The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1095: Tacit understanding and choice

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The battle with Temple lasted for one day and one night. Although the opponent was dragged to death very shamelessly in the end, the gain was even greater. Ville was not only familiar with the use of demigods, but also stole one of Temple's two laws. At the same time, with the help of slaying the brave to obtain the quasi-person, the second chain of laws was condensed and perfected, and the chain of laws that he could use reached as many as seven.

Don’t look at the many chains of laws in Ville’s body. There are seven in total. He is already a small master at the first level of the demigod, and General Billy Blade is not different, but in fact, there are not many chains of laws with the same attributes. , How to put together the use of combination has not been figured out, the power that can be exerted is at most a chain of three laws.

Well, the chain of the three laws of the earth attribute, the two of your own and one of the crystal hearts, can completely form a pseudo-earth domain, where it is your home field, with the strength of your earth attribute mage demigod plus knight demigod , Those brave men really didn't have much influence on them, even facing the general level masters.

As for whether he can defeat the general-level masters, Weir is really not very sure, there is a high probability that he will not lose, after all, he has once confronted demi-god mid-level powerhouses such as hurricane python, lava demon, and demi-lich. Even beheaded them.

You said Linda and Daryl’s assistance? What are the areas of support for both?

These are all negligible, don't you now also have a pseudo-domain, don't you? Although it is far from the realm of the mid-level demigod, it is still a realm. According to Temple’s introduction, a demigod without a realm is a brave, a general with more than three and less than nine, and a general with less than nine and eighteen. The chain of the eighteen rules is king.

Temple doesn’t know the specific information, only the division of strength. This is not a secret at the level of the brave. The real secret is the specific strength of the individual. There are very few secrets between brave men. There is nothing more than a difference between two generals. Relatively conservative, there are still some gaps between three and eight.

As for the Three Kings and Four Kings, perhaps only the Three Kings understand the Four Kings, and the Four Kings are more just speculations about the Three Kings.

Ville arranged a defensive magic circle at random, and then sat up and quietly recovered his strength, digesting the results of the battle, and on the ground in front of him, a line of clear characters was engraved there: tired from a long battle, rest for three days.

Who are these words reserved for?

Of course it was the man behind the scenes who trapped himself here and allowed himself to fight Temple, the Ice and Snow General Rose, who is known as the number one beauty in the world.

Little Ville didn’t doubt the identity of the person behind the scenes, but he really admired the guts of the General Ice and Snow. The Sea King is the king of the sea, the first person on the sea in the true sense, and he has a chain of 18 laws. The high-level demigod master, the gap between General Rose and him is not small at all, two small classes, she actually dared to provoke Sea King, trying to cut off his right arm.

After the incident, Ville has roughly sorted out an outline. The sea king proposed to the ice and snow general Rose. On the one hand, he may really covet the appearance of the No. 1 beauty in the world. On the other hand, he has not missed the foundation of the ice and snow pirate group and the strength of the ice and snow generals. Factors included. The strength of Sea King is indeed very strong, but the strength of his subordinates is still slightly weaker for the three gangs of a hero.

General Blade is just foreign aid and not a subordinate. The Arrow Warriors and Shadow Warriors are similar to mercenaries. One of them is based on the mainland and is active in the sea. The other is erratic and elusive. He can only be indirectly contacted through the assassin's route.

The origins of the violent wind brave are mysterious. On the surface, no one can take refuge in, but his identity is quite suspicious. Only the mad dog Temple and the violent wave brave belonged to the sea king. There is also a brave who has not been guarded by the sea king all year round, but in the end That's it.

There are only three brave men under a king, and there is not even a general. This is too ugly. What's more, there is a duke above the sea, the Coral Duke in the middle of the demigod, and the amount of his use is still in the sea king. On, how can it be forgotten to let Huanwang feel.

This is one of the reasons why Sea King wants to win over General Ice and Snow. His strength is already stable and he is ready to rectify the sea. Dignified Sea King will not attack people at the brave level, so General Ice and Snow Rose has become his. The first goal.

Proposing to General Bingxue, fighting for both wealth and wealth, and then using the strength and connections of himself and General Bingxue to attack Duke Coral, beheading or conquering Duke Coral, thus becoming the true king of the sea. This is the plan of the sea king.

It’s just that the plan is not always as fast as the change. The Aquaman just revealed a little bit of this. The Ice and Snow Pirates immediately began to select the harem for her with great fanfare. The first condition is actually to be a patriarch, clearly not willing to give up his own foundation and become a vassal of others.

Sea King is not a person who gives up easily. If even General Ice and Snow cannot conquer it, then Duke Coral will drop, not to mention, his own prestige will also plummet, because he doesn't know who released the news, making him a little harder to follow. Only then came the farce that disrupted the selection by General Blade, Temple and others.

The Ice and Snow General Rose seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and she also had a foreboding that this selection would not be completed smoothly. She invited her allies, the Flint Warrior and Eleanor, the sea witch, and prepared the final trump cards in advance. The general and others took the initiative to stand up and besiege them.

This treasure is General Bingxue’s biggest trump card. Isn’t it time to be able to trap a general and five brave men? You must know that they are all demigods, and trapping them does not seem to be General Bingxue’s ultimate goal. Actually trying to behead these people, and then Ville and Temple met.

Little Weier estimates that he is not the only battlefield on his side, maybe others are already fighting, but General Ice and Snow probably won’t be able to free his hands for a while. Such a powerful treasure is absolutely expensive to use, just a counterattack from so many demigods. It is not so easy to bear.

Perhaps even General Ice and Snow did not expect that Sea King would exclude so many demigods from coming. There is a general and two brave men in the Ice and Snow Pirates. In General Ice and Snow's view, this kind of battle is not weak anymore. , But Sea King dispatched a general and five brave men, whose strength slightly exceeded the expectations of General Bingxue, making her a little passive.

Just at this time, the inexplicable little Ville became the key to breaking the game. This person with unknown friends and enemies beheaded Temple and helped Rose to relieve the pressure in a disguised form. For such a person, the cautious Rose may not immediately He treated him as his own, but didn't mind using him as a sharp knife.

This person’s friends and enemies are unknown, it’s right, but they can’t stand it. The others are enemies. Isn’t this the best way to disintegrate the enemy with this person? Success is good for oneself, failure is not bad for oneself, how to choose is really not difficult for a pirate group leader.

The Ice and Snow General Rose surveyed the entire army, separating the enemies and constantly changing the layout of the maze so that they could not meet, and at the same time sent the sea witch and the flint brave to attack the hostile brave.

Two-to-one, it can indeed gain the upper hand with the advantage of the geographical advantage, but it is not easy to kill the brave easily. Once the brave is desperate, it might take away two of their masters of the same level. One person can be disabled at the worst, and even both of them are seriously injured, as long as they are willing to work hard.

The Flint Warrior and the Sea Witch jointly wounded the Shadow Warrior, but he also poisoned the Flint Warrior, which almost made him lose his combat effectiveness, and the situation also fell into a stalemate.

At this time, General Bingxue cast his gaze on the strange little Weier, thinking about the origin of this person's identity in his heart.

This person is very strange, but he has the strength of a brave, there is no doubt about it, otherwise it would be impossible to kill Temple.

This person was abducted from the sea by Captain Scarface. He saw the other party’s little white face and was ready to refill the count. His state at the time now seems to be a state of epiphany. This state can be met but not desired, so he I would rather be kidnapped than resist and interrupt this state. Obviously, it is not Epiphany is something no one can say, and even oneself is not willing to use epiphany as bait.

Then his epiphany became a chain of the law of cohesion, and it was directly interrupted by Temple. General Blade stood up for a showdown and launched a maze of ice and fire to trap them all. Then, by mistake, Temple and him Met up.

The result of the meeting was that Temple was killed in action. This was not arranged by General Rose at all. It can only be said that this is a coincidence of fate, and Temple deserves bad luck.

However, the two fighting together immediately attracted the attention of the owner of the Ice and Fire Labyrinth, and maintained the relative independence of the battlefield as much as possible to ensure that they would not be discovered by others until Temple was killed.

The few words left by Little Will on the ground were quietly erased and turned into two words: one day.

Little Will spends most of his energy on cultivation and recovery, but the necessary vigilance is essential. He can directly bypass the Dragon Whisper Magic Array and directly modify the text in front of him. There can be no other people besides the owner of the maze.

One day was too short, two days, Little Will left a line of text casually.

The text changed rapidly and became two words: deal.

Then the text changed again: choose your opponent.

Ville squeezed his chin and thought about it. Who is the easiest opponent to deal with?

The Blade General must be the last one, and it is not necessary to continue with General Ice and Snow's power. Among the remaining people, he is the easiest to deal with, probably the violent wave brave.

Little Weier, who has the ability to control magic power, said that it was a mage nemesis. He had little influence on the demigod before he was promoted to the demigod. Now, you can give it a try.

Thinking of this, Xiao Weier directly engraved his choice, and the text on the ground changed for a while, leaving only one word: OK.

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