The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1092: Little Will

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"Xiao Wei, what's the situation outside? How long has the time passed?" Xiao Weier felt that his current state was super good, but vaguely felt that there were many powerful existences not far away, and he did not act rashly for the time being.

"Brother Stupid Apostle, need me to review what happened after your epiphany? Xiaowei is very kind to brother, and can be free of charge. There are eight demi-god powerhouses outside, and one of them is a demigod warrior who condenses the chain of six laws. Name, seven masters and warriors who condensed a chain of one or two laws, and a demigod who condensed a chain of eight laws in the depths of the earth, she holds a powerful treasure in her hands, a space treasure."

"Brother Stupid Apostle bought the "Genesis Code Pseudo Demigod Plug-in Method", which is a large consumption. Smart Xiaowei bought a time and a hundredfold acceleration discount for Brother Stupid Apostle. One hour passed by outside, while Brother Stupid Apostle practiced. It took a full 100 hours, otherwise it would not be possible to gather so many chains of laws so quickly." There was a hint of joy in Xiao Wei's voice.

"Because the stupid apostle brother’s strength has increased, the pseudo-demigod is also a demigod, and the different space also depends on the existence of the snowwood world. The stupid apostle brother’s strength has increased, and the level and the upper limit of the strength of the snowwood world have been raised in disguise, and Xiao Miao has also grown. That's a lot."

At the end of the co-authoring, I dragged my feet, and Ville couldn't help but a black line, but quickly threw his embarrassment aside: "Xiao Wei looks back on what happened around me after my epiphany."

Then, Ville’s face became darker. She was dressed in a pink dress with soft lines to increase her charm. A rose tie can turn her voice into a crisp female voice. Fortunately, she has been in a state of epiphany and didn’t speak, otherwise she would be ashamed to death. .

"Fortunately, no acquaintance found it." When Weier secretly rejoiced, Xiao Wei gave him a fatal blow.

"Brother Stupid Apostle, there is good news and bad news. I don't know which one you want to hear first?" Xiao Wei also sold it off.

Little Ville chose the good news for granted: "The good things must be eaten first. If the bad news affects the mood, the good news won't be fragrant anymore."

"The four-star apostle can then vacate a place for others, and communicate with other apostles independently, and even invite other apostles to be guests. Lilith vacated a place after becoming a demigod, and then she gave this place to the sister of the foolish apostle’s brother. Goddess Weiya, then..."

"Then Goddess Weiya became a four-star apostle within half a year, and she had the right to visit other apostles’ spaces. The previous foolish apostle brother opened this permission to Lilith, which led to Lilith’s four-star apostle being able to invite as a hostess. The other apostles visited the apostle space of Brother Stupid Apostle."

"The apostle and the apostle space are closely connected. Other people in their own apostle space can see the current situation of the apostle. Not long ago, because the foolish brother apostle fell into an epiphany and couldn't contact you through the world of snow wood, Goddess Via, Lilith The hostess and Luo visited the host’s apostle space together and got a clear picture of the host’s recent situation. They had just left until the foolish apostle brother woke up and called me."

Little Wei has a black line, Xiao Wei, I want to hear just the good news, that is, Lilith became a four-star apostle, and then gave the apostle quota to Wei Ya, who not only passed the test of the official apostle, You quickly become a four-star apostle, that's enough, you don't need to talk about the black history later.

The reason why they took the initiative to leave is probably because they are afraid of embarrassment. They are all considerate girls, but Xiaowei, you told me so bluntly that it was absolutely wicked.

Xiaowei: How can the foolish apostle brother be so suspicious of Xiaowei? The cute Xiaowei is only responsible for reporting to the foolish apostle brother for his work, um, that's all, there is absolutely no plan to watch the foolish apostle change his face.

Moreover, the idiot apostle brother's women's clothing has long been recorded by his baby sister, saying that it is to be given to the mother to appreciate it, as evidence that everything is well with the brother.

This is the bad news I really want to say, but since the foolish apostle brother doesn’t believe in Xiaowei, then I won’t say it. When the foolish apostle goes out, his mother will definitely take him to appreciate this unforgettable moment. Record it.

Hmm, I feel so excited when I think about it, idiot brother apostle, come on, I'm waiting for that day to arrive sooner!

"Don't stay here for a long time. It's definitely not a good thing to gather so many demigods." Little Vere calmed down his restless mood, and regretted that he didn't escape quietly when he had the ability to move. The so-called Tier 3 Peak Saint Warrior above the sea couldn't catch it at all. I, even if I had already invested 90% of my mind at the beginning of the epiphany in public, I regretted it for a lifetime.

This place is my own sad place. It's better to leave early. It's best to never see this group of people in the future.

The earth puppet substitute, Xiaoweier's simple substitute technique plus a shadow escape, the whole person instantly escaped ten feet away, the hidden breath hidden figure walked out quietly, and then...

It's foggy outside, and it's a bit exaggerated to not see your fingers, but the visibility will never exceed ten meters. This is the result of my super vision.

"Ah, I forgot to tell Brother Stupid Apostle. In fact, just after Brother Stupid Apostle was beaten up, the demigod in the ground activated the space-like treasure little by little and changed the surrounding environment. Now it’s time to start. The last moment of a treasure, that is to say..." As soon as the voice of the apostle elf Xiaowei fell, the ground roared, and the surroundings suddenly fell into darkness. The surrounding environment suddenly changed, and ice and snow continued to emerge from the empty fog. In a blink of an eye, it turned into a huge ice and snow maze, and Little Ville was within the range of the maze.

"The space is torn, it seems that it can't be used." Little Ville was very mad. Although he is a pseudo-demigod, he is also a demigod. The power of the demigod can be used by herself, even better than the tragic death of Crystal Longmei before. Aoqiang is many, many, he can tear the space, but he failed the first time using it.

It's not that I don't know how to use it, but that it is too difficult to tear the space in this ghost place. I am locked in this cage with those demigods?

Wait, I feel like my double puppet has been taken away. Who did it? It seems that I don't have any allies here. Wait, why did the connection between myself and the double puppet suddenly break?

Was broken?

No, it was not broken, but thrown out.

In a twinkling of an eye, Ville thought of a possibility. The owner here should be the demigod of the chain of eight laws. She activated that powerful treasure to block everyone here, and then combined the people from the Ice and Snow Pirates. The puppets of his own were put out together, but his real body was kept.

Little Wil, who wanted to understand this, couldn't help but slapped his forehead. I have no luck. It seems that I haven't had a good time since I got into this world.

First of all, because of his unclear expression, he was unable to rendezvous with Linda Silver Dragon in the first place. On the way to the round, he accidentally felt the storm and fell into an epiphany, and was arrested.

If they were caught, they would be arrested. Anyway, they could not help themselves. They did not encounter any direct danger, but they were put on pink skirts for everyone to watch, which was the most unacceptable for him. Yes, it was also seen by Lilith and Xiao Weiya.

When he was half asleep and half awake, he was on the verge of breaking through, and he was interrupted by a kick. This is not a bad thing, but the next thing is a bit speechless. Whether he runs away a little earlier, he can escape. Heaven ~ If you lie there obediently, the owner will throw yourself out, and you will be able to escape.

It happened that he was clever and left a stand-in puppet, and he wanted to sneak away, but the stand-in puppet was rescued, but his own body shed.

Why is my life so bitter all of a sudden?

The layers of the maze are constantly changing, and even staying in place will change its position due to the continuous movement of the ice layer under the feet. Then, when Xiaowei saw the figure in front of him who was five feet tall and carried a nine-foot sword, Can't help but let out a wailing.

Temple of the earth dog, Temple of the mad dog, Temple of the great sword, a demigod warrior of the earth attribute condensing the chain of two laws.

By the way, he had already murdered Little Will before.

"It's you!" Temple recognized the young man dressed as a thumping warrior for the first time. Don't doubt the eyesight of the demigod. Even if Ville has no women's clothing now, and without the magical change of that pink dress, he is still affected by him. I recognized it at a glance.

"It's not me." Ville blurted out a denial, leaving Temple on the other side with a black line.

"This liar gesture is too obvious, don't you think I am a fool?"

"Hmm, that's it, you are a fool who is a fool?"

"Boy, no matter who you are, you should be defeated as long as you are from the Ice and Snow Bandit!" It's a one-shot stance.

"Magic swordsmanship, earth wave sword!" Ville took the initiative to greet him with the sword in his hand. The demigod of the chain of two laws, especially the earth attribute demigod, should not have a big problem, but he has once fought against the chain crystal with two laws Dragon demigod.

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