The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1062: Natural animal repellent material

The longer you have been in contact with Little Weir, the more you will find this guy’s unpredictability, what is the master of casting, this guy’s combat power is stronger than everyone on his side combined, and his cooking skills also make the three-star wandering chef Carat. Magum bowed down to the wind, and even wanted to learn art from a teacher.

Just because by an "accidental" opportunity, she "accidentally" saw a recipe in Ville's hands. Although it was just a glimpse, she felt the profound knowledge in it, especially the one mentioned in that page. She has never seen it before.

   Kneading noodles with punching and kicking, kneading and removing bones, vindictive blood drainage, etc., and these are just simple methods with bare hands. In addition, all kinds of wonderful knives made her stunned.

   You ask why Karama knows so much after only reading one page?

Because Xiaoweier often comes up with that thick recipe, combined with the record of the test knife method, what snake knife method, panshan knife method, boning knife method, carving knife method, water seepage knife method, flame knife method, cold The ice skating technique and so on, dazzled her and the deer jumped straight into her heart.

  The ingredients processed by the knife method can even sublimate the grade of the ingredients. If it is combined with some special spices, Karama directly kneels.

"This is something from my fiancée, I just borrowed it to have a look, and I will give it to her when I go back this time. Cooking or other things, I really don't count as much in front of her." Little Ville found himself In terms of art, whether it is cooking, art, music, costumes, etc., it is really inferior to Lilith. It has absolute advantages in medicine, casting, and construction of puppets. Profession may be the so-called balance.

   Karama is a bit suspicious of herself, am I a talented chef? In the next year, I will become a three-star chef without any identity background. Klama is very proud of it. You must know that it is extremely difficult for an average chef to be promoted to the three-star. Jedi is rare.

   But this foundry master (undocumented), he would be willing to bow down to his own cooking skills, but he was told that cooking was just something he was not good at, and there was a fiancee who was even more exaggerated in cooking.

   Is this to show off or pretend to be X? Karama would really not be clear for a while.

   Katie expressed doubts about what he said, not that he didn't suspect this recipe, but that he could find such a powerful fiancé.

"Just you, a straight steel man, can find such a perfect fiancee? Go dreaming!" Katie was enjoying the food that Ville made, while complaining and despising him. Ville was just about to put the food away, she was already one step ahead. Run if you grab it.

After several days of enjoyment, Katie found that she was really behind him in all aspects. Even with the help of Marbury, Mira, Beldi, and Klama, he was completely suppressed by him, not to mention now. Marbury and Karama have betrayed themselves, and the situation is super unfavorable, OK?

This is her habitual poisonous tongue. It’s really hard to change. She can only change her strategy. If she doesn’t look good, she can rob and run. Anyway, he won’t chase after him, just acting like a pretender. , I'll be fine if I ran.

   But this way, the prestige of his own four-star summoner really plummeted, and it has fallen to the point of being on par with Beldi.

  A group of people are playing and making trouble, and the relationship is better. In fact, it is mainly because the two so-called noble members, Katie and Beldi, have thick skins and are very cheerful.

Such things as face?  Sometimes too much attention is paid to bad things. Marbury's face is definitely the thickest among all people, so he has the greatest gain along the way. Every time he is dirty and tired, he rushes to do it? While working, various benefits were desperately pulled into his arms, causing the brows of Beldi, Karama, and Mila to jump.

  Although they wanted to do this very much, they couldn't wipe their face. Marbury can only say that young people are too tender, and old people like themselves are the most real.

Another thick-skinned person is Xiao Weier. It is not that he can't let go of his face, but because he looks down on these things. The first and second-order monster skins, animal meat and the like are compared to the magic crystals he harvested. And animal blood, those things really didn't help him much.

   Marbury is not the only one who can't get in. When making a fire, he always takes out the freshest and most delicious part. It seems generous, but it is clear at a glance.

   There is a free three-star chef from Karama, and an unlicensed chef who is above the level of Karama, and you can eat food above three stars with just a little bit. This kind of welfare was absolutely unimaginable before.

And they don’t worry about encountering beasts and monsters in the wild. Every time before Will takes a break, they will sprinkle a circle of fine powder around them. This kind of thing is probably only a little bit for Marbury. In fact, he is I also brought some, but it didn't seem to be as easy to use as Ville.

Every time before preparing to set off, Marbury will carefully collect some of the powder that Little Vilsa has left. As much as he can collect, he knows that this is for nothing. It is impossible for Master Starshan to follow him. To go back, this thing was originally a consumable.

Make a fire and cook. After the meal, Beldi and Marbury watch the night, and the others rest. There is no tent or anything. A two-story wooden building is enough for them, and there are not only bedrooms, living rooms, and kitchens. And the bathroom, let them enjoy it very much.

Katie, who failed to **** the master bedroom, chose the other largest bedroom, and refused to live with other people. Mira and Klama shared one, Marbury and Beldi shared one. Well, in the end, because they wanted to Vigil was kicked out, and went to chat in the small attic on the roof.

   But there are a lot of things that should be given to them, blankets, magic lights, crossbows, night vision goggles, as well as cold wine and delicious snacks.

   Two big men took turns to watch the night, one in the middle of the night and the other in the middle of the night, although they didn't know that Xiaowei had arranged the Dragon Whisper Magic Array outside the small building, um, just the powder is actually very safe.

A good night’s sleep. When leaving after a full meal the next day, Marbury worked diligently to collect the powder sprinkled by Ville. Beldi was very curious to join in the fun. The small particles were carefully studied in his hand, smelled and tasted, and finally Realizing that he still didn't recognize this thing, Marbury's mouth twitched and gave a thumbs up admiration: "As expected of a gourmet, admire!"

  Recommendation, the chase app I am using recently, cache reading, offline reading!

   Beldi's humble response: "It's awkward, it's awkward, let's just be That, what is this stuff? Why do you want to crush it and spill it around the camp before taking a break?"

"Some materials from high-level monsters." Marbury popularized common sense for this survival white. "The boundaries between high and low levels of monsters are clear. The high-level monsters are still very deterrent to low-level monsters and beasts. The breath of high-level monsters affects low-level monsters. Beasts and beasts have a great deterrent. As long as these things are scattered around, they can effectively expel lower-level beasts and beasts. As for other high-level beasts, generally they will not actively challenge the beasts of the same level."

   "That's the case." Beldi suddenly realized that he threw the small particles into his mouth and tasted it carefully, but he didn't taste what kind of warcraft this thing belongs to or which part of the warcraft.

"How are these things made? Is there a market among hunters?" Beldi rolled his eyes and thought of an idea whether it could be mass-produced and sold to hunters at a high price. You need to know the iron clip. The most extraordinary profession in the city is the hunter, and all casters, cooks, and magicians have to stand aside.

   "This, the production method is probably nothing special, as long as it is a little troublesome and dangerous when collecting it, it is a natural material." Marbury thought for a while, and finally decided to tell this kid the secret.

I saw him smell it everywhere, then ran to the side with light steps, quickly squatted down among the grass, and beckoned to Beldi: "Come here, there is a piece of material, it's still relatively fresh."

   Beldi was overjoyed, ran over quickly, and then he covered his mouth for a while and vomited.

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