The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1085: Different openings

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Why is it the sea? He clearly begged Lolita to send herself to land.

Lying in the little lone boat, Ville raised his head and looked up at the sky with his arms pillowed on his face. His face was full of grief and indignation. The leader of the ninth level was actually Lolita. The reason is simple. The golden dragons are noble and powerful. It can't stand that the number is scarce, and full play is less than two palms. Among them, there are only three demi-god-level golden dragons, and there is only one demi-god high-level Lolita.

Well, by the way, Lolita's father is the Golden Dragon patriarch, part-time, Dragon God!

Because of the last level, Lolita gave him a benefit. The demi-god dragons in the previous eight levels each traded him a one-time treasure to save his life. This time, neither the metal dragon nor the five-color dragon questioned him. Instead, he traded with him very sincerely, and everyone won't suffer a win-win situation.

But when it came to Lolita, Ville was very grateful to give a gift, and then changed a condition to send himself to a place with people on the land, it is best to be close to the silver dragon Linda, this condition makes Bailong Daliel I am very grateful, Lolita's gift is very happy to complete the transaction, and then...

Little Will fell from the sky and fell to the ground fiercely, and then fell into the water.

He did land on land, but is this land a bit too small?

I fell from the sky and fell to the ground, actually knocking out an island, believe it or not?

Believe it or not, this is true, because the island has an area of ​​more than ten square meters when the tide is high, and it is very, very difficult to find it when the tide is low.

With Linda’s scales in Little Ville’s hand, he could sense her presence, and let out a small boat lying on it quietly, his face was full of sadness, he actually forgot to let Lolita bless him, otherwise how could it be so unlucky ?

In the guide square of the ninth level, Lolita sent Darryl out of the road against the dragon, clapped her hands and yawned: "Send you to the land closest to the silver dragon is really hard to find, if A little while later, I will change to a further island. Who will let the silver dragon fall into the depths of the sea."

As for the person whom Weil said, he will see him soon. It is not easy for him to find such a place that satisfies the conditions.

No, this kid won't be able to get out for a while, I can take the opportunity to sleep for a while, um, just for a while, wait until the kid comes out and then wake up.

In a blink of an eye, a golden dragon appeared, making deafening calls.

It is naturally impossible to know the external affairs. He is very sad now. For some reason, he became a captive of the pirate group. Then he was thrown into a big boat. He was a man with a tall horse and big muscles and no scars on his body. Hundreds are also eighty. The old white-haired man with a lame hand and a foot, one eye missing and one ear missing, looked up and down at him, his face was full of disgust.

Of the two pirates I caught, one was skinny and had no flesh on his body. Although he was a little thinner, he was very staggering. When I stopped there, I thought it was a bamboo pole if I didn’t look closely, but the other one was just the opposite, like one. The ball, with a height of five feet and a waist circumference of six feet, runs very fast with a pair of short legs, little Weir, whose name is not remembered.

The bamboo pole patted Xiaoweier's arm and pointed to his face: "Uncle Scar, you look at the arm, you look at the delicate hand, and then look at this white face, look at the white teeth. , What a good boy, he knew at first sight that he was a child of a good family, and he was definitely the most suitable person among the people we caught during this time."

The ball nodded again and again, but I always felt that when this guy nodded his neck, his chin and belly were trembling: "This guy is thin-skinned and tender, but he is not at all courageous. I am not afraid to see the two of us. One People dare to go to sea alone, and they are very eloquent. When we persuaded him to join the group, he persuaded us to be good, and he was almost moved by him."

"Yes, yes, this guy is not good at fighting, but he is very eloquent. The two of us almost fought because of a magic stone, and in the end we almost lost our possessions to him. If it weren't for our cleverness, we would wake up in time and say Maybe he was said to be dizzy by this guy, and then he ran away." Zhugan'er hurriedly agreed.

"This guy doesn't know what bloodline he is. He has a super affinity for the sea. When we were thrown into the sea, the sea was not sinking, and he was a thief who ran in the sea. There is also, Uncle Scar, there is nothing on this kid. Space equipment, but you can access things at will. I suspect that there is some weird space ability." The ball said with a crying face: "We two were fooled into a fight by him, and some of the things we carried were tricked by him and couldn't get it back."

The scarred old man couldn't help but a black line, "He has been **** by you like this, can't you take things back?"

"He didn't give it, he wouldn't give it to death, and he also said that if he died, things would disappear in a different space forever. That's half of my belongings."

"Yes, yes, yes, this guy is slippery. Not only can he stay unsinkable in the sea, but he can also come out with wooden thorns. The fists that hit him either slid away or landed on the wooden thorns. injured."

As the two guys sang and played, the scarfaced old man looked at Xiao Weiyue and was astonished. The little white face bound into rice dumplings suddenly fell asleep, and he slept soundly.

I don't know whether to say he is lucky or bad.

When Ville was drifting along with the stream, he encountered a sea storm, and the boat almost capsized. At this time, he unexpectedly realized the profound meaning of the storm. Most of his mind was selected into the epiphany, and a trace of spirit could maintain the external interaction. Suddenly at this time Encountered two robbers, and was caught in a daze.

When Little Ville came to this big ship, he realized the deepest level and the last bit of spirit was also invested in it, and fell into the deepest just before he fell asleep, he imposed a third-order perfect level of defense on himself. , The most personal kind.

The scar-faced old man looked left and right, looked up and down, and finally waved his hand and said: "If you have completed the task, dress up and send it over for the captain to choose. If you do, remember your work. If you can’t do it, You are not guilty."

"Thank you, Uncle Scar, we promise to dress him up nicely, and we will satisfy the captain's sister." The two guys were overjoyed and immediately ran into the sailor's room deep in the cabin, carrying the Xiaoweier brand rice dumplings.

"Hey, why can't this kid take off his clothes?"

"Can't you put on clothes if you can't take it off? Anyway, his clothes are so thin, it's okay to put on another one, are the clothes ready?"

"Yeah, this was the last time I snatched it and prepared to give it to the elder sister, but the elder sister looked down on it. This is a noble lady’s favorite dress. When we robbed on the yacht, she would rather pay one thousand. Gold coins are not willing to lose this dress."

"So you grabbed the gold coin along with the clothes? But I have to say, this kid looks really good in this skirt. Dress up a little bit, ahhhhhh, how do I think he is not much worse than the captain, Isn't he a woman?"

"Kouhu, this joke can't be made casually. Although we are looking for the master of the harem for the captain's eldest sister, the main thing in the harem is the little white-faced man, not the little woman. How about we check it carefully?"

"Hey~~, I didn't expect you to be this kind of ball, and you can play it with a man! Please stay away from me and keep a safe distance of more than 100 meters!"

"Asshole, I'm a straight guy, how do you know that he must be a man? Look at this hand, look at this face, look at this apple, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?

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