The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1077: Call 1 grandpa first

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"The first one!" Little Weier's mental power is very strong. It is easy to find the commander hiding in the undead army. His figure is behind him in a flash, with a long sword in his hand dancing horizontally, three times and five divisions. The beheaded.

"the second!"

"The third!"

In an army of undead, there are three early stages of the third stage. This proportion is already very high. You must know that there is no third-order strong in the entire Iron Jiacheng. Little Will easily beheaded the three commanders of the undead army. , The entire army of undead suddenly became chaotic, but in the end it did not completely collapse, obviously there were people behind it.

Little Will flew high, and a group of water **** appeared around him, releasing more than a dozen groups of holy water in one breath. No matter how powerful it was, it looked quite bluffing.

Suddenly a voice rang above the head, slightly hoarse: "It's a wonderful power, there is a touch of sacredness in the sea, like magic but not magic, there is a kind of..."

Xiao Weier's figure flashed more than ten meters away in an instant, and his eyes were cast diagonally upward. A figure wearing a black cloak appeared in his line of sight. This person appeared very abruptly. There was obviously nothing in that place before.

"Lich Hals?" Ville's advanced appraisal eye was activated, and it was indeed the main body.

Hals actually has some resentment about the Iron Jiacheng. Before calculating the Silver Dragon Linda here, he failed to hate this place, so when the undead forces from all walks of life go hand in hand, he will be a stronger subordinate. I didn't say anything when I was sent here, but I also appeared here, trying to pull back the entire iron clamp city to eliminate the anxiety in my heart.

I just don't know why, the closer he gets here, the more uneasy he feels: "Do you know me?"

"Oh, I've heard that the most powerful undead lich in the world can launch such a huge undead natural disaster. It seems that you have worked very hard." The expression of appreciation made Hals feel a little strange. Yes, boy, is it really good for you, a third-tier demigod, to use such a tone?

"Boy, who are you? Report your name." Hals's face sank slightly (although he can't see his face, and there is no expression, but it just gives people a feeling of Chen's face), his whole body exploded, and his surroundings There was depression within a radius of tens of meters.

It's not a realm, but it resembles a realm. It has only a small effect and can only create some uncomfortable panic.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the name is nothing but a code name. The important thing is that I want to do a business with you, a business you have to do." Little Weir showed an inscrutable expression on his face. Long Wei burst out instantly on his body, abruptly breaking Hals' fear technique.

"Longwei? You are a dragon?!" Hals' first reaction was to escape, but he felt carefully that this kid was only a third-order Consummation, and the gap between him was not small, and he calmed down again. This kid appeared here. , So Silver Dragon Linda and White Dragon Dariel must not be here anymore, right? If it is really here, it would be a serious waste of resources. After all, there are still many places where the undead army invades, and scattered rescue is common sense.

Hals, who was determined in his heart, looked at the little guy in front of him confidently. According to his vision, this little guy should be very young, and being able to have this level of strength is definitely a rare genius.

"No one can force me to do things that I don't want to do in this game." Hals's tone was loud, and his aura was constantly improving, trying to overwhelm Ville, but the domain was not opened for the time being to deal with a Tier 3 Kid still needs a field?

"Haha" A look of disdain appeared on Xiao Weier's face, and he vowed to say: "The thing I take out next, if you are unwilling to trade, even if I lose, if you cry and shout to trade, even if you lose, how about ?"

"There is nothing in this world that I must want. Ouch, fuck, how come this thing is in your hands?!" Hals was really panicked this time. Has that familiar little box been discovered? Why is it in the hands of that kid, that familiar look and familiar breath can't be wrong, this is his own phylogeny.

"Ben Shaoweier Star Mountain, the third-order black dragon, was previously teleported by you to the island of the undead with sister Linda, killed the hurricane python, captured the lava demon, and then transformed the island of the undead, and found this in the underground maze. This stuff, after being identified by Sister Linda and Sister Daryl, this stuff seems to be very important to you." Little Verpi smiled and said without a smile: "If you call Grandpa, I will agree to trade with you. Use you All the wealth is exchanged for this little box, otherwise I will return this thing to Sister Linda."

"I xxx" Hals went crazy for a while, his body flashed a flash of light, and the field spread rapidly, but Xiao Weier's speed was also not slow. The shadow clone that had been prepared before was hidden on the ground, and a transformation came directly. , The whole person disappeared instantly, avoiding his sneak attack.

"Shadow clone!"

"Shadow Escape!"


Hals couldn’t tell which was the real body and which was the clone. He could only chase after his feelings, but the speed of others was very fast. Once he chased the wrong one, he would turn his head and continue chasing. Change the shadow, the ten-mile range of the shadow change will ask you if you are afraid.

"Stop!" Hals flew into the air and called for an emergency stop. If Linda and Daryl weren't there to quickly get his phylogeny back from this kid, then it would be really troublesome, fortune or something. Is it important?

Three identical figures surrounded Hals thousands of meters away, and said in unison: "Call Grandpa first!"

"I'm xxxxx" Hals was mad, am I dignified and defiant?

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The three big lumps of gold were thrown out, each of them resembling a hill, and three big pits were smashed directly on the ground. "How good is this meeting ceremony?"

Little Ville curled his lips and said disdainfully: "I'm a noble black dragon. If you have these little things with no magic power, you want to buy me? Hals, do you have any misunderstandings about our noble dragons?"

Noble fur balls, do you think I don’t know you greedy guys? Is there no magic?

"Kah! Kah! Kah!" Three big boxes were thrown out, and Hals shook his hand. Amidst the sound of "clang", three hills of magic stones poured out, seemingly random movements, but He was bleeding in his heart (although he no longer had a drop of blood on his body), this was all he collected with great difficulty. The entire Undead Island underground was dug such a big pit by him to form an underground palace with more than a dozen floors. Having accumulated so many magic stones, I threw out one-tenth at once, which really hurts.

"Cut, there are a bunch of low-grade magic stones, none of the middle-grade magic stones, you chose very carefully." Xiaowei said ironically, "Is this meeting ceremony your sincerity?"

Seeing the small box taken out by one of the figures, Hals moved his fingers, but in the end he did not act rashly. Instead, he threw out three small boxes in a circle with all middle-grade monsters inside. stone.

"Hehe, really kicking and taking a Hals, your stingy, I take it!"

The sincerity of Hals, Vil has seen it, and the sincerity of Hals has been received. Although he knew that both sides had their own calculations, he still willingly contributed to the deal.

A avatar of Xiaowei generously accepted the meeting ceremony, constructed a simple dragon language magic circle not far away, and threw the small box inside, but he himself did not leave.

A simple soul contract was signed, with only one content. The two traded on the principle of "equal and voluntary". Before the transaction was concluded, mutual attack was not allowed. For the small box in the hands of Little Will, Hals needed to pay his satisfaction. , But did not carefully price.

A kilometer away, Hals threw out a box with a "boom~", which was full of high-grade magic stones, but Ville was still dissatisfied: "Go on, where is this?"

Hals’s soul fire was beating violently, resisting the urge to violate the contract to go up and squash him, "Boo~Boo~" and threw out two boxes, one large and one small, and fell to the ground with a "wow!" The number of small piles of the best magic stones is definitely hundreds, and the other is a pile of magic crystals, all in the ranks.

Little Will nodded: "That's a little interesting, go on."

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" There were three loud noises, but this time it was not a box, but three huge ore directly thrown out, a high-level ore containing magic power, which is definitely the favorite good thing of the foundry.

This time Hals can see that this kid is an insatiable master. If he can't deter him, he probably won't let go, and he will no longer have the idea of ​​saving money, "Boom! Boom! Boom!" It was just throwing away, and boxes kept appearing. Except for the things he had originally, many of them were snatched from Flame Nation and Medicine Master Nation.

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