The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1081: Summoned Beast: Kali

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The time it took for Littleville to search for resources was really not long. The lava lake in the lava demon habitat was drained by him within three months, and all the good things hidden in the magma were emptied by him, and then he did not wait for him to continue to search for new things. The goal of, was carried by Silver Dragon Linda to the island of the dead, and continued to help the migration of the population and to find the space coordinates of the ninth level.

The space of the ninth level is stronger than the eighth level. It is not easy to locate it. After the undead natural disasters were suppressed, Linda summoned most powerful summoners and space magicians, and kept trying. When I arrived at one or two suspected spaces, I finally judged that it was not. The strongest one was only level with this world, or even slightly inferior. Naturally, it could not be the ninth level.

But other gains are not without, a large-scale space summoning can always encounter some weird things, for example, summoning a little beauty, a big warrior, and a little beauty Carly at the level of a third-level wizard apprentice.

Carly took the initiative to follow the summoning magic circle. Although she was dizzy and vomiting due to the squeeze of the space teleportation, she was summoned unharmed.

"Where is this?" Carly struggled to stand up. There was a lovely girl with cat ears and gorgeous clothes in front of the face. She felt that she was a little earthy in her armor, and she didn't look like many girls at all. There are several fighters, each of which is stronger than himself, and the equipment on his body is also much stronger.

Looking up again, there is a small group of people every three to five hundred meters. Various lights are constantly flashing. From time to time, some monsters are sent out. The smart Carli immediately reacted, "Summoning Witchcraft?"

"My name is Katie, a four-star summoning magician. I am really lucky to be able to summon an intelligent creature." With a big smile on Katie's face, she praised the girl for bravely calling the magic circle. Knowing that he is the only summoning magician who has summoned intelligent creatures in the past two years, although his strength is a little bit worse, um, remember a little bit.

"Miss Katie, although this lady was called by you, please remember the code of conduct. She does not belong to you, and it is impossible to sign a pet contract with you." Mira saw Katie's eyes rolling straight. Son, immediately reminded Katie very dissatisfied: "Am I this kind of person?"

Then everyone around you nodded, do you still do this kind of thing? When summoning, the unlovable ones are thrown away, and the cute ones are absolutely smashing and rolling. But her patron, Master Star Mountain, almost never refuses such requests from her, or just doesn't care.

Seeing the disgusting eyes of a group of people around, Katie seemed to have been jumped three feet high by the cat whose tail had been stepped on: "I just saw this little sister who was poor, dressed in tattered and ugly clothes, and used impervious weapons. Now I have come to an unfamiliar place, and I just want to take care of her. What do you look at? I really didn't want to treat her as a pet."

"Hehe." Mila's mouth twitched slightly, "So you made this idea. But, no! This young lady's going and staying needs to be decided by the Wizard of Star Mountain. If you can't even find yourself, don't think about it. To take care of other people."

"Although I don't know how to wash clothes and cook, I can find Holden for washing clothes, and Klama for cooking. She is now a four-star chef. Don't you praise the food you make?" The little princess of Yunwu Magic Academy, since the King of Yunwu Nation did not intend to leave, and was ready to achieve a glorious achievement in the Quartet Continent, he sent all the Miserable Lords to the Island of the Undead. This is an unshakable determination.

Horton Tamick naturally became Katie's guardian knight, and Mila became her, eh, babysitter or person in charge? And Karama is also her exclusive chef, responsible for the food for this small team.

When Karama was originally the team’s exclusive chef, other people were not optimistic about the three-star wandering chef. When Katie revealed that the little girl’s cooking teacher was Master Starshan, the attitude of others immediately came. One hundred and eighty degrees turn, Master Star Mountain, but their belief, can balance the powerful existence of two giant dragons by one person, can her disciple be worse?

If her food is really unpalatable, it is definitely not her who is wrong, but the person who eats the food has a problem with the mouth, um, that's it.

"Well, what do you mean by Karama, is the cooking good?" Carly analyzed their words carefully, but was more concerned about the two people. One is Master Star Mountain who can determine his future, and the other is chef Karama. , The corners of the mouth when thinking of eating could not help but a trace of sparkle came out.

This is a foodie!

Katie and Mila looked at each other, and foodies are generally not bad guys. This is their consensus, especially for a foodie who looks so cute.

The news that Katie summoned a human beauty was everywhere in the blink of an eye. It should be known that there is a lot of uncertainty in the summoning. The more intelligent creatures, the less the hope, and the genius and beautiful girl four-star summoner Katie actually summoned it. A little beauty at the level of a big warrior is definitely a miracle. This has great research value. For a while, the battle for the little beauty Carli began until Ville was alarmed.

"Carly?" Ville looked at the shapely tall, even slightly thin little beauty in front of him, always feeling like she had seen her somewhere.

"It's you?!" The little beauty Carly exclaimed, pointing at Weil, and then quickly took out a strict book wrapped in animal skins from the space bag, and carefully sent it to Weil.

"Recipe? This is Lilith's recipe. Wait, Carly, you are Gino Billy's niece Carly?!" Ville couldn't help but pat his forehead. Is this a surprise? Originally, I was still hesitating, if I passed the nine levels of the road to the dragon, should I waste an opportunity to bring this little girl out, now it seems unnecessary, she was actually summoned by Katie to her side.

"Please call me auntie." Carly said very seriously: "Mom told me that your fiancée's mother is my elder sister, my elder sister, so I am Lilith's aunt, that is, your aunt."

"Sorry, Lilith never admits that she is a member of the Dragon Spirit family, nor will she admit her relationship with you. It's a matter of seniority. Let's be regarded as a relative. I can take care of you a little bit." Little Weier said. Waved his hand and said: "Later, I will send you to another place, where it is a waste of time. You can do something within your power. When I clear the customs, I will send you back to Longling No, I I’m going to find Lord Hamlin, the **** of food.” Carly refused directly, her eyes twinkling and said: “From this book, I discovered the charm of food. If I can go out, I’ll worship the Hamlin demigod. As a teacher, follow in his footsteps and go the way of food."

"Hehe, do you know that chefs in this world are originally a powerful and extraordinary profession. This sky warrior who makes food that makes you salivate is only a four-star gourmet. Her goal is the same as you. Hamlin demigod, you, it's too far away. It's not a good job to eat, you have to be able to do it yourself." Little Ville stunned and went back.

Carly's eyes gleamed: "Really? There is an extraordinary profession as a chef in this world? Okay, I decided. Before meeting Hamlin Demigod, I also want to become an extraordinary chef, and I want to stay here to study. "

Little Ville shook his head and said helplessly: "Do whatever you want, but you must always be within my control and you can't run too far. After all, I don't know when I will leave. I missed this opportunity, You may never see Hamlin Demigod."

Carly nodded repeatedly and vowed: "I will be obedient."

That's it! Xiaowei gave her a squint, and finally threw her to Karama. The four-star chef who insisted on calling her own teacher taught Carly that there was more than enough. She still had a lot of work to do, but she didn't have time to take care of her.

Well, let’s tell Lilith about the good news first. She is still more concerned about this girl. As for the girl’s parents, after they go out, they will pass the news through other guides. This kind of thing is still very easy, except that you can’t They bring it out, and they should give themselves a little bit of face for such trivial matters.

He who has cleared the eighth level is eligible.

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