The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1080: The ambitious King of Clouds

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The scale of the natural disasters of the undead has exceeded the imagination of Little Ville, the silver dragon Linda, and the Bailong Daliel. More than 70% of the flame country and the medicine kingdom have fallen, and all the fallen places have become the logistics base for the undead, not only have new skeletons. The zombies appeared, and the semi-undead strong trained by Hals scattered and fled immediately after Hals died.

Really mindless skeletons and zombies are not a problem at all, but those half-undead creatures with brains are very troublesome. If they can’t be eliminated, there will be huge hidden dangers in this world. They will spread more fear of the undead and let this The world becomes a true **** of the dead.

Facing this kind of undead natural disaster, a Tier 4 demigod master is better than a hundred Tier 3 masters. Dali Er, the white dragon who sits on the island of the undead, was also invited out and hovered in the major cities of the Flame Nation and the Pharmacist Nation. , As long as a large-scale gathering of undead creatures is found, the Frost Domain and the Frozen Magic will be activated for the first time to freeze them, and then naturally there will be the army of the Cloud Nation and the survivors of the two countries to deal with it.

Both the Flame King Capital and the Medicine King King Weir personally rescued them. After sweeping away the undead creatures in the capitals of the two kingdoms, they also swept away the treasures of "Masterless" together with Linda Silver Dragon, including their treasury. And the royal secret library.

These hidden things can be concealed from the Lich Hals, but how can they be concealed from Little Ville, who possesses the apostle elves and the advanced identification eye, as long as he walks around the entire city, nothing good will be missed.

After quickly building two teleportation magic arrays and connecting the capital of the cloud country, Little Ville returned to the lava demon habitat, the volcano group.

The sixth level of the road to the dragon that I got before has a lot of space, but I can’t stand the scourge of the sea king dragon, the bronze dragon, and the white dragon for a thousand years. There is almost no land area. In the past few years, although I have made 70 or 80 in order to cultivate The small islands, but each of the largest ones is only ten miles in diameter, and can't accommodate so many people of Yunwu Country that have migrated.

Let them keep floating in the sea?

It’s not impossible to use the magic of the earth to make farmland by yourself.

Throw in small islands directly from this world?

Don't be kidding, doesn't it consume mental energy to collect large items? Don't talk about small islands, even tiny islands are enough to drink a pot by yourself. Small islands are impossible at all. Therefore, Little Ville took a fancy to the lava lake, the habitat of the lava demon.

It is really difficult to collect a whole large object, but what if it is a small liquid object?

A huge cross-border teleportation magic circle appeared in the depths of the lava demon habitat. The lava river built by Little Ville leads directly to the magic circle. A huge channel connects his sixth level different space, and the island is directly poured with magma. The long stream of water can build a tiny island with a diameter of ten miles in one day. The most important thing is that it consumes a lot of little Wil, but the migration on the island of the undead needs to be stopped temporarily.

However, in the current situation of the Sifang Continent, the Cloud Nation probably didn't have much thoughts about moving. Originally, there were Flame Nation and Pharmacist Nation to make trouble, but now it directly takes over the entire Sifang Continent and dominates it. In fact, it is very good, isn't it? I used to feel that Yunwu Country was a bit small, but now, the entire Sifang Continent is actually quite large.

what? You said that in addition to the remnants of the Flame Nation and the Pharmacist Nation, there is also the Frost Nation?

Haha, the patron saints of the Frost Nation are all on their side, and they have a large area with sparsely populated people, so they don’t have much demand for land. If they like, they can migrate to the Flame Nation. With their small population, even the Flame Nation is 10%. Can't occupy a site.

The sudden natural disaster of the undead caught the cloud country by surprise. The king of the cloud country asked Vil for advice. The latter threw him a thousand steel puppets and a hundred magic carts, something that was originally forbidden by the four patron saints. , At this moment there is no need to ban it anymore.

Their original purpose was that they didn't want the development of magic technology in this world to deviate from the people-oriented direction, which destroyed the magic civilization of goblins and personally guided them to develop in the direction of space and elements. Now that the lava demon Theo, the hurricane python, and the lich Hal are dead and caught, the remaining silver dragon Linda and the white dragon Dariel have found a way to leave, ready to leave this enclosed space, naturally It also released the restrictions on them.

I have to admit that in dealing with undead natural disasters, goblin puppets are very helpful, at least not tired, as long as the supply of magic stones is sufficient, they can continue to fight, and they will not be infected if they are injured. The benefits are reflected at this moment.

One thousand sub-level steel puppets, twenty second-level sub-steel puppets, and one hundred goblin chariots. These are not all that Vil has in his hands, but they are enough for them to use. Not everyone can use these things. Yes, first of all, we must learn to construct witchcraft.

The old king of Yunwu Country has taken back the throne that was passed down. He intends to unify the entire Sifang Continent personally and achieve the title of Sifang Great Emperor. As for leading the people out of the cage, in fact, it's just like thinking about it, his own Self-control is limited, and you may not be able to mix well after going out.

Since the decision to stay, the previous migration plan must be re-formulated, and the people who migrated will also have to change a lot. Before, I wanted to take a cronies to leave and continue to be king. Now that I have decided to stay, I need to know what I knew before. It is better for the careerists to send them away. In addition to their absolute cronies, those who stay behind, other untrustworthy masters, even if they are not careerists, must send them away.


This is easy to find. The masters of the Cloud Nation and the Frost Nation will be sent away in the name of the two patron saints. Are you not willing to continue to follow the two crowns to open up the territory and conquer the Quartet?

As for the masters of Flame Nation and Pharmacist Nation, your patron saints have already been planted. If you don't leave, you will wait to be eradicated. This is the name cast!

Now the only trouble is the natural disaster of the undead. Don’t have too many hidden undeads. The Flame Nation and Pharmacist Nation are everywhere in the wild, and they have almost become their characteristic species. They can be called the undead clan, and they want to completely restore the two countries. The difficulty is not so big.

As the master of a country, the King of the Cloud Nation is still very skilled. Expanding outwards with the city as the core gradually eliminates the undead army, teleports magic circles to connect all large cities, and gradually expands to small and medium-sized cities, a little bit of cannibalization and recovery of the entire flame Country, Pharmacist Country.

And to take the initiative to annihilate the undead, in addition to the real elite masters under him, the rest is still to rely on the magic chariot and steel puppets provided by Lord Weir. The status of the foundry should be mentioned, the construction wizard left by Lord Weir Inheritance may be able to satisfy the patron saint, although she will leave soon.

Does the King of Cloud Nation want Linda, Daryl, and Will to leave?

He hoped that these three Supreme Emperors would leave, but he didn't want them to leave so early. If the mess of Flame Nation and Pharmacist Nation were not for the help of these three, he would be under great pressure.

He didn’t dare to think about the three big men. The hurricane python and the lava demon Theo were brutal and powerful. He knew through various news channels. The Flame Nation and the Pharmacist Nation had tried to activate dozens of them. As a Tier 3 master, he had used sneak attacks and assassinations more than once, and the result was naturally the destruction of the entire army. The senior leaders of the two countries did not even dare to admit that they were their own hands, and even implicated the relatives of these people to show their innocence.

But as a king with a super powerful desire for control, he still went to the battlefield to watch the battle between the Lich Hals and the Silver Dragon Linda, and the outsider Little Ville. Just the aftermath of the battle made him the early stage of the third stage. The strong is very injured, if it is not for the guardian of other Tier 3 strong around, it is very likely that they will be killed by the aftermath.

After a deadly attempt at the aftermath of the battle, the King of the Cloud Nation completely gave up. If he can't have an absolute advantage in high-end combat power, then he can pull the enemy's level to the same level, or even lower than himself. .

I don’t understand the world of the strong, so don’t even think about it!

The king of the Yunwu Kingdom has made up his mind to hold all the three-tier inheritance of the Yunwu Kingdom, the Flame Kingdom, and the Medicine Master Kingdom in his hands. After leaving under the crown of the guardian god, the third-order combat power can only be born from the Yunwu royal family and the magic academy and family that are close to the royal family.

Once the Tier 3 powerhouse outside appears, he will either choose to take refuge in himself, or he will be besieged to death. It is naturally impossible for the King of the Cloud Nation to tell Xiao Weier, but this is not safe. He tries to get more hole cards from Xiao Weier. Back hand, such as: Magic Crystal Cannon!

He saw when this young man fought against the Lich Hals, he once smashed the Tier 3 undead he had summoned into pieces, and when he died, it was a big piece. That might, tut...

Is the magic crystal cannon missing little Will?

In the last world, there were no one hundred or eighty magic crystal cannons obtained from the goblin warehouse. Later, there were dozens or hundreds of magic crystal cannons captured. Lin Lin always had two hundred magic crystal cannons in total. That's right. The role of oneself is actually not too great, just trading two doors in exchange for 60% of the wealth of the Yunwu royal family, this transaction is very cost-effective.

Little Weier didn’t know that after they left, the King of the Kingdom of Clouds and Mist, known as the Sifang Great, took thirty years to truly unify the entire Sifang Continent. In order to break the shackles of the patron saint’s faith, he pushed Weier out. Promote the great achievements of Little Will.

For example, the invincible war **** Wil Star Mountain killed the hurricane python, the patron saint of the Kingdom of Pharmacist, and the lava demon, the patron saint of the Flame Kingdom, under his crown.

Another example: Under the crown of the benevolent and benevolent **** of light, Wil Star, stepped forward when the demigod lich launched the undead natural disaster that swept through most of the four continents, beheaded the chaotic demigod lich, and conquered the lich’s lair. The island of the undead saved the entire Sifang continent.

Another example: Under the crown of the omnipotent and omnipotent wisdom god, Weier Star Mountain, he passed down the unpredictable inheritance of the construction wizard, and gave the great Sifang continent ruler the powerful construction puppet troops and construction warfare. The car and the powerful state-of-the-country magic crystal cannon allowed the Sifang Great to unify the Sifang Continent.

The last is: under the crown of the great forerunner Wil Star Mountain, in order to explore the endless world, he left this world with the two patron saints of Silver Dragon and White Dragon.

The unification of faith in the Sifang Continent made the Sifang Great Emperor the greatest emperor of the Sifang Continent, until...

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