of the battle between the crystal dragon and the goblin, the love and killing between Wicks and Mayo, and Adriana was stunned.

Finally, I had to shake my head and smile bitterly: "His Royal Highness Crystal Dragon does not have the spirit of a king. After all, his aura is not enough. He can never become a true king. Compared with you, he is too far behind. Obviously, he can be suppressed by his strength. Obviously you can do everything in a fair and honest manner, but in the end, the furtive arrangement of small means was used, and in the end it failed. This is really..."

Adriana doesn’t know how to describe the Crystal Dragon Mayo. She always feels that he has fallen into such an embarrassing situation now, and it is all done by herself. If the corpse of the Sea King Dragon King is put in the bag early in the morning, the goblin will be taken early. Completely subdued or completely suppressed, and completely wiped out the Neptune Dragon early in the morning, the situation should be very different now.

   He didn't have the courage to change the world, the fly camp and gougou would not be possible in the end.

And the two of their new friends can show their majestic aura between their gestures. The world’s largest island, Gary Island, can be destroyed casually in their mouths, and not just to say, they are still like this. So, the boy had cut off 90% of the crystal veins and magic stone veins outside the crystal barrier, and Lantis launched all the ocean beasts in a radius of thousands of miles to besiege Gary Island.

   Compared with the two of them, His Royal Highness Crystal Dragon is far behind.

"This battle will affect the situation for a long time to come. Landis and I will hold the crystal dragon, and the rest will be handed over to you." Little Ville's joyous drink just fell and the whole person flew up~ One rose and fell to the front of the crystal barrier, and when he raised his sword, he cut a wound and broke into the crystal barrier.

Wicks didn’t care about it at all, because he clearly knew that such an opponent had nothing to do with him. The Crystal Dragon Mayo blocked him for the first time. Ville smiled at him and fell to the ground. The thorn quietly emerged, and then directly stepped on the ground thorn and quickly moved away from the distance.

Crystal Dragon Mayo suddenly sat on the wax. This enemy is very strong. No one can deal with it except himself. If he does not chase him, he will most likely rush in and destroy him from other places. But if he chases him, who will deal with Lan later. Tis? Luanlongyi has no effect on her.

Wicks saw the crystal dragon’s hesitation and couldn’t help but get rid of a black line. My great master, we are very shocked if you don’t accept it at this time, and it’s obvious that the opponent alone cannot be your opponent, this When you chase it, the Sea King Dragon with the third-order Consummation will definitely follow it.

Mayo, who was reminded by Wicks, chased it out, but at this time, Ville had already ran a long way and went straight to another defense, making him pay the price for his indecision, and Landis Just as Vickers wanted to ride the stormy sea and chase it out, only she and Vill could guarantee true undefeated by joining forces. After all, she had not yet fully succeeded.

   Wicks showed a big smile on his face, "Next is the moment when I have to act, Adriana, let me see how much trust your new owner can give you. Chaotic Dragon Ritual, prepare, start!"

   A big battle happened without accident.

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