"The Troubles of the Young Wizard ( Find the latest chapter!

Suddenly the surrounding scenery began to vibrate, and an inexplicable voice told him that the ice and fire maze was about to end.

I'll go, one day hasn't arrived yet, right

Was pitted!

Ville reacted almost instantaneously. He did not retract the Crystal Heart at the last moment. Instead, he shrank the Crystal Heart to ten meters in diameter. He forcibly strengthened the crystal domain to the limit he could currently do. The purpose was obvious, to prevent General Bingxue from crossing the river and breaking the bridge.

His careful thinking can be said to be open and honest. As long as General Bingxue is not an idiot, he can understand his intentions. Before the two parties were a cooperative relationship, Ville willingly killed the three brave men with a sharp blade in each other's hands, but the cooperation ended. , Whether to beware or to beware, this is his instinct, and it is also the response that most people should have.

It's just that General Bingxue didn't seem to let him off, trying to squeeze out all his surplus value, directly exposing him to everyone.

The Ice and Fire Labyrinth ended unexpectedly. The place where Little Ville appeared was actually in the main hall of the Ice and Snow Pirate Group. The ten-meter-diameter crystal heart and the crystal domain based on it had not even had time to be removed.

After countless years of rapid rotation, a head quietly appeared in Xiaoweier's hand. The neat clothes on his body was replaced by a messy and scarred armor. His head swayed, and his hair became messy. The aura on his body also appeared ups and downs, and his face was full of grudge Silks of sweat appeared along with the mud, and in a blink of an eye, a young master Pian Pian turned into a warrior who had returned from the battlefield.

Several sharp gazes were cast, the blade general, the arrow brave, and the shadow brave at the same time carefully watch out, they will not mistake the breath of the domain.

The Crystal Heart quickly contracted and was taken into the bag by Ville. The whole person walked out slowly with a slightly flirty footsteps. Above the hall, the Flint Warrior, Eleanor the Sea Witch, and a long silver hair fluttering, a gorgeous snow-white suit. Under the armor, the beautiful woman who is still outstanding stands proudly.

The silver-haired beauty is as white as snow, with exquisite features, and her eyes are as bright as sapphires. They are fascinating and inextricably fascinating. The whole person is like a crystal rose carved by ice. This is the number one beauty in the four seas, the pearl of the sea. wire.

"Great Sword Temple?!" The arrow of the hero fell on the head in Little Will's hand, and it was the head of the mad dog Temple.

Ville left his head in the center of the main hall casually, and his gaze fell on the ice and snow general Rose: "Fortunately, I am not insulting my life. I have killed the first level of rude people who uttered rants to offend the general."

Little Ville didn't say much, the tattered armor on his body, with a slightly messy aura, the Crystal Heart and Crystal Domain that had just been put away, and many things gave feedback a lot of information from the side.

A faint arc appeared at the corner of General Ice and Snow's mouth. Although it was only a smile, it gave people a feeling of melting and blooming flowers, but Ville knew very well that this was not a happy smile, but a joking smile. She played. Together with Ville, Ville reacted instantly and made a series of disguise. This time, Rose had the upper hand.

"You are very good." Rose's voice is crisp and sweet, as if a clear spring penetrated into the heart, but with a hint of refreshing feeling, it can make people feel refreshed without using extraordinary power.

Rose's gaze swept away, passing from the Blade General, the Arrow Warrior, and the Shadow Warrior, "Everyone has come to the Ice and Fire Island and witnessed the draft of this general. This general is deeply honored. After a strict screening, the final candidate has appeared. Yes. You must have no doubts about this candidate, do you?"

Sea Witch Eleanor smiled softly and said, "Although I have confidence in my baby brother Pooh, there are not many Tier 3 masters who are fifty years old, but in front of this brave under fifty, my stupid brother I really can’t get a shot. This time I surrender on behalf of Pooh. Only such a person is worthy of the No. 1 beauty in the world. I am very optimistic about you."

The head of the Greatsword Temple is at your feet, and the whereabouts of the gale brave and the storm brave are unknown. Whether they have been beheaded or sent to an unknown place, the opponent's strength on the scene temporarily prevails. It seems that the task is It can't be done.

General Shenjian leaned slightly, "This brave will win the election. I don't think anyone will oppose it. I don't know the two deputy elections. The one under me..."

Sea Witch Eleanor couldn't help but sneered: "Personally, I think that a brave who can use the domain can barely be worthy of Sister Rose. His future achievements may not be able to go further, and the gap between them is very small. At that time, was it ridiculous to talk about the election of the president and vice-president? Or, do you think that your subordinate is only slightly inferior to him?"

"If you really have confidence in your subordinate, you might as well let them compare. Don't ask him to beat the palace, at least it is good to be able to support it for a while." Sea Witch Eleanor's smile is very bright, as An ally of General Bingxue, she was fortunate to watch the whole process of Xiao Wei's killing the violent wave brave and the violent wind brave remotely. She was really optimistic about this person and tried her best to turn him into her own.

The identity of a general’s husband-in-law is nothing more than. If he can win over such a master who killed three brave men in a row, it’s definitely a good deal. Anyway, he’s not the one who sacrificed himself. Well, if he sees himself, in fact, he can barely accept it. People are really good.

There is just one problem. He can kill the mad dog Temple, the violent wave brave, and the violent wind brave. His own strength is still higher than himself. Such a person really can't help himself. It is better to hand it to the stronger Rose. , At least her general-level strength is not enough to let this brave man do whatever he wants.

The Blade General immediately interrupted the action of the God Arrow Warrior who wanted to continue to entangle, and directly ignored Xiao Weier, his eyes fell on Rose's face like lightning, "Rose, are you really determined to be the enemy of Neptune? The sea? The king of Shanghai is respected, no one is his opponent, I can't, you can't, nor can the Coral Duke."

Ice and Snow General Rose’s jewel-like eyes flickered slightly, and her voice was still cold: "I have no intention of being an enemy of anyone, but I don’t want to be anyone’s vassal. My destiny is in my own hands, that’s all. Shanghai of the Four Seas Wang Weizun, the Ice and Snow Pirate Group is willing to abide by Master Aquaman’s rules, and I also ask Master Aquaman to respect my general’s will."

General Sharp-Blade took a deep look at her, confirmed the look in her eyes, and nodded slightly after knowing that she would not be easily shaken, and said, "Since you have already decided, I respect your choice, but Master Haiwang's face still needs to be taken care of. Killing Master Aquaman's running dog, I will take him to a business relationship, and I hope you will not stop it."

"He is the winner of this draft." General Rose of Ice and Snow didn't say much, just pointed out this point, and turned her gaze to Ville, waiting for his answer.

Ville covered his mouth with his left hand, haha, raised the long sword in his right hand and suddenly cut it out. A crack in space appeared out of nowhere, and walked in with everyone's surprised eyes: "I killed the man, I want to get it back. Face, then try to find me, next time I will be stronger."

As soon as the voice fell, the whole person disappeared through the space crack, and General Bingxue and General Sharp could not react.

In front of two generals and four brave men, did you just leave?

And left awe-inspiringly?

On the surface, this man took away the guilt of beheading the running dog of Sea King, took away the hatred of Sea King and left, as if he was unwilling to cause trouble for General Bingxue, and looked like a silly person, but whether General Bingxue Rose or Sea Witch Eleanor and Firestone Brave knew clearly ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ this **** just ran away, he was not theirs from beginning to end.

Acting? Not only you will, I will too.

A touch of moved and determined expression appeared on General Ice and Snow's face: "Best, make an announcement that my general's husband-in-law is him, and he can represent my will outside."

Sea Witch Eleanor and Flint Warrior looked at each other. At the same time, they silently mourned the escaped little guy for three seconds. It is true that we looked at the grown-up General Bingxue with white faces and black belly. This is killing that little guy. Use it here.

The blade generals, the arrow heroes, and the shadow heroes do not have any understanding, "Rose, this identity can't keep him. The face of Lord Neptune is very important. In the end, Temple's death requires a plausible result. The identity of the general's husband-in-law cannot stop Lord Neptune. wanted."

Ice and Snow General Rose took a deep look at General Blade, and said faintly: "He doesn't need my shelter to live well. The wanted order from Master Aquaman will only make him stronger. I just released this news to tell He, I have been here, waiting for him to come back."

"You go back, I won't say anything about him, I won't reveal anything, and the Ice and Snow Pirates will not betray their people."

Eleanor, the sea witch, praised Rose in her heart, and gave Little Will a five-second silence. Boy, what if she ran away? Now the whole sea knows that you are the member of the Ice and Snow Pirate Group, and you can't deny it.

But one thing she is very puzzled, why at the last minute, he would rather take out Temple's head than show the body of the violent hero, is there any secret in this that she doesn't know?

Temple is the running dog of Master Aquaman. There are millions of murlocs behind the violent waves. So who is behind the violent murloc who made that guy work hard to keep secret?

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