The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1051: Demigod power, stealing and depriving

"Yes, that's it. If it's a man, try harder. This is a bit like a man!"

   "Have you not eaten? Or, I used too much last night, and today is short and weak? Isn't your fist very hard? Why did you use the long sword today, you can't even use your fist anymore."

   "Tsk tsk, the ground swayed three times after this punch, but you can't get a bit of ash, you are really short and weak."

   "You learned this swordsmanship from your master, right? You twisted like a maiden. If you are a man, you are a little more magnificent. Your dance is worse than a dancer with ten copper coins."

Crystal dragon Mayo finally knows what a poison tongue is. Compared with his own, although this kid doesn’t have a dirty word, it’s really annoying. His melee combat experience is actually richer than his own. He used it purely before. The fist still couldn't see it. After using the weapon this time, I realized that he would be led by the nose.

Ville is also very proficient in boxing, but I really want to say that swordsmanship is more suitable for him. After all, he is not better than Lilith in marksmanship. Lilith fights with bare hands and does not cooperate with him. He can only find it in swordsmanship, and Compared with the swordsmanship of that devil boy, Crystal Dragon Mayo's swordsmanship can only be regarded as his younger brother.

   No, even the younger brother is not even considered a grandson.

Before Mayo was able to use two fists to defend and attack, and he played vigorously with Ville, but once he used the long sword, he suddenly became unable to use his hands and feet. Ville was bullying his lack of swordsmanship, and it was a joyful fight. It's dripping.

   "Crystal Hell!" Mayo's crystal armor fell to the ground in four pieces, and in a blink of an eye it turned into layers of dense crystal rock thorns and hulled out and rushed towards Littleville, restricting his dodge direction.

"Crystal forbidden, forbidden!" Mayo once again activated a hidden ability inside the Crystal Heart. Ville's body was slightly heavy and the whole person fell quickly, kicking on the side of a sharp crystal thorn and quickly changing direction. Fall to the safe area in the crystal thorn forest.

"Boy, die!" Mayo performed his big moves continuously, and his figure instantly appeared in front of Ville, appearing there without warning through the dense crystal thorns, and the crystal sword in his hand was shining with colorful light. Obstructively pierced into his earthly fighting spirit armor.

   "Wh, how?!" Little Wil looked at the sword on his chest, and uttered a few words with difficulty.

Crystal dragon Mayo’s ferocious face finally burst into a triumphant smile: "Boy, you are indeed walking on the road to becoming a demigod. The combination of magic and vindictiveness has a trace of demigod power, but this road is still very impressive. Long, you?  It’s too far off! Can I give up my defense and turn into a crystal hell?   Take out this kind of trick?   It’s worth your death. The demigod is a hurdle?  The gap between magic power and fighting spirit is almost Smoothing?  There is no absolute definition of attack and defense. This is a demigod?  It is definitely not a third-order young person like you can imagine."

"So, is this a demigod? But?  Why don't I feel that I don't want to." The figure pierced by the long sword muttered, and his hands suddenly grabbed Mayo's right hand?  A big smile appeared on his face: "Grab Live you!"

   "What?" Mayo suddenly felt an inexplicable heart palpitation. A long sword pierced his body silently behind him?   "Demi-god power, stealing and deprivation!"

Mayo seemed to feel the sound of the chains in his body?   The two chains of laws trembled violently, one of them turned into a streamer and drilled into the long sword in the chest, leaving only the other normal chain of laws and one dim The law of matt chain.

   "Bang!" with a soft sound?  The figure opposite Mayo was torn apart into a pile of rubble, "A rock clone?"

   "No?   is just a giant rock puppet technique." Little Weier stepped back ten feet, sending a long sword into the world of snow wood, letting his sister Xiao Weiya use the tree of death to copy this chain of laws and integrate it into the world.

The sword in Ville’s hand was jointly created by him, Weiya and Lilith, and integrated into a chain of laws of the pirate god. The ability is to copy and temporarily seal a chain of laws of the demi-god strong, and the selected laws The chain is not optional, it is completely random, and the sword is temporarily unusable after being sealed.

  If it is used forcibly, it is easy to cause conflicts in the laws of the sword, which will destroy the sword, and the seal on the enemy will be unlocked.

Mayo lost the chain of law that was precisely the crystal defense. The defensive cover around the crystal ground was torn apart. Ville pressed his hands on the crystal ground, and a sharp rock thorn went straight between Mayo’s legs, making him instinctive. Leaped and took off into the air.

   In the next instant, the crystal land disappeared. This was not an illusion, nor an illusion, but the real disappearance, and even Mayo could not sense it.

  Space artifact? Different space? Mayo's face changed drastically in an instant. There was a sound of water around him, and Lantis, who was hiding in the dark, launched an attack. A water dragon rushed to top him in the air, and the biting chill instantly filled his body.

Mayo shook his whole body. The powerful force burst out instantly and he regained control of the body. The crystal sword in his hand was raised high and severely cut down. The sea was cut out by him with a crack of more than 100 meters, and the sword mark penetrated deep into the sea. There was a short cut-off unexpectedly.

   "Boy, what did you do to me?" Mayo felt something strange in his body, and the chain of laws was actually sealed. Although there seemed to be signs of recovery over time, the process was very, very slow.

"Well, isn't this question obvious? First, I used rock puppet witchcraft to replace myself and stabbed you with a sword, and then the body stabbed you from behind. If you don't take the initiative to give up the crystal armor, I want to stabbed you with this sword. It’s not easy to wear you. And then, my long sword is a semi-divine weapon, and the semi-divine weapon is more or less magical, and the characteristic of my magic sword is: stealing and depriving."

  What kind of semi-artifact has such a powerful ability?

   A semi-sacred tool created by a master god-level master and personally bestowed abilities, or, with a demi-god master sacrificing a sword, there is a certain chance of obtaining the law of death and demi-god ability. Now it seems that it is most likely the latter.

   "So, boy, it looks like you are not an ordinary person." Mayo took a deep breath, and cast his eyes on Landis, "Landis, you are already a demigod."

Although it seemed to be asking, Mayo’s tone was very positive. Landis didn’t mean to conceal anything. This battle will be divided between birth and death, and there is no point in concealing it. Moreover, in his own attack just now He brought a little bit of law and directly injured Mayo. It is impossible for him not to feel it.

   "It's extremely cold, the abilities Hill demonstrated before his death, are you the abilities you got from his corpse." Mayo didn't hide it, but generously gave a basis for his own judgment.

"The Deep Blue Heart, the secret treasure of the Sea King Dragon clan, can enable the third-level perfect master to advance to the demigod, and get the deep arctic law fur. Unless it is killed in battle, it cannot be The body will recondense after death. Deep Blue Heart, but this time is a little bit longer, it takes a hundred years.” Lantis’ words made Mayo’s mouth twitch slightly. No wonder, I had repeatedly checked Hill’s body many times, but no abnormality was found. Throwing to the goblin clan, I didn't expect that there was such a secret among them.

"Haha, it's really ironic. It turns out that the Crystal Dragon died of the Neptune Dragon, and everything was asked by the Crystal Dragon." Crystal Dragon Mayo showed a hideous look on his face, "It's not that easy to kill me, and you really Do you think you can kill me if you are promoted to a demigod with the help of the Dragon Whisper Magic Array?"

   Lantis gently shook his head and said, "It is indeed difficult if it is just this way. After all, I am a trick to advance to the demigod, but it is not difficult to kill you with this person's help."

   Mayo squinted at Little Will viciously: "This earth wizard?"

"He is not just as simple as the Wizard of the Earth. You will know soon, Mayo. It is useless to delay time. Without ten days and a half months, the chain of laws cannot be restored. I will not let You survived until that time, come to fight!" Landis whistled from a water dragon, but Mayo was first attacked by Ville.

   "Thousands of swords!"

   "The third-order perfect ocean witchcraft? How is it possible?!"

   "Thunderbolt sword!"


   "Finally let go of a battle with hands and feet, Magic Shadow Sword!"

   "Don't forget me, Mayo, the sea is mirrored!"

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