The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1078: Start the battle when the transaction is complete

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Hals is not a person who likes to waste, so many cities have been destroyed by himself, and humans and animals have become skeletons and zombies. What is the meaning of wealth staying in place? Naturally, he ransacked it.

The demigod level will have some insights in space. It will not be too difficult to equip some large-scale space. Moreover, the profession of Lich originally has a great demand for space. In terms of storage capacity, Linda and Da Lil couldn't add up to Hals. In a blink of an eye, the ground had already piled up into mountains, but the grades of things were also uneven, and her proficiency was just astonishing.

Then, what Hals took out made Little Will stunned. What did he see?

The corpse of a lava demon was thrown out by him. This thing takes up space and has a lot of familiarity, but the value is quite high. Each one is a class, but it is obviously not used to create undead creatures. Great fit.


Hals's voice was extremely low and he made a "quack" grin, "The whole lava demons are valuable only Theo, and Theo is no longer there. They have no value to me, but will hinder my expansion. Quacking. , Boy, you are very good, I appreciate your greed, this time I really lost, paying a little price is not a big deal, as long as I am still there, there will be a day when I will make a comeback."

How many good things Hals threw out?

He threw it close to Weier and almost came in front of him. Weier went back a kilometer very cooperatively, rearranged the Dragon Whisper Magic Array, and made more room for him, leaving Hals with a black line.

Finally, Hals realized that his little trick really didn't work, so he could only yell out dissatisfiedly, "Boy, don't be too greedy, and be careful of choking on indigestion."

At this time, Ville pointed his finger in the other direction: "Actually it was almost the same when I retreated. It was just watching you throw things so freely that it didn't stop you. Now is trading time. Given the strength comparison between the two of us, I'll take half of it first before handing over the small box to you, is it okay?"

Hals immediately objected: "What if you take the money and run away? Pay the money in one hand and talk about the delivery."

Little Weir thought for a while, nodded and said: "Then wait a moment, I will make this Dragon Whisper Magic Array a little bit more complicated, as far as possible to make you not so easy to get out of trouble, in case you get the small box, directly after the transaction is completed What to do if you turn your face? Our contract is only valid until the end of the transaction, I don’t believe you!"

Hals almost fell down. If you don't believe me, can I believe you? But what powerful magic array can you deploy a little Tier 3 black dragon? How long can I trap this dignified demigod lich for long?

What's more, you are still setting up under my eyelids. It's not reliable to look at it, but I don't know why, Hals finally feels bad, as if he was led by his nose from beginning to end. It's oneself.

Is it because I think too much?

The speed of the small Weier array is indeed very fast, directly using the array plate, magic stones, and witch tools, a dragon whisper magic array with a diameter of more than 100 meters has quickly taken shape, but Hals can’t see many ways. In the center of the magic circle, a shadow clone went over to collect the spoils.

"My real body won't stay in the same place with you. When you enter the battlefield, I will leave and change my shadow. If you don't come in, I will use my clone to collect the loot and then run away to replace people." Weir made it clear that even if there was a contract, he did not believe his appearance, but Hals was relieved a lot.

The punishment regulations for the soul contract they signed were not strict and the timeliness was very short. Hals waved his hand: "I will let you run a hundred meters first."

The clone collects the spoils, the deity guards the small box?

The ghost believes in you, you kid is very ghostly, presumably the one who sits in the magic circle is the clone. It is the deity who is staring at you while putting boxes in your bag. You don't even know how to be greedy. It would be too fake to be so cautious.

One hundred steps is just a statement. Hals made one percent of his wealth. The boxes in Ville’s hands disappeared. When about one percent of his wealth was in his pocket, Hals stepped on a heavy weight. Step by step towards the magic circle.

The intensity of the magic circle does not seem to be very large. The flashing brilliance is indeed bluffing, but the specific power is unknown. Hals stepped in, and the person holding the small box looked at him with a smile. , He pressed his feet slightly, with a loud "bang!", the strength of the entire magic circle instantly increased.

Hals took a closer look, and couldn't help but nodded slightly: "It's actually a space constraint, it looks like you are really a clone."

"Why do you see?" Little Will raised his brows, "Couldn't it be that I have no fear, for example, my melee strength is not below you, and the strength of the Lich is not reflected in the body."

"Quack, quack, interesting little guy." Hals walked slowly, "The lich is indeed not a strong melee. The dragon is a race with no weaknesses in all directions, but the difference between the demigod and the third-order is too big, you have the slightest Odds. Boy, the phylogeny of this seat is still here!"

Seeing Hals approaching, Little Will put the small box on the ground, and then slowly backed away, really shocking Hals. Is this kid really real? Otherwise, it won't be enough to cancel the avatar directly from the outside, there is no need to step back step by step.

You say change shape?

After the magic circle was turned on, even Hals wanted to tear the space away and couldn’t do much, let alone transform the shadow. In essence, the shadow transformation is also a kind of spatial ability, a very superficial application of spatial ability. .

Want to lure me into a sneak attack and destroy the contract? Hals thought of another possibility. This was a clone. If he attacked him as a real body, he would also break the contract, and he didn't have to take any more risks.

Hals walked slowly and picked up the small box from the ground. The familiar touch and the familiar breath were that it was not wrong, but at this time, Ville was still trying to collect the innumerable ransom, even one third. None of it is finished.

Hals made a weird smile: "The transaction is complete, the contract is reached! Boy, then we have to calculate the account you insulted before."

"No, it was decided by both parties when the transaction was completed. It doesn't make sense for you to end it. I haven't completed the inspection on my side." Ville fought hard, but Hals gave him a weird smile.

"Boy, when you put the first thing in your bag, you have already completed your own confirmation. When I took the phylogeny in my hand and confirmed it, the transaction between the two parties was officially completed. As for the fact that you didn't fully income the things In the pocket, this is not within the scope of the completion of the transaction. The completion of the transaction only needs to be confirmed by both parties. You are still too tender!" Hals laughed loudly, and suddenly waved his big hand, and the bone spear appeared out of thin air. He flew to Little Will fiercely.

"Chang!" said Ville's middle sword was out of its sheath, and quickly moved under his feet to easily get out of the bone spears. The bone spears were cast and hit the ground hard, and they could only penetrate the ground for three points, or even make them. Endless.

"This magic circle has a good defensive power." Hals was Although he was just a casual move, he didn't use his full strength, let alone a big move, but he could only enter the ground. Three points, that is, it did not damage the ground, nor was it able to hit the body of this young black dragon.

Could this magic circle still trap yourself? Hals didn't pay much attention to Ville at all. Two powerful deadly shock waves slammed into the barrier outside the magic circle with a wave of both hands. The faint ripples rose but were not broken.

"Hey, boy, your magic circle level is very high." Hals felt a little uneasy, mainly because the boy's appearance was a bit too calm.

"Ha, this is called high? Then the Dragon Whisper Magic Array I set up later will only crush you." Little Weier curled his lips in disdain, spreading his hands and pretending to say helplessly: "After all , The function of this magic circle is very simple, just forbid the air, restraint and, rise the dragon!"

As soon as the last two words fell, fluctuations in the space outside the magic circle suddenly appeared, and a small jade-white hand stretched out, and what followed was...

"Silver Dragon Linda?!" Hals' voice with a hint of horror, his body suddenly rushed towards Little Vil, who showed a big smile on his face, and his body quickly sank down and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Cloud domain, forbidden air, restraint!" Linda's appearance was planned. The first thing she had to do was trap the Lich Hals and give Willie enough time to deploy a larger and stronger Dragon Whisper Magic Array. Then the power of three people gathered to kill Hals. As for it was a bit early to call Daryl over now, it would be better not to arouse Hals' desperate heart all at once.

"Bone Domain, Bone Forest!" The loud noise of "Rumble" turned into a Bone Forest in an instant, but the shackles of the magic circle made this range unable to expand.

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