The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1091: The half-step demigod of the 6 chains of laws

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Is this the feeling of third-order Dzogchen?

When Ville wakes up, he finds that his storm attribute is also complete, and the different space that previously carried the storm attribute is not only the storm, but also the thunder and the sea, causing his thunder and ocean attributes to go further and vaguely above the consummation. There has been a tendency to condense the chain of laws.

It is impossible to condense the chain of laws in this place to become a demigod. Under instinctive resistance, most of the chain of laws condensed quietly dispersed and dispersed into the bones of Xiaoweier, but unexpectedly promoted the improvement of his body and vindictiveness. The strands of demigod charm that belonged to the fighting spirit began to grow.

Then, with a loud noise of "Boom!", Ville's struggle to achieve a demigod process was interrupted, and the whole person was turned upside down. The powerful attack almost broke the defense he had left before, and the whole person pretended to be fierce. A big hole was left in the wall, but the whole person was buried in gravel.

"The third-order high-level mage, the third-level early-stage sacred fighter? If it weren't for the movement of the chain of laws that he just condensed just now, it was almost fooled by you." The mad dog Temple's face was green, his eyes swept over including Bais. For all the members of the Ice and Snow Pirate Group, the thunder strike just now is his masterpiece.

"Pl~Pl~Pl~" Sea Witch Eleanor applauded Tempel unhurriedly, "Although I have always looked down on you, I think you are a waste who has no bones and cannot afford the name of a warrior. Now it looks like you There is more or less a trace of courage and courage. You dare to kill the future husband and wife of General Ice and Snow, and admire you. But I must be more grateful to you from the violent wind brave. What this kid has just realized is the wind attribute and the great achievement to be achieved. The probability is also the wind attribute demigod, and it is also the wind attribute vindictive demigod."

It’s just a world with a limited capacity. The number of individuals is limited and increases and decreases. The overall number will not exceed a limit, forming a relatively stable number and level. In other words, if someone comes up, someone will go down. The way to go is nine. Cheng Jiu is: Fallen.

Temple looked at Sea Witch Eleanor coldly: "The chain of laws that he initially condensed clearly belonged to the mage, and later the chain of laws belonging to the mage failed to condense and turned into a chain of fighters' laws."

Sea Witch Eleanor casually touched Yang's long hair, with a bright smile on her face: "The mage's chain of laws is not so easy to condense. He has failed just now, and he turned to the law of condensing warriors after failure. The chain, do you know what this means?"

"This means that his mage strength is still higher than the fighter strength, otherwise he will not condense the chain of the mage's laws in the first place."

A triumphant arc appeared at the corner of Sea Witch Eleanor's mouth: "Even so, I still look at him quietly, because I don't think he can affect me. I have this confidence! It is a pity that he has not been able to step through this. A threshold became a demigod of the mage system, and lost the chance to die with me. Then, he immediately gathered the chain of laws of the warrior system, but you interrupted it at the beginning."

"Tempel, as a brave, there is only one explanation for interrupting other people's promotion to the demigod. You are timid!" The sea witch's voice was transmitted into Temple's ears like a curse for a long time, "Even if this warrior is of a demigod attribute. If you are at odds, you still interrupted him instinctively, because you are afraid of all latecomers. You are no longer qualified to bear the title of brave, and you will definitely be eliminated!"

Tempel's momentum continued to rise, and his eyes shot at the sea witch Eleanor with flaming anger, but Best said at this time: "Although it is a bit impolite to interrupt the two, there are some words as the host of this time. , But I have to say. Temple brave, I remember that it is not the duty of the judges to maintain order on the scene. Sneak attack on the candidates for no reason. Are you provoking our Ice Pirates?"

Best and the fifteen battle captains stood up at the same time, and the momentum of the third-tier peak broke out to lock Temple tightly. The brave is a demigod, but only a demigod with a chain of laws and no domain. Their strength lies in Above Tier 3 Consummation, but facing a large number of Tier 3 masters, there is no life-long grasp.

In this world, there are only three kings, four males and seven generals who really dominate all third-tiers. There is a big gap between the demigods with domains and without domains, especially in terms of deterrence.

Temple's face was pale, and it was true that he had overreacted just now. On the one hand, he had long been worried about the successful breakthrough of the third-order demigod, and feared that he would be caught up or even replaced. On the other hand, his mission this time was to stand in the ice and snow pirates. On the opposite side of the regiment, a General Ice and Snow is enough to make people headaches. If the opponent adds another brave, it will still have a great impact on his mission, so the sudden attack just now happened.

Assault a Tier 3 master as a half-god brave, no matter whether the opponent is breaking through the half-god, as long as you spread it out, your reputation will definitely plummet, which is despised by all the same-level masters, although most of the braves are no longer there. He regards himself as a brave but a running dog, but he cares very much about his status as a brave.

"Since you have already started, there is no need to continue to pretend, friends of the Ice Pirates, forget the so-called trick of selecting harem members, let's talk about the business." The arrow hero looked from the big hole in the wall. Sweeping past, his eyes turned to Best and others.

"Entrusted by Master Aquaman, come and propose to General Ice and Snow!" The words of the hero of the arrow did not make any ice and snow pirate group look strange.

Immediately afterwards, General Blade stood up slowly, "Entrusted by Master Aquaman, come and propose to General Bingxue!"

Then the violent wind brave stood up: "Entrusted by Master Aquaman, come and propose to General Bingxue!"

The violent waves brave and the shadow brave followed: "Entrusted by Master Aquaman, come and propose to General Ice and Snow!"

The proposal lineup of a general and five brave men has to be said to be very large, led by the blade general, and five brave men, including the violent wind brave, the violent wave brave, the shadow brave, the arrow brave, and the mad dog Temple, stood together, and only the firestone brave sat quietly. There was motionless, while the Sea Witch looked at them with a smile, as if watching a group of idiots.

"I'm here to ask..." Best looked at them, but ignored their unreasonable troubles, and continued his grand cause. The other pirate group battle captains sat down, and also ignored them, for a moment. The seven semi-god powerhouses were just ignored by others, standing there like idiots a little at a loss.

Under the gravel, Little Weier felt a little uncomfortable. The failure of the chain of laws to condense has actually brought an unimaginable improvement to his body. The fragments of the incomplete chain of laws are not only as simple as integrating into the body to improve the body, the ocean The affinity of the attributes of, storm, and thunder has also increased.

"Ding~, the abnormal state of Brother Stupid Apostle was detected, and it was found that Brother Stupid Apostle is in an environment that is not suitable for breaking through the demigod, while Brother Stupid Apostle’s body, spirit, realm, and soul are all on the verge of breaking through. Forcible interruption is harmful to health. I especially recommend the "Creation Code Pseudo Demi-God Plug-in Method" to my stupid apostle brother. Now there is a special discount for buying. No one thousand merits, no five hundred merits, only 499, only 499 Merit can solve the dilemma of Brother Stupid Apostle, and temporarily increase the strength of Brother Stupid Apostle."

The voice of the apostle elf Xiao Wei echoed in his mind. It was already very hard for Xiao Wei to forcibly restrain himself from breaking through. Hearing this voice, he immediately didn’t even want to exchange it directly. A huge amount of information flooded in, and soon discovered that this is actually incompatible. The previous exercises are somewhat similar, with the Snow Wood World as the core, and several different spaces as the backing to temporarily carry the chain of laws of self-aggregation, and when the time is ripe, the chain of these laws will be fed back to itself.

These chains of laws rely on different spaces to exist, not only will not cause damage to the different spaces, but will increase the strength of the different spaces and deepen their own brand.

"Xiao Miao, temporarily shield the outside world's perception of me." Xiao Weier knew that he hadn't distinguished the place before and broke through and caused a rebound. Now the situation is a little critical and there is no time to move to a safe place. On the contrary, it is safer to pretend to be a dead body.

The first one is the chain of the law of storms. The epiphany just now is the last one of the spell of the Littleville hits the iron while it’s hot to condense the chain of wind attribute laws, the world of snow wood, five different spaces, remnants of hurricane python, this The laws of the wind attributes of the world have been presented one after another and continue to collide in the spirit of Littleville, gradually turning into a wonderful rune pattern, the rune pattern staggered and collided and combined, and then gradually accumulated and became more connected into a chain. Vir's mental power was continuously injected, and the chain gradually turned from virtual to real.

The first chain of wind attribute laws is complete!

But this did not end. This chain of incomplete or slightly rough rules was injected into the different space by him in accordance with the "Genesis Code Pseudo Demi-God Plug-in Method", with a green buzzing sound, it became half. Get out of the existence of Little Ville.

All right!

Next is the law of the sea, this is the longest time I have practiced, and the attribute is as long as the shadow and the earth. It is also the law with the most reference, the goddess of the sea, the goddess of the sea, the demigod-level sea king dragon body (Landy Si's brother), the corpse of the pirate god, the perception of the sixth level of alien space, and so on.

The chain of ocean attribute laws is complete!

The chain of Thunder's attribute laws is complete!

The chain of the laws of the earth's attributes is complete!

The chain of shadow attribute laws is complete!

Finally, with the five kinds of attribute fusion, the chain of vindictive spirit, the law of vindictive spirit, is completed!

As a result, the world's first half-step demigod who condensed the chain of six laws appeared, but in comparison, his most powerful thing was not the wind attribute, the ocean attribute, or the shadow attribute, but the earth attribute.

The chain of laws deprived of the crystal dragon Mayo, the chain of incomplete laws of the crystal heart, and the chain of laws on the lava demon Theo, made him condense a chain of half laws on the earth attributes, and it went smoothly. Some of them are beyond imagination.

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