The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1050: Sprinkle your mouth with feces, gag your mouth with feces

There are always some discrepancies between the plan and the reality. First, Ville and Mayo fought a battle, directly fought for an hour regardless of victory or defeat, and then retreated calmly. When the crystal dragon Mayo was chasing after him, Landis was responsible for responding. , A big battle between the two sides actually formed a deadlock.

In the end, Ville's energy was exhausted and he retreated first, but Landis persisted, until Wicks launched a surprise attack. Three volleys of the Magic Crystal Cannon forced Landis to retreat, and the Crystal Dragon chased after him. The army of Gary Island set off with three warships.

The speed of Lantis above the sea was very fast. The crystal dragon Mayo turned into a giant dragon, spreading its wings and flying, chasing after the traces of Lantis, and chasing it for five or six hundred miles. Suddenly the surrounding scenery changed suddenly, Mei Ao found himself trapped in a huge dragon whisper magic circle, and could not help but roared: "I hate magic circle!"

The unfathomable nature of the Dragon Whisper Magic Array, Mayo naturally knows, and even has a deep understanding. This is why he has worked hard for hundreds of years even if his aptitude is average (that's not the average level, it's just average in the average, the average is terrible). The reason is that it is very difficult for him to go further in this world, and the Dragon Whisper Magic Array is precisely a powerful tool that can help him go further.

  Mayo once thought, if it was not himself but the Sea King Longhill who won, what would he achieve?

   There is a high probability that the third chain of laws will be condensed, and then the domain will be formed.

   After the sea, mists appeared, and the azure light shrouded hundreds of miles. This is definitely a large dragon language magic array. Just a start made Mayo feel its power: the demigod dragon language magic array!

   The magical power of the surrounding earth was rejected, and the expression on Mayo's face was a little weird, always feeling that the power of this magic circle was stronger than before on Flying Fish Island.

  Is it an illusion?

It is still said that Flying Fish Island is an island, and the Dragon Whisper Magic Array cannot be made out of nothing. It needs the help of the earth magic on Flying Fish Island so that it does not repel the magic of the earth, and at the moment on the sea, it is completely possible to use the powerful ocean magic to squeeze all other magic powers. Get out.

However, Lantis is only a third-order consummation after all. Even if she has a high talent and can leapfrog the demi-god level dragon language magic circle, she cannot leap too much. This magic circle limits her possibility, but she wants to be fatal to herself. Don't think about damage or more effects.

The crystal dragon Mayo felt that the dragon-shaped state had consumed too much magic power, and his body turned into a human form. A palm-sized crystal was thrown on the surface of the sea?   Accompanied by his loud shout?   The crystal quickly expanded and turned into a ten-mile diameter in a blink of an eye. Small crystal island.

   "It's actually the heart of crystal, is this you condensed? The demigods are different." A familiar figure appeared not far behind, making Mayo suddenly startled.

The crystal heart is generally the natural core formed by the super-large magic crystal mine?   But this crystal heart is with the help of the strong power of the demigod?  Using the special means in the crystal dragon inheritance to condense?  With his own inside. The imprint, the consumption is beyond imagination?  If not for the tens of thousands of magic stones supplied by the goblin clan every month?  Continuous training for hundreds of years?  This thing is really difficult to take shape?  After all, Mayo’s strength level is still too low Up.

Because it was made by hand and spent hundreds of years together day and night, so standing on the crystal land formed by the crystal heart, Mayo's strength is still very strong?   At least a steady stream of magic power will not be cut off, after all, the land in the dragon language magic array Magic power will be rejected, he can only bring his own dry food.

  What surprised Mayo?  How did this boy appear, but he didn’t notice it all at once?  Is his strength enough to hide his figure in front of him?

"Boy?   I'm afraid you will lose miserably just by yourself. Let Landis come out together. Didn't you make this thing for the Neptune Dragon to fight the Crystal Dragon? I really want to take a look, this Can the magic circle really make Landis a qualitative leap to defeat me, the demigod crystal dragon." Mayo suddenly turned around, his eyes fell on Little Ville like lightning, this kid is still in the third-order perfect realm?   and There is no such breath that belongs exclusively to a demigod.

"Ah, oh, Landis is not here. After we brought you here, she hurried to deal with the fake goblin. After all, your brain is not very useful, except for him. There is no smart person anymore. As long as you kill him, you will always be at a disadvantage and be killed a little bit by our clever minds." Ville’s words made Mayo a black line, which fits my image in your mind. It was like this, but Landis was a little unreliable in dealing with Wicks.

"You want to say that the fake goblin can escape into the crystal barrier even if it can't be beaten, right?" A big smile appeared on Little Ville's face: "But this time your goal is not to launch a total attack, do you want to severely damage the Neptune Dragon and the night elves? Do you think that fake goblin will chase them all the way to stay away from the crystal barrier? At that time, Lantis suddenly came out, what did he use to resist the assassination of the third-order perfect master? That so-called chaotic dragon?"

The expression on Crystal Dragon Mayo's face kept changing, and finally turned into a big smile, and said with relief: "Boy, you are really smart. Since your brain can't play with you, then go up there. You and Landis are indeed very clever. It’s great, but as long as you separate you, it’s not difficult to deal with one person. Boy, facing me alone is your biggest mistake. Don’t hide in the dark and delay time. It is your biggest mistake to fight with me head-on, and fall on The Crystal Heart is undoubtedly the most unforgivable cause of death for you!"

   "Crystal Cage!" Mayo shouted loudly, and layers of barriers immediately appeared on the edge of the crystal land ten miles in diameter to envelop the whole crystal land.

"Kill you, and then chase to the end of the world to kill Landis, this game is over. In front of absolute strength, all small means are illusory! Crystal armor! Sword coming!" Mayo shouted. His body shone with colorful light, a gorgeous crystal armor covering the whole body, and a five-foot-long crystal sword in his hand was shining, and this sword was obviously not temporarily constructed using crystal magic power, but a real crystal. Long sword.

"Boy, the law I understand is crystal defense. This crystal armor is a manifestation of the law of my demigod. As long as the power is not exhausted, I will be invincible, and as long as the crystal heart under my step is not magical When exhausted, I will be able to get a steady stream of supplements, here I am invincible!" Mayo only talked about his own defense, not even mentioning the crystal sword in his hand, but he didn’t see the slightest effort at his feet but instantly When he arrived in front of Little Ville, the five-foot long sword pierced his chest without the slightest sound of wind, and the speed was unspeakable.

"On technique, you are inferior to me!" Ville leans slightly, with the long sword in his hand, he abruptly deflects Mayo's attack a little, and the long sword also shines with a faint light, but it is Earthy yellow light.

"Thousand-layer Gravity Fist!" Long sword defended, his body turned 180 degrees with his left fist wrapped in yellow light and hit Mayo fiercely. The powerful force burst out instantly, staggering him back, and his chest was a little dull. But it didn't bring any substantial damage, and the demigod-level defense was so arrogant.

"Boy, you can't hurt me. Even if you hit me with a hundred punches and stab me with a thousand swords, it won't cause any harm to me. And I only need to hit you once, and the game is over. Boy, the next You have to be careful in the battle!" Mayo found that his skills seem to be a bit behind, so he directly opened up the mouth-cannon mode mental tactics to make this kid be careful everywhere, so as to drain his mind.

"Earth fighting spirit armor!" Little Ville seemed to be really affected. He also opened the defense, which made Mayo's eyes brighten. Boy, you were fooled. You could dodge and attack, but now you want to fight hard and separate. Part of the power is used for defense. This is your biggest mistake. I accept this victory!

"Clang! Clang! Clang!" Mayo attacked brazenly, the crystal long sword in his hand shook the demigod-level long sword of Little Will not let down the wind at all, but the strength turned out to be stronger, pressing closer and even let go of his own defenses. Boy, come on, it's a man who has to head-on, what a man to dodging! "

   "You are soft like a shi, even if it is dried, it will be harder than you."

   "You have a yellowish color, let alone that, it's really a bit like that thing, it's as weak as that."

   "Hahahaha, how do you satisfy the woman from Landis? Do you have to use all the magic of the earth every time to make yourself hard."

   "You don't want you to use witchcraft every time, do you? Hahahaha, kid..."

   "Have anyone told you that your mouth is really smelly." The long sword in Littleville's hand suddenly pierced out, "Thousand Fantasy Clone Sword!"

  The flow of power can't beat you, so what about the flow of technology? Ville's body was blurred as if there were tens of thousands of layers of figures appearing at the same time, and there seemed to be tens of thousands of long swords. Mayo couldn't help being taken aback. The defense of his body suddenly increased, and the long sword in his hand accelerated and pierced again.

   The crystal sword passed through the phantom of Ville without any resistance, and a tuft of soft yellow things "slapped" on Mayo's face, accompanied by a strong stench.

"Since you are spraying manure with your mouth full, you can block your mouth with manure." Little Ville rushed out more than a dozen feet and turned around, punching out quickly, hitting Mayo's back with a "bang, bang, bang" sound, but Can't break his defense.

   Inexplicable pressure quietly appeared and continued to increase. Mayo's hair stood up, and a beast-like roar followed: "I want you to die!"

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