The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1076: Undead Siege

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Katie is a very clever girl. She knows what the tokens in her hand represent, so when she returned to the capital, she immediately took a few close and strong friends and fled. She left a letter to Yan Ming and asked for private visits to find folks. Master.

Her father, the senior officials of the Magic Academy, and the senior officials of the Kingdom could only stare at this. After all, this was the original intention of the adult, and they could not violate it. Katie was also an opinionated girl and would not be manipulated by them at will.

If not, she would not get this token, which represented the token favored by the adult.

The King of the Cloud Nation then sent two five-star knights and two five-star magicians to chase after them. Their only task was to ensure Katie’s safety, and the others did not need to intervene. This is undoubtedly the smartest way to get a little girl. Appreciation of Will.

With teleportation formations and flying monsters, Katie also knows that time is tight, and she doesn’t waste time wherever she goes. She asks about hermits and some people with low status, but very powerful or potential. Once such people can make Satisfied with the friends around him, they issued a letter of introduction and sent it to the capital through the teleportation array.

As Katie’s father, the deputy dean of the Magic Academy is responsible for the second check. Those who are qualified will be sent away directly, and those who are unqualified will be thrown into the Magic Academy to continue training. When Katie comes back for a joint assessment, it is determined whether to bring Let’s go, it’s impressive to be able to do this as a father.

As for changing people with Katie’s letter of introduction, he can’t do it. Even if someone is entrusted, he can’t pass His Majesty the King’s level. His Majesty, who is working hard to gain the favor of Ville, doesn’t want this time. Some **** ruined his image and also ruined the friendship that Katie had built up with great difficulty.

With the teleportation array, the distance is no longer a problem. After Katie has been busy for more than half a month, she finally thought of a few friends far away in Tiejiacheng, and took the teleportation array directly to this rebuilding city.

The reunion with Marbury, Klama, Mika, and Beldi was naturally very happy. When Kaidi revealed the true identity of Master Star Mountain, everyone was sluggish.

"Do you mean that Teacher Star Mountain is a master of the world, a strong man whose strength is equal to that of the Dragon God?" Karama pulled out her ears and couldn't believe what she heard.

Katie nodded and said, "Klama, so many teachers did not shout for nothing. You have to know that the kingdom is calling for manpower to migrate to that world. It is difficult to get a place with four stars, unless the relationship is really hard or talented. Super strong. And I just mentioned your names, Master Star Mountain gave me a token to help me choose people, and you are undoubtedly the kind that can pass the test without trying."

Karama, Marbury, Mila and others looked at each other, and finally Marbury shook his head and said: "Krama and Mila are still young and have an infinite future. They will leave with you. Forget it, iron clip. The City Steel Hunters group is my home, and it is impossible for me to leave my family as the parent of this home."

Beldi also shook his head and said, "The infinite world is too illusory for me. Don't talk about the Quartet Continent, even if it is a cloud country, I can't walk through it. My world is very small, and the city of iron is only a few hundred miles away. Enough, I will not leave."

Katie expressed her understanding of the choice of the two of them. After all, one of them is the head of the Iron Hunter regiment. His age and potential are exhausted. There is no need to abandon the foundation and go to fight for an impossible future. The other has no ambitions. He just wanted to be a dude, his family was still considered to be in the Tiejia City, and it was not ranked in the kingdom at all, and he could not even get the place to leave, so he would not suffer alone.

"Although I won't leave, the Hunter Group and some potential friends can recommend one or two." Perhaps because he feels that he has failed the kindness of Master Star Mountain, Marbury feels that he can still make some contributions and has potential. And capable people may not be able to get ahead. This is the status quo.

Just recommend one or two, which can give them a chance to get ahead and return the favor of Master Star Mountain. Why not do it. In the next few days, Marbury took Katie to the whole iron clamp. In the city and surrounding towns and villages, a dozen good talents were actually found. Just as they were about to leave, a big battle broke out.

The magic circle was destroyed, countless zombie skeletons swarmed in, and Iron Jiacheng fell into its second catastrophe in half a year.

The four five-star powerhouses who followed Katie to protect her immediately took over the defense of Tiejia City and sent people to other cities for help. However, the entire border of the Cloud Nation, the Flame Nation, and the Medicine Master Nation were all in chaos, and countless dead souls. The invasion caused a major collapse of the entire border.

The King of the Cloud Nation noticed the fault for the first time and launched a large army to rescue him, but he had put too much energy on the island of the undead, and the army he could mobilize was slightly insufficient, so he could only urgently ask Silver Dragon Linda for help.

"The undead invaded, did Hals finally show up." A look of anger flashed across Linda's face. As a member of the kind and lawful Silver Dragon clan, she still has a very good impression of the human race. When the undead invaded, she was not angry.

"I'll go with you. I'll go to Iron Jiacheng first. I'm a little worried about those kids." Ville had a strong instinct that he could meet the demigod lich there.

When I heard Little Weir talking about children, Linda Silver Dragon just wanted to haha, you are only in your early thirties, and you are so embarrassed to call Marbury, a 60-year-old man, as a child, you really don't know how shy you are.

In Xiaowei's understanding, whether a child is a child does not only depend on age, but strength is the most important thing. He is a third-tier consummate and strong. Is it wrong to call him a weak child who is less than third-tier?

Even in front of him, Little Will dared to call that way, he really didn't dare to refute it.

Little Weier and Linda are also considered brave talents. They directly tore the space and came to Tiejia City. They saw people coming and going on the wall, rolling woods and thunderstones continuously falling, and thousands of densely packed skeletons and zombies were countless. Directly Surrounding the entire city, the crowd tactics directly push forward, full of undead natural disaster tactics.

The strength of individual skeleton zombies is very weak, but the corpse poison on them should not be underestimated. What's more terrifying is that they are not afraid of death, or even have no emotions of will or fear. They only have some instincts, instincts to eat and to obey orders.

The four five-star powerhouses occupy one side each in the southeast and northwest, constantly commanding battles, constantly releasing vindictiveness and magic, and zombie skeletons are constantly falling, but more undead creatures swarm in. It is only a matter of time before the iron grip city ~ And Katie, who is fighting on the front line, is riding a thorny dragon to gallop among the zombie skeletons, leaving behind a corpse.

Then, she was targeted by the semi-undead strong man who commanded the battle. Five second-order strong men surrounded her in one shot. If it weren't for Marbury, Mira, Karama and others to guard her, Katie guessed that she was really going to die.

Linda concealed her breath for the first time after she arrived, but Ville leaped into the air, raising his hands high, and a huge water ball was thrown out by him, which suddenly exploded in midair and turned into a rainy arrow. Fiercely shoot at the undead creature below.

How lethal is the holy water that contains the power of Ville? As long as the undead creatures hit by the rain arrows died or were injured, they fell in pieces under the city wall.

Feeling the sudden lightening of the pressure around him, the five second-order half undead knights wailed and retreated again and again, giving Katie and others a chance to breathe, "Go, return to the city!" Marbury immediately cancelled the reckless counterattack, and absolutely defended the wall. .

"No, Mr. Starshan is here, and the end of these undead creatures is here!" Since knowing the identity of Little Will, Karama has blindly trusted him.

What's more, a rain arrow witchcraft and holy water in Little Ville just brought down nearly half of the undead creatures on their side. Just a few more visits can definitely relieve the crisis of the iron clamp city. At this time, returning to the city without returning to the city is actually meaningful. Not big anymore.

"Don't make trouble, it is impossible for the undead to siege the city without a master behind the scenes. We will only hinder if we stay." Marbury thought more, and directly forcibly brought them back into the city.

The water balloons in Ville's hands kept throwing, and the water balloons turned into rain arrows scattered around the front of the city. The defensive pressure of Tiejiacheng suddenly eased a lot, and a few fish that slipped through the net did not pose a threat at all, except for the main player behind the scenes.

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