The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1055: 4 party mainland wandering chef

The Dragon God Sacrifice is the largest celebration of the Yunwu Country in the Quartet Continent in five years. It is also a competition where all chefs in the Yunwu Country compete for the best chef in the world. This celebration has a long history and even needs to be traced back to the founding of the Yunwu Country a thousand years ago.

The Sifang Continent spans more than 10,000 miles from east to west, and more than 8,000 miles from north to south. There are four major countries, namely, the Eastern Cloudy Country, which believes in the Silver Dragon, the Southern Flame Country, which believes in the lava devil, the Western Pharmacist Country, which believes in the hurricane python, and the White Dragon’s country. Northern Frost Country.

   In addition to the four major countries, there are many small forces overseas. Among them, there are ten and eight famous pirates. Another evil undead island, the four patron saints, will not offend the powerful liches there.

The four kingdoms of Cloud, Flame, Pharmacist, and Frost are the most aggressive and the most aggressive, the most bizarre and difficult to contact with, the Frost Country is vast and sparsely populated, but the Cloud Nation is the most populous and the most free and peaceful country. .

The four great kingdoms have been in constant friction with each other, but they have maintained relative restraint. Although wars between countries rarely occur, between cities, between military and military, and even between families, teams and families. There have never been fewer battles between teams.

The patron saint of the Cloud Nation is the Silver Dragon. The strength of the four major patron saints is difficult to distinguish one higher. But in comparison, the silver dragon is good at defending, the lava devil is good at attack, the hurricane python is good at sneak attacks, and the white dragon has both offensive and defensive capabilities but IQ arrears. They didn't have much contact with each other, they just agreed on a general rule that formed the current pattern of the Quartet Continent.

The patron saint is not very useful for them. The four kingdoms' worship to them is more mere formality, so please feel at ease, but when the patron saint really makes a request, they will still go all out. After all, there is a patron saint and no patron saint is completely two concepts.

  The strong, no matter which world you are in, you need to be respected.

Compared with the irritable lava demons hiding in the flame mountain, the hurricane python who lives deep in the swamp, and the white dragon who loves to steal gems, the silver dragon who is gentle and loves food is undoubtedly more popular because of the existence of the silver dragon. , Let Yunwu Country become the most popular country among its people.

Karama is a wandering chef and a powerful chef with a three-star rating. She was born in the Flame Country. Her father was a palace chef in the Flame Country. Later, at a palace banquet, there was a problem with the food.   Was pushed out as a scapegoat and the family was executed. .

The young Karama was entrusted to a friend by her mother in advance to take away?  She witnessed the killing of her mother and brother?  There was no room for remission. She saw the chef who framed her father flattering the prince, and heard it next to her. The reason why he framed his father was just because the little princess had a problem with the food?   was pointed out by his father.

At first, she didn’t understand why this happened?   Knowing to become a star chef in a few years?   Did she hear the rumors?   The little princess had an irregular diet for a long time?   The magic affinity of her body decreased, and she lost the favor of the king and became a genius. For ordinary princesses, the three princesses, who are a compatriot with the eldest prince, are advancing by leaps and bounds.

At that time, Karama understood what had happened?  Father's greatest sorrow was fulfilling his duties, his death was worthless?  The status of the chef in the flame country was too low, so she resolutely carried the bag and embarked on the road to the cloud country? Become a chef in the cloud country.

She remembered her mother’s instructions and forgot her hatred. She wanted to carry forward her father’s cooking skills. She has an extraordinary talent for fighting spirit and a good talent for fire. She will soon show her prominence in the country of cloud and mist, but the wood is beautiful in the forest and the wind will destroy it. It may not be a good thing for her to be too protruding in a foreign country as an outsider.

Suppression inevitably appeared. Karama suffered setbacks, but never gave up uncompromising. She was expelled time and time again, and finally gritted her teeth, and finally became a three-star chef with her own strength, one of the few wandering three-stars. chef.

Carrying a pot on her back, a knife on her waist, and a seasoning bag hanging on her body, this is the logo of the wandering chef, but there is also a mark embroidered on the shoulder of Klama, the logo of a three-star chef. She often uses a cloth strip. The wrapping is not exposed, and will be released when necessary.

   Yunwu has a standardized cook association. They have a strong binding force on cooks, and at the same time provide a lot of help for cooks, such as: intelligence, logistics, supplies, and channels for further education and assessment, and even grant allowances.

Chefs in Yunwu Country are very famous and extraordinary professions. It is impossible to rank high if they are only excellent chefs without a little strength. One-star chefs only need enough cooking skills to serve, and two-star chefs must be at least senior fighters. Or a third-level mage, and the minimum requirement for a three-star chef is to enter the rank.

Karama is a three-star chef with a sky warrior and a third-level mage. She is two steps away from the highest five-star chef in the kingdom. Now she is working hard to challenge a four-star chef. As long as she becomes a four-star chef, there will be no more people. Repel her, some only win and respect.

Chef is a very resource-consuming profession. With advanced ingredients, advanced equipment, advanced skills, and a lot of experimental research, it is definitely not easy for a vagrant chef to achieve something. Especially in this item of equipment, vagrant chefs have natural weaknesses. To make high-level food, it is not enough to rely solely on your own strength, and equipment is also very important.

Therefore, the foundry has become a powerful profession second only to the chef in the cloud country. Whether it is a variety of kitchen utensils or food hunters’ equipment, they need to be built, and the foundry also has level certification. This time, what Karama wants to visit is one. An undocumented foundry with a strange personality has recently emerged.

   This undocumented caster is a young man. He can build Samsung equipment in a short period of time, but only takes three orders per month. The selling cost is even more expensive than buying Samsung equipment directly.

People from the Foundry Association came to the door many times and were turned away by him. They actually looked down on their casting skills, thinking that getting the Foundry's badge would reduce their own value. Eventually, they were listed as unpopular objects by the angry Foundry Association and sent out for city defense. The army drove him out of the city and fell into a small town.

The mayor tried to win over this odd-tempered foundry and swallowed all the benefits he sent, but he ignored the mayor's request. In the end, he gave the mayor a happy beating and fell into a small town. The remote corner continued to guard his smithy.

The weirdness of this weird caster has attracted the attention of many those wandering chefs and wandering hunters. It is undoubtedly more difficult for their identity to get good equipment, and they may not even be able to pay. Please use high-level foundry masters, Yunwu Country foundry masters are also a very scarce profession.

Karama can stand out if she wants to participate in the Dragon God Festival. Advanced equipment and high-level ingredients are necessary. If possible, she also wants to enrich her high-level recipes. Her father's recipes have not been thoroughly studied by herself. After all, she left home. It's still young, and it's not easy to get to this point just by relying on the memory of that time.

   Wandering chefs are a very hard job. Traveling all over the world with one pair of feet is not just fun. Karama, who is only twenty-five years old, can say that he has traveled thousands of miles.

Is    the small town ahead?

  The fame of the stranger foundry is still very big in the small town. After all, not everyone dares to beat the mayor's cronies, and he beat them very happily without being punished.

The town is not big. Karama quickly found the place she was looking for in a remote corner. Among the overgrown ruined walls, a slightly tidy house, but with a skewed blacksmith shop sledgehammer sign, looked very strange. Harmony, but here is a bit noisy now.

"Bha~" A figure came from the smithy to the fly, slammed to the ground and rolled and hit the wall more than ten meters away. The dust flew up and the dust fell on the wall, and a man dressed in Chinese clothes The young man ran out in embarrassment, his clothes were full of flames, he couldn't put it out, and the direction he rushed out happened to be here in Karama.

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