The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1100: The fierceness of the gale

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No, the giant rock puppet was crushed, and the enemy was killed by himself. Why does the crystal domain still exist?

The violent wind brave suddenly noticed something wrong, but he noticed it too late. A long sword passed through his chest from behind, and a familiar voice sounded behind him: "Demi-God Power, steal and plunder!"

"You, you, why is it like this?" The Gale Brave almost fell to the ground with a stagger. The strong earth attribute power on the wound made him unable to recover for a while, and what was more deadly was that his chain of laws could not be used.

"Earth attribute powerhouses can stand invincible by stepping on the ground. What do you think is the reason?" Ville's voice was very flat, "Who told you that the giant rock puppet must be manipulated deep inside, not only Only a demigod warrior, but also a demigod mage."

The violent wind brave's face was amazed, and suddenly he covered his face with one hand and laughed wildly: "It's so, hahahaha, it's like this! Sure enough, you can only grab the sweet fruits of victory if you can't stand it. It's too early for me to get out of the mountain. , It’s just a third-order consummated warrior, and a brave-level wizard is still not insured, and a brave who encounters a warrior and a wizard with two demigods is still not enough.

"I lost it, I lost it completely. There is no hope of victory from start to finish." The violent wind brave spouted out blood, his chest was **** but he had no intention of treating him at all. He was a ruthless man, cruel to the enemy, yes. He is equally ruthless.

Accompanied by him for so many years, he has helped him kill many half-step demi-god familiars. If you give up, you will give up. If you say kill, you will kill. It can help him to use the powerful magic weapon of the pseudo domain, just to kill the enemy. People can also give up without hesitation.

He was even more dangerous than Temple and the violent wave brave, even ten times or a hundred times more dangerous. His caution and madness, his cruelty and decisiveness made Little Weir startled in a cold sweat.

The battle lasted for a short period of time, but the process was extremely thrilling. A little carelessness would be an irreversible end. In this case, Ville took advantage of the information asymmetry and finally won.

The sound of the chains sounded like "Hula La", and the Gale Brave was entangled into rice dumplings almost instantaneously, giving him no room to struggle.

"It turns out to be a chain of gods. I didn't expect you to even have this kind of good thing that can bind Tier 5 masters. It seems that you are not an ordinary person. I am not defeated." The gale brave coughed violently and spouted blood. After coming out, the breath on his body did not weaken at all, but his face became paler.

Little Will stomped slightly, a rock thorn pushed him up, and quickly turned into a cross and hung on it.

"Is this to show off? It's not like a person who is good at forbearance should do. You can live for a long time. You can endure until now. You shouldn't understand this truth. Only by muffled can you make a fortune." Kuangfeng With a faint smile on the face of the brave: "Or, do you think you can indulge in this scene without being noticed?"

"Boy, as someone who comes here, I have to remind you, Shendu! Don't think that there are secrets in the world that will not be discovered, and don't think that everything about yourself is unknown, and don't let your guard down even when you are alone. , Danger may appear at any time, just like me back then.” The violent wind brave blood-stained the stone pillar, seemed to fall into a state of talking, and began to tell his own history.

The experience of the violent wind brave is legendary. He was born in a small family with a family heirloom. As a direct descendant, he was frail and sick. He could only nest in the library for self-entertainment every day. His father was his only son, and he almost had no successor. Was pushed down from the seat of the patriarch.

When he was a teenager, a badly injured old man passing by found him. The old man just pointed his father with his fingers, which greatly increased his strength and stabilized the position of the patriarch. Then he accepted him as a disciple and taught him magic and vindictiveness. At this time, the wind brave only knew , Being weak and sick is not really a waste, it is precisely because of his super-spiritual power that makes the body overwhelmed, as long as the spiritual power is controlled by practicing magic, it will be better.

Under the guidance of the old man, his strength improved by leaps and bounds. Not only did he practice the magic that the old man was best at, but he also didn't let go of his fighting spirit, and soon became a rising star in the family.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, there are disputes, this is the case inside the family, and the same is true outside the family.

With the help of the old man, the internal disputes in the family were settled. As the power of the violent hero continued to increase, his vision became higher and higher, and the level of contact also increased. Finally, conflicts and collisions with his peers inevitably occurred. The most important thing is He won, and his peers whose family power was stronger than him, were suppressed, and his family suffered heavy losses due to this.

This incident had a great impact on the Gale Brave. Under the guidance of the old man, he learned to tolerate, learn to keep a low profile, and at the same time, he also learned to attack and assassinate. After he achieved Tier 3, the family was eaten away by him a little bit. The master was finally divided up by many small families, among them was the family where the Gale Brave belonged, and the dude who had been beaten by him also died in his hands.

Gradually, the Gale Brave slowly fell in love with the feeling of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, and at the same time, he was deeply impressed by the old man's saying that the strong was in control of everything, and he continued to improve his strength until he became a demigod.

The old man suddenly showed his true face at this time. He was a heart-eater. His current body was very badly damaged. He was in urgent need of a new body for him to use. After discovering the gale brave, he immediately found that his body fits him very well. , And then had the tireless training, until he broke through the demigod and turned his head and swallowed him.

It’s just that the Heart Eater didn’t expect that the Gale Brave had gone out many times to experience and learned a lot of gossip, especially the saying about personality. One person becomes the throne and one person falls. The personality is fixed. When someone rises, someone falls. The violent wind brave had already thought of his future way before he was promoted: the teacher who was seriously injured shortly after.

The Heart Eater just showed his fangs and rushed to the street. The Gale Brave took action earlier than him. After all, the Heart Eater is only the Heart Eater. The body he occupies is not his own. Some details have not been noticed, and he waited until he thought. It was only when he was about to find out that his body was completely decayed and he couldn't beat his "baby disciple."

After becoming a brave personality, the violent wind brave did not rush forward. Instead, he worked steadily and gradually cultivated his family power. He stayed behind the scenes as a half-hearted magician and family think tank, and even launched several competitors for himself, showing that although the magic is strong, the spirit is not as good as the grudge. The illusion of the other party, but in fact his grudge is also the first in the family.

When the family encounters an unsolvable problem, the violent wind brave will quietly resolve it, disguising it as an accident or other people seeking revenge, the heirs of the small and medium-sized family, the inexhaustible half-hanging family members and the unscrupulous half-god killer secretly. It's all him.

No one doubted him, just because he was so popular that he was attacked by a brave man when he failed to assassinate and had to hide for thousands of miles. When he saw that he was about to lose, he suddenly encountered Shadowless Insect. When he came out to hunt, he broke into the shadowless insect's lair, stole the shadowless insect cubs and lured the shadowless insect couple and the enemy to fight hard, and he took advantage of the fisherman's profit to kill the opponent, and his strength was further improved.

Wu Ying Chong and his wife died in battle, but Little Wu Ying Chong became his demon, raising his own strength in a shocking and unpredictable manner, making the gale brave more confident and unscrupulous in secret.

How can you not wet your shoes when walking by the river? The violent movement in the dark is too big, and finally attracts the strong man he can't fight, the king of the earth!

With just one move, the violent wind brave was seriously injured, and finally his dark hand, who became the king of the earth, was thrown onto the sea, specifically to do something inconvenient for the king of the earth, such as eradicating the things that the king of the earth did not deal with. People and forces, hunt down the fugitives wanted by the Lord of the Earth.

The three kings have their respective spheres of influence, and they all adhere to some rules not to cross the boundary. After the people who have offended the earth king fled to the sea, the earth king has no choice but to let others do the work, and how can this other person compare to himself People, violent wind brave are such own people.

"If I was as careful and cautious as you at the beginning, it would be fine if I didn't take the action easily without the strength of the general." The violent wind brave looked at Xiao Weier, his face full of chagrin: "Although the three kings are strong, they can't ignore the general. The realm is completely two levels. Boy, as the person who defeated and is about to kill me, I hope you can go further. If you can overthrow the Lord of the Earth, it would be even better."

"I have a secret here to tell you, the secret about the king of the voice of the violent wind brave suddenly became low.

Little Ville's face changed slightly. When he was speaking, the absorption and transformation was completed. The reusable sword instantly smashed and fell on the heart of the violent wind brave. "Demi-god power, steal and plunder!" The chain of the second law of violent wind steals. success.

"Although I really want to know this secret, it seems that time is no longer allowed. Go with peace of mind. I will take your glory to go further." A faint smile appeared on Xiaoweier's face: "Thank you very much. Advise, I will continue to be careful to hide myself. I will clean up all the blood you leave and leave no trace. Everything about you will be destroyed. So, you can go with peace of mind!"

The violent wind brave's eyes widened, spewing out hatred and anger, "You..."

Ville smiled slightly: "I forgot to tell you. I have a talent called Magic Control. I have a strong sense of magic for various attributes. The blood imprints you leave behind, the hidden information in my eyes seems to be in the dark. Firefly, there is no secret at all. Want to pass my information to the Lord of the Earth? You think too much, as an anonymous brave who can survive, any trace left by himself and the enemy is deadly, I, Very cautious!"

The violent wind brave bleeds from the seven orifices, died, and was stunned by Little Will before he died of anger.

Under the influence of personality, Ville successfully condensed the chain of the second law of storm, and at the same time, the seedling roots of the tree of life quietly moved out to wipe away the traces left by him.

The Lord of the Earth is not something that he can contend with. Before he truly possesses the strength to fight against the Three Kings, he should be stubborn and not ashamed.

Moreover, it is better to be ashamed than to lose one's life. He has learned the fierceness of the violent wind brave, and he must not leave any clues, the king of the earth, really needs to be careful.

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