The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1090: To survive

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Candidates who completed the first round of selection, regardless of whether they lost or passed, were arranged together. Those who did not participate were in another place. The bamboo poles and the ball hummed and carried the bamboo chairs to the rest side hall. People in groups talked about their experiences.

What happened?

He was robbed to compulsorily participate in the judging, and most of the procedures and performances were arranged by Best.

As countless people who didn’t pass much, Crystal Heart and Shenlan’s gentleness were arranged together, but the two did not communicate much. They hummed a few simple words from time to time, and Shenlan's gentleness regarded him as a love rival. Crystal Heart didn't bother to pay attention to this dude.

The appearance of "Sleeping Beauty" made the scene silent. Everyone was attracted by this pink dress. Crystal Heart narrowed his eyes slightly, and a storm surged in his heart.

"Smack~" A Tier 3 holy warrior slapped himself fiercely: "Why didn't I think of this method? If you don't know how to perform, then don't perform, just pretend you can't sleep."

"Isn't this cheating?"

"It's not in theory. The first round is just to review the appearance and manners. Nothing is worse than nothing. This is a strong enemy."

"Hmm, but even if we want to do this, we may not be able to compare to him. This outfit is probably worth a lot."


From noisy to silence, it only lasted for not ten seconds. All the Tier 3 masters present suddenly became a group, but from time to time they cast their eyes to the "Sleeping Beauty".

Crystal Xing silently stepped aside, opened a back door and walked out quietly. The pirates who were guarding outside looked at him and made no sound. Their task was only to guard the door and prevent those caught from escaping. They took the initiative to participate. The people selected are not listed here. Most of them are guests and have a certain degree of autonomy.

"Bah~" A jade-white hand fell on his shoulders, and Crystal Heart trembled all over his body and almost broke out instinctively, but he was abruptly held back, and a voice rang out from behind: "Why are brothers leaving in such a hurry, this time There are very few people who can be my opponent in the selection, and my brother is my biggest opponent. If you leave, I won't be able to win."

Crystal Heart didn't need to look back to know who this narcissistic guy was, the biological younger brother of Sea Witch Eleanor, the third-order mage of Jiao Vini known as the younger brother of the Witch Shuangjiao.

"I don't want to die, leaving now is the best choice." Crystal Heart didn't look back and continued on.

A faint smile appeared on Pooh's face, and he walked forward to follow Crystal Heart: "A fair lady, a gentleman is so charming, can't ask for it, do whatever it takes. This is indeed a possibility, but I don't think it will be weaker than you, and brothers don’t need to be. Panic, although my sister is a little overbearing, the heroes of the arrows are not a general one, and I will not risk offending the heroes of the arrows to assassinate you. Because this is meaningless."

The strong confidence made Crystal Heart's footsteps pause, and her heart frantically complained. What I worry about is not whether the sea witch is good or not. Although I am only an outsider, my status in the eyes of the arrow hero is not low. I am clever. Wisdom has helped her do too many things, but keeping the bottom line will never cause threats and negative effects on her.

Although it wasn't a long time to invest in her under her command, she knew too many secrets, and it was impossible to leave the Arrow Warrior easily. This time she was brought out not to participate in any harem selection, but to perform a task.

"The Sleeping Beauty just now is not bad. Only under you and me. Although this person is suspected of opportunism, he has to say that he is a little threatening. However, I have the confidence to become the main palace. Then my brother and the Sleeping Beauty will be the deputy. I won't make it difficult for you." Vinnie said non-stop, but the words that made Crystal Heart wished to cut off his ears directly.

Do you make that person a deputy?

Haha, although I don’t know what happened, the sudden sense of crisis told me that if he knew that he saw him, he would die miserably, and those who saw him would die very badly. Misery, including those so-called generals and brave men.

Although he was only as strong as the so-called brave when we met last time, it is impossible for him not to grow during this period. Crystal Heart believes in his instincts, so he hastily left. I don’t know if it’s because of destiny. He used more beads, his intuition was very keen, and he could even vaguely predict some information.

Ignoring the chattering Pooh, and even ignoring some information, in a remote place, Crystal Heart directly took out a palm-sized crystal and input magic power with one hand, "There are unstable factors, and the difficulty of the task has increased. It is recommended to evacuate immediately. "

"How much is the degree of instability?" A majestic female voice came from the crystal. It was the voice of the arrow hero. Pooh was stunned. He actually had this kind of thing, but he knew clearly, the arrow hero. It should be by his sister's side now, but in the crystal there is only the voice of the hero of the arrow, and his sister has no reaction at all. This is abnormal.

And they also mentioned tasks, unstable factors, what is going on?

Pooh is from a famous family, a half-boy, but he is not a fool, countless thoughts in his mind turn, and at the same time he feels a deep crisis.

You won't be killed by murder, will you? But I came out with this guy codenamed Crystal New, and many people have seen it. If he wants to kill himself, he will definitely be tracked down by his sister afterwards. He shouldn’t be so unwise, or he’s not. Fear your sister.

Under what circumstances does a small third-stage early holy warrior fear a demigod powerhouse?

The dead, the living holy warrior will not fear the dead demigod powerhouse, that is to say, he thinks his sister will die in battle?

"The strength is not below you, the wisdom is still above me, the impact that can be caused is unknown, the power that can be launched is unknown, and the position is unknown, but I can confirm one thing, he will be very angry when he wakes up, and the consequences will be serious." Crystal The words of the heart made Pooh's heart move, wake up?

"Are you talking about the sleeping beauty?" Pooh's voice passed through the crystal, and there was a moment of silence on the other side. After a while, a suspicious voice came: "Pooh?"

Crystal Heart very calmly continued: "My intuition tells myself that he will wake up soon, and after waking up, there will be an unexpected change that we can't predict. This change has a great impact, and may even affect the entire situation on Ice and Fire Island. degree."

The voice of the arrow hero paused slightly, "What's your opinion?"

"Abandon the task and leave immediately. If possible, temporarily stay away from Ice Fire Island as far as possible." Crystal Heart's words made the opponent silent.

After a while, the voice of the hero of the arrow came faintly: "We can't give up this mission easily. The issuer of the mission is not something we can contend with. Can the unstable factors you mentioned make us more fearful than that adult?"

"Probably not, but no matter which one we can offend, our future is worrying if we offend that adult, but if we are discovered by that unstable factor, there will probably be no future. Adults, please make a decision as soon as possible. If you are unwilling to give up, then start immediately and complete the task before he wakes up." Crystal Heart did not give her no choice. After all, she was also taking in her benefactor, and ingratitude should be less of a comparison Okay, but the pace of his own advancement didn't stop at all.

Pooh followed him curiously, staring at the crystal flake with curiosity in his eyes, "Is this an alchemy magic device? Is it an alchemy magic device? This kind of exquisite and small but secretly usable thing looks very powerful. Looks like, how can this thing be used by so many demi-god powerhouses present? Wait, isn't this direction to the port? You are..."

"I came here to choose, unfortunately I was defeated, so I had to leave sadly. Please don't continue to follow me." Crystal Heart subconsciously speeded up. Anyway, he has left the nest of the Ice and Snow Pirates. This time, his performance is a bit special. Not too many people care about it, even if they do, they want to The first and second tiers patrolling outside can do anything to me?

"The first round of selection has just passed, how do you know?" Pooh's words stopped abruptly, because the voice of the hero of the arrow came from the crystal: "Wicks, the second round hastily started, as the first round of passer. You will be on the court soon. It seems that I heard that the gentle escape of the fool Deep Blue who was the first to clear the game was regarded as abstention. Now your hopes are even greater."

The gentleness of deep blue? Isn't this your own code name?

Wait, when did I escape?

Wait a minute, I really seemed to leave without saying goodbye, and followed this mysterious guy and left the scene, "Xiudou sack, I didn't escape, and I didn't abstain, I'll rush back right away. Man, did you mean to Did you deliberately lead me away, creating the illusion that I was fleeing without a fight so that I could pass by myself, right?"

Crystal Heart shrugged slightly and said, "I am only after you, and now I am not going back, but away from the scene. So, do you think it is possible?"

Pooh froze for a moment, scratching his head and solemnly apologized to Crystal Heart, "Well, should we go back? It's okay to eat, but it's a bit bad to leave. With my sister's face and unreasonable ability to make trouble, as long as I go back, Those who can continue to participate in the selection, you are a hero of the arrow, and you will surely have this privilege. The next one will be the Sleeping Beauty, we..."

"Go!" The uneasiness in Crystal's heart reached its climax, and the whole person rushed forward more than ten feet in an instant with a slight force under his feet, and continued to accelerate and leave quickly.

"Ahhhhhhh~, wait for me." Pooh was stunned for a moment. With a wave of his magic wand in his hand, a light breeze lingered around the whole person and quickly chased him up, "Why escape?"

"To survive!" Crystal Heart had just finished speaking, and a roar came from behind them.

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