The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1061: Omen of Warcraft Siege

The banquet hall of the City Lord’s Mansion of Tiejia City is very lively today. Almost all aristocrats and celebrities gather together. A dozen three-star chefs almost include all the senior chefs of Tiejia City. The banquets have a charming aroma of various cuisines.

As the lord of Tiejiacheng, Baron Walter is very happy today. Tiejiacheng is a humble little sincerity. His own dignified city lord is only a baron. The lord of the city is only ten and the knights are thirty or fifty. This is all the nobles. Several of the lords are also honorary lords derived from union bonuses.

For example, the hunter union, the gourmet union, and the foundry union, the branch presidents of such large unions are all able to get the title of Lord of Honor, but such titles will be banned when they retire, unless they make outstanding contributions to this position, and Or it takes long enough.

How long is this long enough?

Baron Walter does not think that an average branch president can stay in one place for fifty years. If there is no special contribution in this way, then such a branch president is really mediocre, and a city that can tolerate such a branch president probably has no development. It's a future.

As a young and powerful city lord, Baron Walter is an active person who seeks to make progress. He is thirsty for talents and likes to collect all kinds of talents. As long as there are new "masters" in the city, he will get his attention. Want to get it in various ways.

As for how to arrange it after getting it, Baron Walter thinks this is something to say, and we will talk about it when we get it. Even if it is temporarily unavailable, it will be used in the future, right?

He collected six three-star chefs, two forging masters, three three-star hunters, two pharmacists, and five magicians, which greatly enhanced the strength and prestige of the city lord’s mansion. These people appeared in Tiejia City again and again. During the event, the name of the City Lord’s Mansion was slammed, so that the name of Baron Walter appeared in the ears of everyone in Iron Jiacheng from time to time.

Today is a good day. An aristocratic talent from the royal capital controls Tier 2 monsters flying eagles to visit Tiejiacheng. Although he is only in his twenties, although he is only a knight, his background is very inadequate. His father is the viscount of the royal capital. , His mother is also a distinguished family, and her own strength is also a four-star knight, roughly equal to the status of a baron.

There are other criteria for the evaluation of knights, their own strength, mount strength, and contribution.

One-star knights and two-star knights can only be regarded as ordinary knights, while three-star knights are different. Their status is equivalent to that of lord, while the status of four-star knights is not weaker than that of ordinary barons and virtual knights. Will directly confer the title of Viscount or even Earl.

Well, there are often only titles of knighthoods, not private domains.

The title of Sifang Continent is slightly high, but it does not have much real power. It is a tradition that the power belongs to the royal family. Under the king are the princes and the lord knights. There are only two dukes. The royal families of the past have great contributors. And, the direct descendants of the principality that was previously absorbed by the Kingdom Shattered, and there can only be one in a country.

This kind of duke will most likely be called: Destroyer of the country.

This Tamek is the descendant of a Destroyer Lord. Although he has been integrated into the Cloud Nation after hundreds of years, he has a great disadvantage in obtaining the title. The Kingdom’s orthodoxy will not allow these latecomers to have too much. Multiple titles, even honor titles.

"Knight Tamic has such an accomplishment at a young age, and his future is limitless. As long as he is promoted to a five-star knight, I will call you an adult when I see you." Baron Walter did not feel that there was any problem with bowing his head. There is also a family, but the highest rank of the family behind him is only a viscount, and it is still passed down, and the family strength is completely incomparable with the Tamick family.

"The lord is polite. The younger generation is just a good background, and the family support is a little bit cheaper. If I am alone, I will definitely not be able to achieve today." Tamick knight is very humble, looking at the ten next to Baron Walter. On the five or six-year-old aristocratic girl, "This is Miss March, who is full of iron and steel city, she is really extraordinary."

Marge is Walter's daughter, his biological daughter, and also his best appearance, "Hahahaha, it is the little girl, you young people should communicate more with each other. I am going to take Marge to the royal capital in the following Dragon God Sacrifice and let her Studying in the royal capital. At that time, I will ask the Tamek knights to take care of them."

After the two greeted them with vain heads, Baron Walter left his daughter and walked away. The first courtesy of Iron Jiacheng immediately entangled the British knight from the royal capital, and other young men not far away cast in one after another. Hostile eyes.

Marge is the face of Baron Walter, the best diplomatic tool, and the aspirational goal of all his peers in the Iron Wall. If she can marry Miss Marge, she will undoubtedly receive the attention of Baron Walter and lead a different life from then on.

To use a popular saying is: marry Bai Fumei, from then on to the pinnacle of life.

However, it is not easy to marry this Bai Fumei. There are so many competitors, and others have a very high vision. There are not many people in the entire Iron Jiacheng who can be regarded by her sincerely. She is very skilled and sincere in acting every time. Let's just intersect, she has a good talent for the mask mage, and she wants to go to the king's capital to study.

From the music, the two young men walked into the dance floor hand in hand. March looked shy, while Tamick was polite with a smile, generous but not overly affectionate. In comparison, March was more active. Some.

After listening to the song and dancing, it was the beginning of the banquet. All kinds of delicacies continued to spread. Everyone picked up the wine glasses and wandered around. The outsider, Tamick Knight, became the absolute protagonist. After all, the four-star knight from the capital, although there is not yet To the point where the five-star knight was knighted, he was already the highest professional that the entire Iron Jiacheng did not have.

Yes, there is not a four-star professional in the entire Tiejia City. All the so-called masters are self-appointed or respected without exception. No one is a certified master, just like the casting master of Little Ville.

Well, it’s still somewhat different. The undocumented master, Weier, is really a master and has not been certified. Other so-called masters are touted by the lackeys. After all, they are the emperor with the door closed, and no outsider knows. Isn't it?

As a result of the popularity of the Tamick knight, Miss March was also squeezed out by many noble ladies. Although she has the talent of a magician, the talent of a warrior hunter is really mediocre. Coupled with the special education of the Lord Walter, the weak willow will help the wind. How could there be the physique of a man of steel under her temperament.

Marge looked outside at a group of vulgar fans who surrounded Tamic. She couldn't help but gritted her teeth but was helpless. She still had to stay a little reserved, otherwise it would be impossible to be valued by that powerful knight. According to her experience , Properly maintaining a sense of distance makes it easier to approach each other.

Do you want to indulge yourself? Or to regain the focus, this kind of thing really can’t help her. Her talents in music, painting, and dancing are all very good. As long as she takes out anything, she can become the focus of the banquet. At that time, Tamick The Cavaliers didn't want to pay attention to her.

Just as Miss March was preparing to make a move, a news spread in the banquet hall. There was a group of monsters outside the city, and there was more than one ethnic group, and the number of indexes was not very large.

It was not accidental that Baron Walter became the city lord of the Ironjacket. He was still very capable. He immediately found the leader of the city defense army, asked him to arrange defenses, and sent scouts to inquire about further news.

Half an hour later, the news came, and the group of Warcraft had confirmed that the scale was not too large but it could not be annihilated casually. It could only be passively defended, and according to the report of the hunters who returned from the Warcraft Forest, The forest seems a bit chaotic.

"City Lord Walter, is there something bad in the Forest of Warcraft?" The Tamick knight appeared behind the City Lord Walter, but there was a nervous look on his face.

"Tamik knights don’t need to worry. It’s a rare occurrence in a hundred years for Warcraft to siege a city. Even if it does, it’s impossible to cause too much damage to a heavily guarded instead, it will leave and break the body of Warcraft. The defense has been arranged, and it can be guaranteed.” City Lord Walter didn't want this four-star knight to use Latte Jiacheng as a stepping stone to achieve his fame.

"City Lord Walter is misunderstood. The siege of Warcraft is just a joke. A guarded city is not something that a brainless Warcraft can break. I just want to know, is the Warcraft Forest dangerous?"

"Oh, does the Tamick Knight want to enter the Warcraft Forest? That's not a good choice. The Warcraft Forest is not a place where you can break through as long as you have the strength. There may not be experience and easy use of strength."

"I have a reason to go. A friend of mine quietly came to Iron Jiacheng a few days ago and hired a hunter here to go to the Warcraft Forest, so..."

"It must be a beautiful lady magician that can make the Tamic knight never forget, right?"

"It's just a friend who grew up with her. Her identity is a little bit special. Well, that young lady's parents are of the same kind, and the stomping king will have movement. If she is..."

"If the Tamick Knight is really worried, I can send the flying guard next to you to ensure the safety of that lady."

"This will bother the Lord of the City, and at the same time, I have to ask the Lord of the City for help, and help find a few senior hunters to lead the way. After all, Lord Lord of the City may not be unreasonable. Together, it must be foolproof."

"Haha, it's a trivial matter. The hunter group is the first in the iron clamp city. The Iron Hunter group is the first one. I will ask their leader to accompany you personally."

It is impossible for Marbury, the head of the Iron Hunter regiment, to accompany him. He is humming a song and happily taking a bath for the Warcraft, and the hot water is ready.

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