The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1056: Weird Foundry

"Let's let, let's!" The man in Chinese clothes seemed to want to rush to the small river ditch not far away, but the flame burned too fast, making him very embarrassed.

Karama's eyes lit up slightly. There was a problem with the flame, and there was a trace of magical flames. The one-foot-long knife on Karama's waist was instantly unsheathed. As the cold light flashed, the clothes of the man in Chinese clothes were torn apart, and the flames Also left his body with the clothes.

The clothes fragments on the ground turned into ashes in a blink of an eye, making the man in Chinese clothes look scared, patted his chest and breathed in the fresh air, "Scare me to death, Master Star Mountain’s magic flame is really powerful. You deserve to be a foundry master who can create three-star equipment. Thanks, brother, I owe you my life, and I will treat you to a good meal later."

   Karama couldn't help but have a black line. Although his clothes do not distinguish between men and women, is the uprightness of his chest fake? Is this silver-haired and slender man with long ears and white face left in underwear with eyes on the top of his head? Or is it that they are not eyes, but two nostrils?

   Karama looked down. Although he could see the toes, it was still somewhat protruding. With his soft and beautiful face, he couldn't be a brother no matter how he looked. This man was blinded with a pair of beautiful eyes.

"Brother dressed up, a stray chef?" The young man couldn't help but his eyes lit up when he looked at Klama, and he came directly to hold her shoulders to her ears, and was kicked by Klama before he could speak, and he fell. The person on the wall had already stood up, seeing what had just happened, rushed over and helped the young man up.

"Master, how many times have I told you that girls can't touch their bodies casually, they will be beaten, why don't you always remember." This is a guard in leather armor with a long sword chest on his waist There is a clan emblem in front of it, but it is a dandelion-like flower.

   Klama scratched her cheek, did she beat a nobleman?

The middle-aged man first asked the young man to take out his clothes from the space ring and put on them, and then strode to the front of Karama. Before Karama apologized, he bowed deeply and started daily operations: "For our young master's Offense, I apologize for my side?   Please also believe that he did not really offend, but this brain, a little bit..."

"Also?   Thank you for your help to my young master just now. Although I believe that Master Star Mountain is just going to teach the young master a little lesson, the flame looks a little scary, and at least the young master's underwear is preserved." The middle-aged man has understood. What?  Master Star Mountain has a kind of flame called burning clothes?  Nothing burns except clothes, even water does not burn, but it is difficult to extinguish, unless the clothes burn out.

My young master’s idea may not be easy to use?   Even said it must not work?   Instead, this vagrant chef girl dealt with quite decisively?   And my own young master’s problems with both sexes are no longer a day or two. How many times have I told him It's useless?  Can this guy with tall **** be a brother?

Well, if you take a closer look?  If you don’t pay attention, it’s really hard to find out that you’re not a brother?   Her dress is really confusing. What a good girl is doing in such a unisex dress, is she still wrong this time? Master?

   But people are so beautiful and cute, and their voices are sweet, how could they be boys.

   No, wait, the cute flat **** are mostly boys. At this moment, the middle-aged man was infected by his own master and started to run away indefinitely.

   For the duo of fools, master and servant, Karama refused to get close, and ran to the blacksmith's shop directly after a few sentences. After all, this was my purpose, and there was someone I was looking for.

The blacksmith shop is very spacious, even slightly empty. Pieces of incomplete semi-finished kitchen knives, iron pots, steamers, and stew pots are randomly thrown on the shelves. Behind the slightly old but unusually tidy counter, a teenager is lying on the old chair. Dangling, a copy of "Foundation of Casting" covered his face, as if he had fallen asleep.

   Is this the casting master I am looking for?

   How do you feel so unreliable, and this book should be "Foundation Basics" that you can buy for ten silver coins, right? Is this something the foundry master should see?

"That, is it Master Star Mountain?" Although Karama is only a three-star chef, he is a Sky Warrior, and his level is also close to the master level. What this so-called Master Star Mountain currently reveals is only The ability to quickly build three-star equipment is not much worse than himself, but he has certified a three-star chef, but he is just an unlicensed caster.

   But after all, Klama kept his posture very low.

"Huh huh." The young man lying on the chair lazily stretched out a foot, and put up a sign with a loud "pop!" on it clearly stated this line of characters: Today's ticket number, no female customers are accepted. .

   Karama glanced, and couldn't help but get a black line. What's wrong with this? However, he can recognize himself as a girl at a glance, and he has good eyesight.

  No, wait, this **** hasn't opened his eyes from beginning to end, and he hasn't even glanced at himself. How can he tell the difference between men and women?

"Liar!" A voice rang outside the door, and the young man pointed to the sign and yelled: "It was clearly written that today's ticket number is not for male guests. In a blink of an eye, it turns into not for female guests. Come on, what are you..."

   Before the young man's voice came to an end, the other foot of the boy also stretched out, and the second sign was erected decisively, as it turned out: Today's single number, no male guests will be accepted.

   Then, is he receiving men or women?

Don’t doubt that there are no wonders in the world. There are still many creatures without yin and yang gender, and there are also many homosexual creatures, but such existence in this world is most likely to be low-level creatures and it is impossible to visit this place~www If it does come, there is a high probability that it will become an ingredient.

   "Master Star Mountain, I am..." Before Karama's words were finished, the boy on the other side stretched out his feet again, this time directly with two brands.

   One says: Chef equipment is optional.

   One says: No hunter equipment.

"Liar, big liar, I've sneaked over the wall just now to see it. There are a bunch of Samsung Hunter equipment behind, all newly built, and the techniques are very standard. There are also a bunch of kitchen utensils, and the lowest level is also Samsung." The young man yelled outside, without the slightest shame of stepping over the wall and entering the room. Instead, he was justified and afraid to come in because he was afraid of being beaten.

"Since it is not convenient for the master to build equipment today, can I choose it myself? My name is Karama, and I am a three-star chef and a three-star wandering chef." With a "brush", Karama pulled off the cloth strips on his shoulders, revealing Your own chef badge, this thing is generally not artificial, and the consequences of being caught are very serious.

   The young caster’s feet stretched out again, and another sign: Private territory, no visit.

   Karama is really curious this time, how many such brands are there under his counter and what are written on them? Also, is this guy sleeping?

   Weird, really a strange foundry.

Suddenly there was a dull sound of footsteps outside, and a loud voice came into my ears: "Master Star Mountain, I am here again, your heavy armor is really enjoyable, give me ten more set!"

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