The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1086: Dock clash

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"This hairstyle doesn't suit him, double ponytails and everything are heretics!"

"Although you are my brother, the best partner, but this is absolutely unbearable, a single ponytail is true love, and it must be partial ponytail, double ponytail symmetrical or something is heresy!"

"Duel, whoever wins has the final say!"

"A duel is a duel. For the truth, it doesn't matter what brothers do!"

"Hmph, for the sake of true love, I will never lose, get ready."

"one two Three!"

"Scissors, cloth, hammer!"

"Scissors, cloth, hammer!"

"Asshole, can you be a little more naive? It's almost lost the face of our Ice and Snow Pirates!" The scarfaced old man punched a small baby on the ground, and the bamboo poles and **** fell to the ground one after another.

Seeing the gorgeously dressed Little Vil, the scarfaced old man's mouth twitched slightly, his brows jumped, the scars on his face were jumping, and he suddenly turned and left: "The captain sent an order, everyone gathers on Ice and Fire Island, the captain's The reaction caused by the draft is a little bit bigger, and the other companies seem to have some ideas. Be prepared for a tough battle, and..."

The scarred old man disappeared from the door, but his voice came through clearly: "According to the old man's hundreds of years of experience, this little guy is not suitable for ponytails. Long hair with shawl is the most suitable for him."

A silk ribbon with roses flew in from outside the door and fell into the hands of the ball. The ball and the bamboo pole showed an incredible look: It turns out that you are such an uncle Scar. Why didn't you see it before? You have big eyebrows and big eyes. The guy actually has this girly heart, but this thing seems to have a little other effect.

"Good thing!" Zhugan'er and the ball's eyes beamed, and their eyes turned to Little Will at the same time.

Little Weier, who fell into a deep epiphany, frowned slightly: Why did he suddenly feel cold all over? Could it be a cold?

Binghuo Island has no ice or volcanoes. It is an island that stretches from north to south for hundreds of miles and stretches from east to west for 30 miles. It is like a shuttle island. And it's not on the safe route, you can't reach it without a certain strength, and become a pirate, the lair!

That's right, Ice and Fire Island is the home of the Ice and Snow Pirate Group. This is an open secret. The ice on Ice and Fire Island is the Ice and Snow Pirate Group, and the fire has already been extinguished.

The Ice and Snow Pirates Group is the top five pirate groups in the world, and even the top three. The leader is the Ice and Snow General Rose, who is known as the Ice Rose. It has hundreds of battleships and tens of thousands of great pirates. It is also an incredible pirate group. A lot of ice and snow beauty, one of the few big beauties in the world.

Three kings, four males and seven generals, these are the powerful men who have been widely spread, and they are also well known in the world. Under them there are thirty-six brave men who are qualified to challenge personalities, but these brave men are not everyone. Those who have the courage to challenge their personality and become rungs under the command of three kings, four men and seven generals are not uncommon, and even not a few.

Among them, the great sword Temple is the strongest running dog under the sea king, and he is also called the terrier Temple, the mad dog Temple, and the pirates ignore him wherever he goes.

Amidst the loud noise, a huge one-hundred-meter ship docked, and the port and docks were trembling slightly. The two flags were the storm flag of Sea King Terence, and the other was Temple’s own Rock Wolf flag, but More people say that the latter is: Tugou flag.

Amidst the rumbling sound, a hundred men of epee soldiers stepped on the stage with neat steps. The oppressor was a tall man with a height of fifty-one in black heavy armor and a nine-foot sword on his back. His eyes were swept away. There was silence wherever he went.

Temple frowned slightly, and he let out a cold snort in his nostrils, "Pirates are pirates. The place where a bunch of scum gathers is really bad."

Temple did not suppress his own voice, but the seemingly small voice spread far away, clearly audible within a radius of a radius, and immediately caused a clamor.

"It turned out to be the mad dog Temple, no wonder he dared to bark at the door of others." A clear voice came slowly, but another big ship came ashore, a blue hair wearing a sky blue robe with white muscles as white as snow. The beauty walked down slowly, hundreds of meters away from Temple, but sent her voice clear, behind her, a group of lightly armed soldiers came out surrounded by a young man.

Temple frowned slightly. The Thirty-Six Braves did not have a clear ranking, but they were relatively strong in terms of strength. There were also some battles and discussions between them. There is no one who can make them afraid, but let There are a few people who are very upset, and this blue-haired beauty is one of them.

"Sea Witch Eleanor." The corner of Temple's mouth twitched slightly, and his eyes couldn't help but turn to the last player. An arc could not help appearing in the corner of his mouth: "I didn't expect to see you on Ice and Fire Island, but I could see the Witches at the same time. Jiao, this commander is really fortunate for Sansheng."

Sea Witch Eleanor's face was slightly cold, and she said faintly: "My Sealan family at least straightened up to propose marriage, not begging for mercy from others. My brother still lacks the title of a brave man, and I want to help as a sister. He gave him a hand, wondering if he could find a fallen one to perfect him."

Temple's eyes narrowed, and the bitter murderous aura instantly broke out and forced the sea witch Eleanor fiercely. "The Lord intends to propose marriage to General Ice and Snow, and there is exactly one missing handmaid to marry. A general is married to accompany a brave maid. The bed should be very beautiful."

"Look at your appearance. With the support of the master, you can fight against others. I feel a lot of arrogance. Are you interested in playing a game? I haven't beaten a dog for a long time. I feel a little itchy." Sea Witch Eleanor said to this fellow of the same level. The brave is not polite.

"On the ground, you are not an opponent."

"You have the ability to stay on Ice and Fire Island and never go out to sea. I will let you sink into the sea." The Sea Witch made no secret of her intention to kill.

"The Aquamarine family is mainly still on the sea, so we must obey the will of my lord. If we don't want the entire Aquamarine family to sink into the sea, we must be full of respect for our lord." Temple fully demonstrated what it means to be dogged, and he is not ashamed of it. He kept biting the word "my lord" very hard.

"Dogs that bite don't bark, Temple, today, your growl is very loud." Sea Witch Eleanor snorted, feeling that she and a dog were always a little bit disrespectful, turned and left, and very much. Domineering occupying the main road, swaggeringly blocked in front of Temple so that he could not pass smoothly, unless they were willing to bypass the side road, or directly attack the team of the Aquamarine family.

This woman is still annoying as always. Even on land, Temple is unwilling to provoke Eleanor. If she really does this, this mad woman would definitely dare to sink her warship or even sink herself into the sea. Although death is impossible to die, but it will be very shameful.

"Boom~ boom~ boom~" voices came one after another, warships docked on the pier, and people kept coming to Ice and Fire Island.

"General Blade, one of the seven generals, came here in person. I haven’t heard of Eric and the captain’s friendship? Isn’t it true that General Blade is here to call? Hey~, the charm of our captain is really not that big. ."

"Wait, the one who looked a bit like a Flint Warrior just now, but his behavior is still as usual, shabby, a small broken ship dared to cross the misty sea, this courage I am convinced, worthy of a brave."

"The person who got off the flower boat just now, I look at how it feels a bit like a hero of the arrow, she should be a female night elf hunter, she seems to be a woman headed, hey, this time I brought a big man here, isn't it? She also brought people to the call? The men who are in the team of the Arrow Warriors are worthy of study."

"The No. 1 beauty in the four seas is the No. 1 beauty in the four seas. This charm is really not so big. It's just that the wind is going to call the harem, and there are so many **** right away. Huh, a bunch of spineless people. Guy. Being a door-to-door son-in-law is so happy and active."

"The captain has to keep his eyes open. These people are a group of people with ulterior motives. It is safer to find them around, at least know the basics."

"Hehe, it's because he is so knowledgeable, the captain can't find people around him."

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