The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1094: Temple's end

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Winning requires a reward. What is the reward that Jr. Will gives to Temple?

When a person is extremely exhausted, relaxing and resting is undoubtedly the best reward, so Little Will gave him a peaceful sleep, a peaceful sleep forever!

The Rock Wolf's armor was lifted and his back was left to himself. If Ville couldn't seize the opportunity at this time, he really shouldn't.

Things that shouldn’t be allowed to happen. The sword in Ville’s hand smoothly pierced into Temple’s body, and the powerful force was instantly absorbed. All the power of the spike spike and the chain of laws associated with it were injected into the sword at the same time, Temple His legs fell softly to the ground.

Lost? Just lost to an unknown person?

Temple's situation was not as bad as he thought. A sword passed through his back but it was not fatal. His continued huge power was looted, but instead of the risk of backlash, he saved himself once in disguise. If so The powerful force is out of control, and even if he does not die, he will be seriously injured.

But Temple doesn’t think it’s the other party’s kindness, he really wants to kill the other party, especially after discovering that the other party has broken through the demigod, the personality in this world is limited, like three kings, four males and seven generals. Personality is very fixed, not to mention, the quasi-personality of the thirty-six brave is basically fixed, generally it will only decrease and increase, and once it increases, other brave will fall in a short time.

Killing the newly promoted demigods has almost become the consensus of the veteran brave. Temple was fighting all the way back then. The road of the brave was bloody. He successfully killed an veteran brave that year and shocked the other brave. After recognition, now he has become the beheaded.

There is no retreat in the battle of the brave, there is death and no life, and it is almost impossible to let the opponent go. Even if he has one of the three kings as a backer, Temple does not believe that the opponent will let him go. As one of the three strongest players in the world, Sea King is indeed very deterrent, but he also has no say in the battle between the dead and the dead.

What's more, Aquaman is not here now.

"Kill me." Temple threw himself to the ground. After Ville's long sword was retracted, his wounds healed quickly. The demigod powerhouse is so tyrannical, of course, provided that Ville did not leave on his wounds. Under the extraordinary power, it only swallowed his chain of power and law.

"Do you have any last words?" Little Weier is not a virgin bitch. For this person, he is full of karma and he is not a good person. It is the best choice to let him become the fertilizer of Snowwood World, a demigod level. There is not much fertilizer in his own hands.

Temple rolled over and stared at Little Weir closely. The latter said, staring at the long sword in his hand, "It turns out to be a magic sword with the power of law, little guy, you really have a lot of secrets. As you who can kill me and replace me as a brave, you must live well. The road of the brave is dead or no life, there is no retreat, don't follow me and try to steal a life, if you can, start a charge to the general. ."

"If you don’t become a general, you don’t have a realm, you are not truly a strong man! The brave man is just the beginning stage of the strong man. I retreat at this stage. Even if I pretend to be strong, I will ultimately be just a coward, a fallen brave, a fallen brave. It is destined to have only one dead end and become a stepping stone for the new brave."

"In other words, the current veteran brave are all degenerate, and those who are afraid of the rise of newcomers are all cowards. Only the brave who dares to meet the challenge, or even dare to challenge, is the true brave. You, very good! The brave is the starting stage of the strong. , The three kings are the end of the strong, you will meet them all the way, be careful of the king of the earth."

After speaking, Temple closed his eyes and waited quietly for the coming of death, but waited for the fatal blow that was expected, but he felt a little uneasy.

After a while, the other party still didn't kill him, and Temple's power recovered a little bit. He couldn't help but open his eyes, looking at the young man staring at him with a sword in his arms, and couldn't help but yell: "Boy, what do you mean? Not happy. Click on it."

"Well, as a brave, you can't be so shabby. You must have other wealth hidden somewhere. I'm waiting for you to explain the funeral. Isn't it common sense to kill the devil and get the spoils? You even have the spoils. I didn't explain anywhere, and the necessary processes weren't completed. How could I just hang up like this. Dude, you don't understand until the first time." Little Will looked like you were an idiot, making Temple amused.

"Boy, you are very good. I appreciate you more and more now, and I believe that you can go on forever. Your shamelessness, your greed, your mechanism, and your shamelessness are all necessary factors for your success. .Boy, if you want my wealth, go get it. I hid it in the sea king’s palace.” There was a trace of joking on Temple’s face: “That’s one of the safest places in the world.”

Little Ville couldn't help but pat his forehead, what you said makes sense, I was speechless, no, there is still something to say.

"Hiding your wealth in someone else's house, you are not afraid that he will embezzle it directly?" Little Will looked at Temple like an idiot, and the latter returned it with the same look.

"As one of the three kings, he is rich in all corners of the world. The wealth that a brave man has accumulated for one or two hundred years is not in his eyes. Boy, don't look at the dragon soaring in the sky with the eyes of a hamster in the field. Will run down to dig a hole to dig up the two or two grains you are going to spend the winter." Temple looked at Little Weir with disdain.

I don’t know what’s going on. I seem to have heard someone say something similar, but a lot of time has passed. The law of the sword has been completely transferred to the world of snow wood, and the powerful power is transmitted to the world of snow wood through my own body. In the end, although less than one percent of the essence was absorbed and transformed by himself, it still brought him a lot of benefits. The benefits of that chain of laws wandering around the body are no less inferior to the previous one. Suddenly realized.

Sure enough, the semi-sacred tool should be used by the semi-god powerhouse. Not to mention the increased ability to steal and deprive them, the most important thing is that the digestion speed has increased by more than a thousand times, and it can already be used continuously.

"Well, do you have any information about the partners around you? Can you reveal a little if it is convenient?" Little Wilm silently absorbs and digests his own gains. Maximizing the benefits is the best. Although you can eat wholeheartedly, you can still eat. It is easy to indigestion. If Temple cooperates, he doesn't mind giving him a day and a half to live, so that he can make the most of his remaining value.

As for leaving the enemy a way of life or something, let it go. If you kill a snake, you will suffer from it. What a fool does not suit Xiao Weier. He is already an adult.

"I was shocked by the level of your shamelessness, but fortunately, it is rare to meet such an interesting little guy. There is no need to leave with him before I die. After I die, he will be flooded, which can cause a little impact on the sea king. It's not a thing to be happy about, although the final result may not change." Temple smiled and took what he had learned one by one.

General Blade, a strong person in the field, known as the invincible melee among generals, and an absolute weapon expert.

The arrow hero, the leader of the night elves family, has a hunting team of pure female night elves, attacking the invincible demigod powerhouses of the same level at medium and long range.

Gale brave, a strong demigod of the mage type, carry a half-step demigod familiar with him, a demigod-level mage who is stronger than defensive, suspects some connection with the king of the earth, walks on the sea for many years, many changes There is his shadow in the turmoil.

Stormy waves brave, Mage demi-god powerhouse, the first running dog in the sea king secretly, on the surface, he is just the leader of the waves murloc clan. He often undertakes bad things that Sea King is inconvenient to do.

Shadow brave, this is a veteran brave. Few people know the origin of it. The suspected night elves have not been confirmed. He has the ability to change his body and appearance. He is the first assassin killer among the brave men.

I don't know for what purpose, Temple briefly introduced the information of General Ice and Snow, Sea Witch, and Flint Warrior and then killed them.

In the first half of his life, Temple was very beautiful, and in the second half of his life, he was very awkward. As a demigod, he had a very accurate understanding of himself. There was a reason for his degeneration, but no matter what the reason was, depravity means depravity. He lost the possibility of moving forward, and the road ahead was cut off after the fall.

The road ahead is cut off, and new people continue to rise in the back. Temple knows that this day is about to come after all. Before this day comes, he is frightened, but everything has become a foregone conclusion, when he is about to usher in his final destiny, he is very calm.

After all, this day has come. I don’t know what my death brought about? This new brave who is stepping on his own superiority, can he break his own destiny, step by step to a new height.

"Thank you for your information, I will let you leave peacefully." Little Will has no feelings for Temple, nor is he too malicious. Eliminating evil and promoting good is not counted, but he will kill the world as much as possible. The demigod powerhouse is his goal to complete the clearance task.

For Little Vil, Temple is only one of the mission goals, and only a small goal. A demigod without a realm is also a demigod, but the value is not high.

The sword pierced the heart to steal power, and at the same time a slight force paralyzed him. On the one hand, it did fulfill his promise to let him leave peacefully, and on the other hand, it also relieved his last trace of resistance, although this trace of power is really insignificant.

The great sword warrior Temple fell, and wisps of light emerged from him and penetrated into Little Vil, and the sound of chains in the soul space followed.

"Is this the benefit of personality? It's really a wonderful world." The chain of the second law of the earth's attributes took shape.

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