The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1093: Count you won

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"You are not third-order Consummation, you, you are already a demigod?!" Temple's giant sword trembled violently, his arms were sour and weak, and the force from the opponent's long sword came layer by layer, making him unable to help. Take three steps back before unloading this wave of shock buffer.

"That, you guess." Ville blinked playfully, but his movements did not stop at all. The long sword in his hand was constantly cutting out, and the ordinary slashes that merged with the law of Sisi were also better than the previous moves when the third order was perfect. It is several times stronger, and as I become more and more proficient in the rules and rhythms into the moves, the power is still increasing.

I guess you big-headed ghost, you guy is very cunning. He must have pretended to be a third-order consummation before, and deliberately pretended to be about to break through the demigod to lure himself into making a shot. In fact, he was already a demigod, and he was still a demigod. Demigod of the warrior type.

The ice and snow pirates hides really deep enough, it actually ambushes other demi-god powerhouses early, and it is still a demi-god powerhouse that everyone is not familiar with, and uses methods they don’t know to cover up his identity. , You must know that the person in this world has a very clear sense, it is almost impossible to hide the identity of the half-god and the half-god.

"The coyote kills!" Temple has the blood of the devil wolf. After becoming a demigod, he did not abandon the power of the blood, but integrated his blood attributes into the rhythm of the law to form a series of unique tricks, and rely on this hand. The ability to sit firmly on the seat of the brave, until the fiasco under the sea king, after realizing the gap between them, from a wolf to a dog with broken waist.

Temple doesn't think it's wrong to defect to Master Neptune. This is a world where the strong respects the strong. Is it wrong for the weak to obey the strong? Is it wrong for the weak to depend on the strong?

Although Lord Neptune is not a strong earth attribute, he is connected with the avenues. It is still possible to point to a demigod who has not formed a realm like himself. Even for a period of time, Temple can clearly feel the improvement of his own strength, especially after getting Lord Neptune After the gift.

"Rock piercing sword!" Little Weir did not show any weakness, and directly used head-to-head methods to collide with Temple. The two passed by and each staggered and withdrew two steps, but they were in a similar situation.

Sure enough, he was in the early stage of a senior demigod like himself, and Temple had a certain point in his heart, and his figure shook the huge sword in his hand and suddenly slashed towards Little Ville: "Rock wolf slaughter sword!"

Ville shook his feet and rushed to Temple quickly, bypassing an arc, but in his heart he secretly evaluated the strength of the opponent. The strength is not as good as the Crystal Dragon Mayo, and the physical strength is not as good as the Crystal Dragon Mayo. The flexibility of the law and the combat experience are in Above Mayo, it's just that he obviously has a good speed but he just gave up the speed with the epee.

Does the attribute of the earth have to be heavy?

"Thousand-layer Gravity Sword!" Since you have not used your speed advantage, let your advantage be completely lost. Layers of gravity emanating from the sword, forming an effect similar to the field of gravity, Temple feels When the surrounding space was in chaos, he actually felt a little bit out of control. The trick "Rock Wolf Killing Sword" immediately deformed and fell to the ground, while Xiao Weier's sword almost fell on his head.

"Rock Wolf Armor!" A battle armor formed by the fusion of demigod vindictiveness appeared on Temple's body instantly, and the whole person flew out along the little Weir's sword. Although retreating without chaos, he carried the huge sword horizontally in his hand. The hunting sword qi formed a dense sword qi that caught the net and enveloped Xiaoweier.

"Earth Breaks the Sword!" Little Ville was dismissive of such a large number of but distracted attacks, and directly broke Temple's snare attack with a single sword, and the whole person quickly rushed to Temple, the roar was endless, and two people hit. Formed into a ball, even though it was dangerous and diverse for a while, they were not divided, forming a weird deadlock.

Temple wore a heavy armor. The armor was driven by his own demigod fighting spirit to be almost indestructible. Neither ordinary attacks nor Ville’s magic swordsmanship could leave too many traces on this layer of armor, but this armor also restricted Temple at the same time. The speed increased his consumption and burden, and it also made him unable to hit Little Weil.

"Spikes!" Temple abruptly withstood the Three Swords of Little Weir, but he did not move to accumulate momentum and strength, and then suddenly exploded.

With a loud noise of "Boom!", he forcibly stepped on a large pit on the ground. A gray figure quickly rushed in the dust, and Xiaoweier's figure quickly moved three to five feet across, and the gray figure changed its direction accordingly. The long sword in his hand contained a powerful force and pointed directly at Little Weier.

"The power is good, the attack is sharp, but it doesn't make any sense if you can't hit people." Little Ville's voice was taunting, his figure moved quickly and suddenly left and right erratic, and Temple was focused on Ville firmly in his hands. The long sword is as steady as the tip of the Taishan sword pointing straight at the little Weier sword and will never waver, vowing to vent the concentrated sword on this enemy.

This place is forbidden in the air, rushing and jumping are possible, but flying is forbidden, otherwise the two people may have a chasing battle flying into the earth, but as a demigod warrior with earth attributes, the power of this trick after leaving the earth How much is left is unknown.

"Three laps from the left, three laps from the right, I'll go back and forth, left, right, left, come, come, let's run a hundred laps!" Xiaowei even retracted the long sword, wholeheartedly staring at the jet with both eyes round Temple, muttering constantly, "Go faster, haven't you eaten? The eighty-year-old lady runs faster than you."

"Is it a man? It's a man who ran a thousand laps. We have only ran 666 laps now. Come on. Perseverance is victory. I believe you!"

"Hey, hey, don't wilt so quickly, you look really ugly now, your face is pale and your legs are trembling, and you look like you've been stunned. Are you so imaginary? Dude, Xiao Luyi Affection, a big hit hurts the body, a strong hit is wiped out, the teacher of the past is not forgotten, and you must take care of your body."

"Yes, yes, it's a man who is going to rise up, even if he is dead, he must die on the road of charging. He would rather stand to die than lie down comfortably. That's it, Comeon, buddy, I also want my blood It's boiling, come on, I'll be waiting for you in front, sprinting~~"

"The pace has slowed down. A man has to be firm. Three seconds to be a real man means that after three seconds, you will not be a man. Are you still a man? If you are a man, just hold on to me. You can't slow down!"

"Hey, hey, the fake ladies over there are harder than you. Did you give birth to snails in your last life? The speed of snails is faster than you."

"Are you okay? Although men must not say no, but I look at you, it seems to be dysfunctional, cut, it really is not a man."

Temple is on the verge of collapse. He has never seen such a cheap brave. The lipstick Barabara can keep his popularity to death. The advantages and disadvantages of his own move are too obvious. In fact, he himself is very clear, but the brave all wants face. Faced with such a powerful move, as long as it is an aspiring master at the same level, they will choose to head-to-head challenge.

But this **** actually took him back and forth, left and right, and ran back and forth in a circle for more than a thousand miles, and he was still constantly changing the direction from left to right, and the speed was constantly changing. After creating it by himself, Temple never thought that such a situation would happen, and the consequences gradually manifested itself.

This trick has poured too much power into Temple, and the power that continues to grow over time is getting stronger and The strength of my body and the chain of laws are getting deeper and deeper, and the power is getting stronger. Great, the same burden on the body is also increasing.

A person's power is limited. The more part that is invested in speed, the strength, defense, etc. will inevitably decrease. If all aspects are improving, there will inevitably be other costs, just like the current Temple.

He seems to be a bull running with a huge boulder, all the way down the speed is getting faster and faster, the burden on the body is increasing, and it also indicates that a wave of greater damage will be ushered in a sudden stop, although Most of this damage will be transferred to the person who was hit by the bull boulder, but he is definitely not unharmed.

And the longer the time, the greater the damage. For himself, if the damage was not transferred, Temple could not imagine the consequences.

Almost reaching the limit!

It is impossible to increase power indefinitely. Temple clearly knows where his limits are. Most of his attention is focused on controlling power, and a small portion is used on the enemy. He has been silently observing differences, calculating silently, and silently. Deduction.

Temple's eyes lit up suddenly, right now!

The Rock Wolf armor was lifted silently, this part of the saved power was injected into his legs instantly, the speed of the whole person increased by more than 30%, and his figure suddenly accelerated to the other direction, and the next step was about to turn over. Direction.

Victory in one fell swoop!

Then, Ville stopped suddenly on the other side, "I'm so tired, so tired, if you win, let me rest."

Temple spouted three feet high with a mouthful of old blood, and rushed three feet away from the side of Little Will, leaving his back to Little Will. For the first time, he ran in front of him, but this result was unexpected. Not what Temple wanted.

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